Black Canadians standing up against negative effects of mass Punjabi Sikh immigration into Canada: Share Black stories, thoughts, links, traumas, etc


Staff Member
Lots of Bramladesh content today (nothing against Bengalis who probably are not rolling deep there anyway). Here's a Black man who refused to take the abuse and is standing up for himself.

Lol Wallahi I actually know that Nigga who recorded :russ:

No classicism but lowkey this is funny.


Staff Member

I have been doing the same. It's mostly Hindu Indians (among the Indians) that apply in my field though, not Sikh Indians. I don't care if they are the most qualified either. Indian-free zone.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Good god I hate these Indian security guards staring at me like I’m about to steal something almost wanted to punch one out today Wallahi


Staff Member
Good god I hate these Indian security guards staring at me like I’m about to steal something almost wanted to punch one out today Wallahi

Tell them you'll report them to the government for racism when they do it again and that their student or work visa will be at risk. They're stupid and they will believe it. When they eventually have to leave the country, they'll blame you even though they had to leave anyway.


Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Tell them you'll report them to the government for racism when they do it again and that they're student or work visa will be at risk. They're stupid and they will believe it. When they eventually have to leave the country, they'll blame you even though they had to leave anyway.

My friend recently almost got hit by some Indian driver at a parking lot. These Indians all got out of the car and cried to him to not report since the driver didn’t have insurance. :russ:
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