Big risk for Somali girls being shipped to Saudi Hellrabia

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I don't like people with your mindset, you generalize a hole nation on a few. No one is forcing these women to go Saudi, they could refuse the invitation due to the treatments others went through.
Beggars are not choosers, those girls are running from Amisom alShabaab IDP refugees camps, what choice they have? Drought provety rape or take your chance in Saudi. Somalis men let down their women. Hope new government to reverse this decision.
I'm against it totally (modern day slavery), but use your brain, these women / men know where they are going and the risks involved, so why go?
So now we are blaming their desperate situation and poor background for making such decisions? Poor ppl don't have the luxury of choosing
Oromo should be sent too make money out of them
In that case they will be going as Somalis ID and will ruin our reputation. You know Saudi throw away all these Ethiopians (killing kids, prostitutions ,killing employers)
So now we are blaming their desperate situation and poor background for making such decisions? Poor ppl don't have the luxury of choosing

No one is blaming their desperate situation, but if you want a 50/50 token with your life then go work in a dangerous environment.


I still don't get how they justify female maids in the presence of non mahram men....unless they're considered slaves
They don't see them as women

You guys have to remember that Saudi is where Takfirism was concocted to make life easier for them. They saw the Suufis, the graves of our ancestors, our hatred of Al Shabaab, our cultural dances in public, even clapping hands is against Wahabbism and so they decided that we're not Muslim so our sisters are slaves to them and they treat them like slaves.


Wahhabi? You use Qabil to separate Somali's, and know you are using the term Wahhabi to separate Muslims. Disgraceful

No I don't use qabiil to separate Somalis:holeup:

You will literally do back flips for Saudis raping women, even images of suicide and burns burns victims move you one bit:francis: p.s Abdalwahhaab is their religious leader.:hahaidiot:
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No I don't use qabiil to separate Somalis:holeup:

You will literally do back flips for Saudis raping women, even images of suicide and burns burns victims move you one bit:francis: p.s Abdalwahhaab is their religious leader.:hahaidiot:

Like I said before, I'm against this 'exporting' 50,000 Somali people to Saudi Arabia and 'importing' 20,000 Kenyans.


Like I said before, I'm against this 'exporting' 50,000 Somali people to Saudi Arabia and 'importing' 20,000 Kenyans.

I agree. We're exporting half a million though. Those Kenyans will buy land in Somalia and settle knowing our luck.
It's kinda hypocritical that Saudi arabia a country known to restrict the movement of it's female population because of Shariah , wants to import thousands of Somali Muslim women without mahram. Is there some sort of double standard when it comes to the diin ? , isn't Allah's law universal for every Muslim ? or does it only apply to the noble Arabs ?. What pisses me off also is the silence from our Salafi wadaads who in every lecture scream about alaabta dumarka but when it comes to their salafi Arab brothers getting some they conveniently remain silent.

Somali sharafta , xishoodka iyo damiirkaba waa ka tageen. :snoop:
Could you imagine the outrage of Arabs if Somalis started importing their females in the thousands ? every Arab mufti would come up with a thousands fatwas and a thousands khutbahs against the importation of their females , they would probably takfir us and declare jihad on Somalia lol. Our wahabi wadaads are spineless slaves , nothing but a fifth column within us , they will do anything that benefits Arabs at the cost of Somalis. I use to think it was a conspiracy when people would say wahabism is an Arab tool to impose control over peoples and cultures , but now it is all too apparent , you can't even deny it anymore.
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