Black girl shuts down BLM loving halimos

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Your superior
By some troll who prolly drags every ethnic group through the mud on his other accs?

Why should we care what scrubs like that think or post?

we should defend ourselves. I don't care if they are a troll or a normal negriod but we should defend ourselves


. . .
By some troll who prolly drags every ethnic group through the mud on his other accs?

Why should we care what scrubs like that think or post?
I would drag her by her fuckin dollar store frontlace wig if she said that to my face. I don't care if she's trolling. Im petty AF lol


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Wallahi that's a forty year old balding cadaan man named Gilbert.

You can kick the shit out of him, Seoul, and I even encourage you do, but let's do it from a place of clarity.


"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
the first part of what she said is some real shit tho. ppl tryna piggyback off 400 years of struggle just to look good on twitter :ohlord:

But we are black though, No? :lol:

And ain't nobody trying to use 400yrs of slavery as some sort of soup du jour bargaining chip, rather, the social injustices that AAs face today is prevalent in almost all the ethnic coloured minority groups. We just get less lead and incarceration.


Sad but I hope it is a lesson to lovers

That is why Somali girls should not get too comfortable with the AA community and
should keep their distance otherwise they will be racially abused like white girls who
beg for acceptance by real AA women.


Your superior
That is why Somali girls should not get too comfortable with the AA community and
should keep their distance otherwise they will be racially abused like white girls who
beg for acceptance by real AA women.
definitely. Nothing is to be gained from those people and their culture other then being a baby hooyo, getting shot by the police etc
I can not see the pic
something tells me the person that wrote that was had somalispot vibes going out of it. also why is this white speaking for africans? walahi these cave beasts want to start claiming BLM too lmao


Cultural revolution
:gladbron: She went in

The last part insulting Somali features aside. I agree with her 100%.

Black worshipping Xalimos deserve this:ehh:


something tells me the person that wrote that was had somalispot vibes going out of it. also why is this white speaking for africans? walahi these cave beasts want to start claiming BLM too lmao
White started blm and its funded by jews. But the negro girl was right about one thing. Somali girls or people in general need to stop claiming this struggle or being black when they are not part of it
White started blm and its funded by jews. But the negro girl was right about one thing. Somali girls or people in general need to stop claiming this struggle or being black when they are not part of it
"black" doesn't exist outside of white countries. we all simply call ourselves africans and not label ourselves by a label put on us by whites. with that said i can't blame the somalis in america for calling themselves black because it was put on the from birth.


"black" doesn't exist outside of white countries. we all simply call ourselves africans and not label ourselves by a label put on us by whites. with that said i can't blame the somalis in america for calling themselves black because it was put on the from birth.
Thats not true. Somalis in america have a ethnicity tag and its called being somali, however if they want to ditch this by being associated with people who have no idea about where they came from and want to be called black thats on them. I dont call myself african either, its a term as you said put on you by outsiders. My ancestors called themselves somalis and thats how I identify myself.
Thats not true. Somalis in america have a ethnicity tag and its called being somali, however if they want to ditch this by being associated with people who have no idea about where they came from and want to be called black thats on them. I dont call myself african either, its a term as you said put on you by outsiders. My ancestors called themselves somalis and thats how I identify myself.
africa is the continent you come from, its not a label its fact. somalia isn't in asia or europe. you can say horner if it makes you feel better though. somali is an ethnicity so it makes sense to call yourself that first. I've seen plenty of americans refer to themselves as black...didnt see that anywhere as in the world as much as america so i assumed the identity crises was serious there


africa is the continent you come from, its not a label its fact. somalia isn't in asia or europe. you can say horner if it makes you feel better though. somali is an ethnicity so it makes sense to call yourself that first. I've seen plenty of americans refer to themselves as black...didnt see that anywhere as in the world as much as america so i assumed the identity crises was serious there
Africa is just name of a continent. This particular name is not something I identify with so I dont call myself african but im from this continent or the horn of it. The identity crisis is deep in the states because they dont know where they are from so they have accepted different identifies. Some accepted what whites created for them and some created or "stole" a history, like the hotep movement. To have something to be proud of. Its diffcult to be proud if you dont know ur own history.
Africa is just name of a continent. This particular name is not something I identify with so I dont call myself african but im from this continent or the horn of it. The identity crisis is deep in the states because they dont know where they are from so they have accepted different identifies. Some accepted what whites created for them and some created or "stole" a history, like the hotep movement. To have something to be proud of. Its diffcult to be proud if you dont know ur own history.
hotep somalis annoy me because they know good and damn well where they come from so they can't claim the history of other nations like hoteps often do. BLM sorta affects us in places like canada so i get that but everything else american somalis online do and all the black empowerment movements they piggy back on is stupid. when did we adopt the victimhood mentality. you never see other africans doing that


hotep somalis annoy me because they know good and damn well where they come from so they can't claim the history of other nations like hoteps often do. BLM sorta affects us in places like canada so i get that but everything else american somalis online do and all the black empowerment movements they piggy back on is stupid. when did we adopt the victimhood mentality. you never see other africans doing that
Pretty much and its psychological trap to view oneself as victim.Its how whites have been able to put black people down in america this long, They are convinced that they are eternal victims
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