Big risk for Somali girls being shipped to Saudi Hellrabia

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It's kinda hypocritical that Saudi arabia a country known to restrict the movement of it's female population because of Shariah , wants to import thousands of Somali Muslim women without mahram. Is there some sort of double standard when it comes to the diin ? , isn't Allah's law universal for every Muslim ? or does it only apply to the noble Arabs ?. What pisses me off also is the silence from our Salafi wadaads who in every lecture scream about alaabta dumarka but when it comes to their salafi Arab brothers getting some they conveniently remain silent.

Somali sharafta , xishoodka iyo damiirkaba waa ka tageen. :snoop:

The older generation lost it completely but the youth are very much against this which gives me hope.
The older generation lost it completely but the youth are very much against this which gives me hope.
Sxb i think we should write a letter to every big and small wadaad and pressure them to speak up about this issue and to look up what the shariah says about it (use the Arabs favorite weapon against him). It is not my preferred route but unfortunately a lot of our ppl in the west and back home respect and look up to these wadaads , so it might lend weight to the seriousness of this issue and help us put an end to this , and it also might redeem our cowardly ulema. What do you guys think ?.


Where can we find their details? Will it better to write an open letter to them and give it to Somali journalists to cover?
Sxb i think we should write a letter to every big and small wadaad and pressure them to speak up about this issue and to look up what the shariah says about it (use the Arabs favorite weapon against him). It is not my preferred route but unfortunately a lot of our ppl in the west and back home respect and look up to these wadaads , so it might lend weight to the seriousness of this issue and help us put an end to this , and it also might redeem our cowardly ulema. What do you guys think ?.
Excellent suggestion. It would definitely have a huge impact.
Where can we find their details? Will it better to write an open letter to them and give it to Somali journalists to cover?
Yes , if Somali journalists are willing to help us it's ok , if not a lot of sheikhs use Social media and we can send it to them through there. we can also do both simultaneously.


My Somali isn't that good , my English is average. If anybody else is willing to undertake the task that would be a huge help. also i think we should create new thread for this topic.

If you do the religious research you seem to me like you know the sources (no mahram on the journey, living in a house with non mahram men, wearing revealing uniforms, not having time for cibadah, not having time to marry and have children, being at risk of sexual advances without defense, transaction was made by the government is it legal ) and get wording right in English I can proof read the English one and get the Somali draft ready an we can edit it all here.


I wouldnt be suprised IF this was part of the 50 million dollar deal

Hassan is also getting close with Egyptian scholars who are also extremists but with a smile like him. His religious beliefs are in line with Al Shabaab's core beliefs. He did the Iran thing for free,the $50 million Allah knows it might have been leaked when Iran thing happened but was actually for the brokering of the girls.
QUOTE="Hubble, post: 209424, member: 564"]Hassan is also getting close with Egyptian scholars who are also extremists but with a smile like him. His religious beliefs are in line with Al Shabaab's core beliefs. He did the Iran thing for free,the $50 million Allah knows it might have been leaked when Iran thing happened but was actually for the brokering of the girls.[/QUOTE]

Apparently 30 million went to drought victims, and 20 million in investments.
No Egyptain government was fighting the terrorism for past 40 years. Trust me on that they out throw the Muslim brotherhood and burnt live.
OK sxb i will put my research cap on and get my thesaurus out lol it's going to be a long week. ill get back to you when i'm done , in the mean time could you make a thread announcing our intentions and ask other forumers for some input and suggestions. mahadsanid.
  1. QUOTE="Hubble, post: 209424, member: 564"]Hassan is also getting close with Egyptian scholars who are also extremists but with a smile like him. His religious beliefs are in line with Al Shabaab's core beliefs. He did the Iran thing for free,the $50 million Allah knows it might have been leaked when Iran thing happened but was actually for the brokering of the girls.

    Apparently 30 million went to drought victims, and 20 million in investments.[/QUOTE]

    What is the story of 20,000 Kenyan coming to Somalia


QUOTE="Hubble, post: 209424, member: 564"]Hassan is also getting close with Egyptian scholars who are also extremists but with a smile like him. His religious beliefs are in line with Al Shabaab's core beliefs. He did the Iran thing for free,the $50 million Allah knows it might have been leaked when Iran thing happened but was actually for the brokering of the girls.

Apparently 30 million went to drought victims, and 20 million in investments.[/QUOTE]

But only $1 million reached them, Allah knows if it was actually that much on the ground. What investment was the $20 million? Why is Hassan just dealing the country. He must be gaajo and his cabinet are gaajo. No shame as we know.
Apparently 30 million went to drought victims, and 20 million in investments.

But only $1 million reached them, Allah knows if it was actually that much on the ground. What investment was the $20 million? Why is Hassan just dealing the country. He must be gaajo and his cabinet are gaajo. No shame as we know.[/QUOTE]

The 20 million like you said could be for the workers.
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