Big ceeb. Somali slaves fighting

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Loooooooooool @Canuck is soo funny.

This is family tree of their tribe and how saylah from name city of saylac


Nope but about opposite migration of saylah to Yemen and Saudi ( opposite migration from Africa to ME

Theirs not doubt Somalis emigrated to Yemen and other Arab countries. I know for a fact when i went to Oman I met a lot of people of Somali decent who became Omanis. Many have lived their for 200 years. Also I was reading an extract from British colonial Aden, that Somalis were second only to the locals.

โ€œThe Somali wanders afar. You will find him working as deck hand, fireman, or steward, on all the great liners trading to the East. I know of a Somali tobacconist in Cardiff, a Somali mechanic in New York, and a Somali trader in Bombay, the latter of whom speaks French, English, and Italian fluentlyโ€ .(Rayne, 1921, 6).
There are 2000-3000 soilders in Yemen,SA trained them and sent them there,i have seen videos ,where would you find cheaper muslim soilders than somalia.
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