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???/ Is there something wrong with African Americans that you don't want to be in the same group as them?[\QUOTE]
I mean that is just what black means, of African descent.


Think about where the term 'black' originated from?

If you live in Africa and everyone around you is dark skin, brown skin, light skin etc. with varying hair textures and appearances, if you were to describe someone why would you call them 'black'? You would identify them by their tribe/clan/village etc.

The term 'black' only exists in the mouth of an outsider who came in. Nobody used to call themselves 'white' either - they would describe themselves by region e.g. spaniard, celt etc. this term can only exist when there is something else to contrast it with.

The term 'black' is used by those who had no care for the diversity that existed in Africa and African cultures - to them we were all one and the same. I find the term derogatory and I think African Americans should refer to themselves as Africans, not black. When you call yourself 'black' you divorce yourself of your heritage and history. The only history 'black' has is one of oppression and struggle - but the 'African' has a history he can be proud of.
Well said and I agree 100%. This is the reason why I dont identify as black. You dont see chinese people identifiying themselves as yellow because thats how racist europeans view them. For example this argument that we are black because thats how the cop view us is very cringeworthy. You are basically saying that their opinions of you are more worth than your own about yourself.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Africa has at least 6 distinctive races, Niger-Congo people, Nilotes, Cushites, Khoisans, Pygmies, and Caucasoids.

Yes, it does make sense but it's unfortunate that you're choosing to be so blind to it.
If you don't understand, tell me which part so I can break it down to you.


It was your statement word for word just switched out AA for Asian. Both are equally relevant to me as a Somali

Are Somalis and African Americans/ any other black person Asian? tf are you on?
And you've missed the point...Entirely.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Well said and I agree 100%. This is the reason why I dont identify as black. You dont see chinese people identifiying themselves as yellow because thats how racist europeans view them. For example this argument that we are black because thats how the cop view us is very cringeworthy. You are basically saying that their opinions of you are more worth than your own about yourself.

Yellow lives matter sxb

Yes, it does make sense but it's unfortunate that you're choosing to be so blind to it.
If you don't understand, tell me which part so I can break it down to you.

Are Somalis and African Americans/ any other black person Asian? tf are you on?
And you've missed the point...Entirely.
Well then wtf was your point? That the only reason I wouldn't want to be in the "same group" as AAs is because I don't like them?:comeon:
Well then wtf was your point? That the only reason I wouldn't want to be in the "same group" as AAs is because I don't like them?:comeon:

Wait wait wait, you're the one that quoted me so what do you mean wtf was your point? Walal, fadhiiso first of all.
But that was my point, yes, esp given how racist some of you are towards them


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
horta they don't identify as yellow because Asian is the terminology they were given and they absolutely accept it. yellow doesn't exist as a concept because their skin isn't vastly different than your typical italian or greek person.

even when they're not that close politically and have diverse genetic profiles like Filipino people they're still grouped as asian so that isn't really an argument.
That hashtag dont get any oppresion points sxb.:mjohreally:

No one cares about yellow lives:mjcry:

tfw it's a tough road ahead for asian men :mjcry:

hang in there my slant-eyed niggas. you'll make it.


Accomplished Saaxir
horta they don't identify as yellow because Asian is the terminology they were given and they absolutely accept it. yellow doesn't exist as a concept because their skin isn't vastly different than your typical italian or greek person.

even when they're not that close politically and have diverse genetic profiles like Filipino people they're still grouped as asian so that isn't really an argument.

tfw it's a tough road ahead for asian men :mjcry:

hang in there my slant-eyed niggas. you'll make it.

There's light at the end of the tunnel... if they're able to see with those eyes that is


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
i pray for them :mjcry:

i should have amended that by saying Chinese tbh

i think the ratio is like 110 to 100 women or some shit now


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Africa is far more diverse than Asia, yet Arabs, Indians, Malays, and Japs aren't classified as the same race despite similar skin tones.

Why is Africa, the cradle of humanity with at least 6 distinctive races separated by tens of thousands of years relegated to a color?

It all boils down to the tired well the white man doesn't see the difference argument.

A Swede and a pitch black Indian are closer to each other than a Somali and a Nigerian that are separated by literally 50,000 years.

Where is Halyeey @Amun when you need him?


horta they don't identify as yellow because Asian is the terminology they were given and they absolutely accept it. yellow doesn't exist as a concept because their skin isn't vastly different than your typical italian or greek person.

even when they're not that close politically and have diverse genetic profiles like Filipino people they're still grouped as asian so that isn't really an argument.
They accept asia, just as africans today call themselves africans but "africans" also accepted being called black. I dont know about you but I prefer to be in charge of what I identify with and not let others or outsiders dictate what I am.
And this yellow thing was real western classification but it got rejected by most and they dont identify as such.

tfw it's a tough road ahead for asian men :mjcry:

hang in there my slant-eyed niggas. you'll make it.

Wait wait wait, you're the one that quoted me so what do you mean wtf was your point? Walal, fadhiiso first of all.
But that was my point, yes, esp given how racist some of you are towards them
Then your point is stupid. I'm not black because I'm Somali. I share NOTHING with AAs so why do I have to be in the same group as them?

I'm a revert Somali now


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
yeah i would legit hold off on African genetics atm considering how absurdly flawed the vast majority of their testing is

i mean we just found out the vast majority of eurasian genetics West Africans received is consistent with what was found in some 4,500 year old Ethiopian man and that was after 5 months of deliberation and believing that there was some insane eurasian migration from the north all the way into the saharan. legit 2016 we found that out. and that was because our computer programs weren't sophisticated enough to figure that out the first time.

also bahal what are the 6 races?

think we got east cushites, the berbers (unless you're putting moors outside that group) niger congo a, niger congo b, and i guess the khoisans? think the niolitic groups split into a and b paternal lineages as well.

and i'm pretty sure a lot of those are just language families and not total genetic links. you have a few tribes stuck right in sudan like darfur that have considerable north african influences and iirc most masaai people got like 50% in the e1b1b haplogroup (after the expansion i'm assuming). it's... probably a lot more than 6 distinct races if we actually break it all the way down. and how distinct it is we're still trying to figure out. unless you just mean east, west, south, central, north and southeast.

like the khoisans have literally no connection to anyone except perhaps trace links to east africa which is absolutely startling and they're stuck right in SA. i mean when we say diverse, we mean mothafucking diverse

@Discontinous so when you say black and madow you basically just mean AAs right? because if that's the case, it's all good in the hood.

i mean we mostly just joke around here with what we call people, but it's best to have a consistent terminology for things. because if the term just means anybody who ain't somali in africa we have legit issues (most of which i pointed out above).


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I remember that discovery, it was actually an error on the part of the researchers that led them to believe the back migration affected all of Africa. Mota was basically a pure East African without any input from the mideast.

I'd say Niger-Congo (Bantu and their relatives), Khoisans, Pygmies, Nilotes, Caucasoids, and Cushites are pretty much distinctive races. The genetic distances involved are staggering.

Modern "white" people are basically a mix of three different groups to begin with, which makes the whole idea of skin tone based races absurd.
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