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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
BLACK Africans

Basically from Reiko's perspective (and a lot of Somalis tbh) is that Black is for the descendants of slaves and not the Africans with their ethnicity, language, and culture in tact.

Which is fair especially if you live in America.
Speak for yourself, I don't identify with a color.


So do you put "other" on forms?

Basically from Reiko's perspective (and a lot of Somalis tbh) is that Black is for the descendants of slaves and not the Africans with their ethnicity, language, and culture in tact.

Which is fair especially if you live in America.

So they don't want to be in the same group as African Americans that they're denouncing their skin colour, how sad, ain't nothing wrong with being a descendant of a slave, not like you chose your fate.


I dont like to use this eurocentric term to identify myself. I know where I came from and I consider myself somali. Not black,white or brown.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Well... Skin colour is about the only thing we share with AAs tbh, ebi.

And they kind of high jacked the term and homogenized it to their own circumstances from a worldwide perspective. Sure you have individual nuances (like my country).

Now Somalis that typecast other Africans with the label are a problem. But they're not really a majority. I find Somalis that despise the tag tend to see other Africans as their own ethnic groups outside the frame work of race.

Remember they built race on the idea of physiology and then found out later some Africans have very little in common genetically (like kohsian south Africans).

If black merely meant of African descent we'd be aight, but that's not the original connotation. I doubt I'd consider myself black if I lived in America. That place seems to be a death trap for ethnicities.
BLM only has substance in the black American community, where the judicial system is more tougher on black people, in addition to that black Americans are much less privileged. We have uk niggas shouting black lives matter, when we are treated so well. Its disgusting
Are you sure about that.
did you know?
Since 1990 more than 1500 people have died in police custody in the U.k. Sarah Reed and Sheku Bayo are just two examples. their making a documentary film 1500 And Counting.


I got boomer connections
I don't get why some want to force this alien term upon others who could careless about this bull term, you want to be Black go ahead & join the madows. :drakelaugh:
Well... Skin colour is about the only thing we share with AAs tbh, ebi.

And they kind of high jacked the term and homogenized it to their own circumstances from a worldwide perspective. Sure you have individual nuances (like my country).

Now Somalis that typecast other Africans with the label are a problem. But they're not really a majority. I find Somalis that despise the tag tend to see other Africans as their own ethnic groups outside the frame work of race.

Remember they built race on the idea of physiology and then found out later some Africans have very little in common genetically (like kohsian south Africans).

If black merely meant of African descent we'd be aight, but that's not the original connotation. I doubt I'd consider myself black if I lived in America. That place seems to be a death trap for ethnicities.

Race and skin colour are different things though, I think you're getting the two confused.
Skin colour is literally the colour of your skin whereas race is a bit more complex..Ancestry and all.
I mean that is just what black means, of African descent.


Accomplished Saaxir
Are you sure about that.
did you know?
Since 1990 more than 1500 people have died in police custody in the U.k. Sarah Reed and Sheku Bayo are just two examples. their making a documentary film 1500 And Counting.

I just did some fact checking on the figures you made and since 1990, there have been 146 black deaths in police custody.
I just did some fact checking on the figures you made and since 1990, there have been 146 black deaths in police custody.

A report by INQUEST, published on 22nd October 2015 revealed that since 1990, there have been at least 1532 deaths in police custody, or following police contact, in the UK. Of this number, more than 500 victims came from black and ethnic minority backgrounds, despite people from minority backgrounds making up only 14% of the UK population. In the last 24 years, no officer has been punished for these deaths.
i gave you my links could you please give me your links to were you got your information


Accomplished Saaxir

A report by INQUEST, published on 22nd October 2015 revealed that since 1990, there have been at least 1532 deaths in police custody, or following police contact, in the UK. Of this number, more than 500 victims came from black and ethnic minority backgrounds, despite people from minority backgrounds making up only 14% of the UK population. In the last 24 years, no officer has been punished for these deaths.
i gave you my links could you please give me your links to were you got your information

Scroll down to last section for the overview.

Funnily enough you haven't sent me a link to the original source which makes the claim of 500 BAME deaths.


Not your typical Farah
I disagree mostly with BLM and I live in United States. According to my knowledge, the movement started with the Michael Brown shooting. At that moment, I was okay with the movement as the investigation and third party autopsy wasn't done. Then, after the third party autopsy proofed that Michael didn't have his hands up or was not facing officer Wilson and that DNA was proven on officer Wilson's gun and thigh, the movement should've accepted the evidence and moved on.

Then, after the movement started marching through streets, blocking traffic and saying anti-white stuff, I personally lost all respect for them.

Then, after reading their site - seeing their demands and all the stuff that they were saying without having any evidence(sources) for their claims, I didn't take them serious still. Just go on their site and please proof to me all the shit they're saying.

  • Is Black poverty and genocide is state violence?
  • Is 2.8 million Black people are locked in cages in this country is state violence?
  • Is Black women bearing the burden of a relentless assault on our children and our families is state violence?
  • Do white-Americans of today owe Black people repatriations?
I just find this whole movement intellectually retard honestly and that's my opinion on it.

End of the day, this whole movement will give more momentum to far-right ant white nationalist groups. The only people I noticed that support this group are usually most black folks who seem to have victim-hood complex and social justice warriors who are usually indoctrinated by their white-guilt parents or college professors, usually in the Humanities courses.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
the movement suffers from what occupy wallstreet suffered from

no direct leadership

no clear goals
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