Big risk for Somali girls being shipped to Saudi Hellrabia

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Saudi employers tricked thousands of Indian women to overstay their visa to save money, they also don't pay them and they abuse them. Once they overstay their visa, they will put them in jail and then sell them as a slaves for £2,000 to £4, 000.

Indian women are being sold “like products” for just £4000 in Saudia Arabia and £2000 in Bahrain, according to India’s welfare minister.

Palle Raghunatha Reddy claimed that women from the southern Andhra Pradesh region of India are being held in horrific conditions in Gulf state jails after fleeing their husbands and employers.

In a letter to India’s foreign minister, Reddy appealed to the national government to protect women from overseas recruitment agents who sell them on as if they came from a “retail shop” after luring them from their homeland on the promise of triple pay.

Female migrants in Saudi are tricked into overstaying their visas and jailed on petty offences while their cases are heard before being sold to the highest bidder, the minister alleged.

Experts estimate that over twenty thousand Indian women have been detained in poor conditions having travelled from Andhra and neighbouring state Telangana.

There have been complaints of physical abuse, mistreatment, non-payment of salary and denial of fundamental human rights.

Reddy confirmed that more than 25 women currently in Gulf jails have sought help from the Andhra Pradesh state government in the past few months.

He added: “Necessary steps should be initiated to bring them to their native areas safely by providing free travel and necessary visa documents at the earliest possible opportunity.
"Instructions should be issued to Indian embassy officials in Gulf countries to interfere in the matter and provide necessary help in terms of food, clothing and shelter."

In response the Indian government confirmed it would send ministers to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. next month to investigate the conditions migrants are being held in.

An official from Andhra Pradesh meanwhile said the state authority is in the process of appointing lawyers to provide legal aid to Indian prisoners in the Gulf region.

The Independent has contacted Amnesty International for comment


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
He didn't even organised it, MPs and diplomats did and he signed it off as salary for them. He's a pimp.
It's a shame how much Politicians setting back the country Probably 90% of everyone who wants to get into Politics is for the paycheck
Can you imagine 50 thousand per year will go there, in ten years that will be 500 thousand Somali slaves in Arabta shaqo wa sharaf my foot they wont be paid and will be abused, there is a huge back lash and Scandal on its way in the coming years, and keep in mind Somalis are not the quiet type of people they wont be silenced no matter what Somalida are a cursed nation :meleshame:


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
I can't even imagine what those Indian women went through and to think that our girls will be send off there:jcoleno: :eminemdamn:
and to make matters worse atleast the indian Government no matter how small powered they are they speak up for their people, who is going to speak up for these tens of thousands of Somalis ? i reiterate Somalida are a cursed nation :meleshame:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I can't even imagine what those Indian women went through and to think that our girls will be send off there:jcoleno: :eminemdamn:
They wont treat them as humans that for sure



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Look up "runaway maid laws", where you're arrested for providing shelter to runaway maids


It's the 21st century fugitive slave act


Our "brothers"



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I still don't get how they justify female maids in the presence of non mahram men....unless they're considered slaves


I can't wait for Saudi Arabia's oil reserves to run out or an invention to arrive making crude oil obsolete. Gulf countries would turn into Syria and Yemen in a split second.
Wew just you wait

they'll be getting their fair share of lashing and rapes while Culusow and the gang cashing in on their misery truly a dark passage in Somali history
I can't wait for Saudi Arabia's oil reserves to run out or an invention to arrive making crude oil obsolete. Gulf countries would turn into Syria and Yemen in a split second.

I don't like people with your mindset, you generalize a hole nation on a few. No one is forcing these women to go Saudi, they could refuse the invitation due to the treatments others went through.
I don't like people with your mindset, you generalize a hole nation on a few. No one is forcing these women to go Saudi, they could refuse the invitation due to the treatments others went through.
Cabidos syndrome blaming the victims as usual. Carab aya ku nagasatay mia :camby:
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