Ileen the guy in the Bohol video on your YouTube channel was the mayor
Class D district meaning its not official and still comes under Xudun. Same goes with Nasiye under Burco.
If taleh district is empty then the new district is a ghost town
Lets look at empty taleh
If you combined all the population of the new district it would still be smaller then taleh itself
Ps: your president also made the villages in taleh a districts my initial comment was right
He even took step further then siyaad barre and made that empty district called taleh a region
Nah it will be like Dararweyne district with its own mayor. Nasiye is one village while Bohol is the
second biggest town in Xudun district and dozens of other villages come under it.
Dararweyne comes under Ceel Afweyn though. Its like Qorilugud which was made D rank district even though its still counted as part of Buuhoodleh district.
D rank districts are temporary and unofficial in nature meaning they don't elect councilors except in special cases. They can be later promoted into A,B or C district depending on budget contribution and population size.
Maybe in general elections but they do have their separate mayor. For example in general elections Maydh counts as Ceerigaabo district but the mayor there is not Ismaaciil Xaaji Nuur but Abdirahman Sheikh Maydh.
True. But when time comes for general/presidential/elections they all lumped into the district capital A-B-C ranked town.
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In parliamentary elections they don't get a seat of their own D rank district except for when the district capital is lawless or very far (i.e Qorilugud in Buuhodle and Xagaal in Berbera)
I am pretty confident Bohol will move from district D to C in no time because it is fast growing. The importance of Xudun town is diminishing (add the fact they occasionally attack the poll boxes in that town).
Politically driven move. Nasiye is inhabited by Axmed Faraax, Kulmiye seek to guarantee their votes with this new district. No other reason to name a new district 40 days prior to elections.
Bohol though
1. This map is flawed looking at it is highlighting yellow in flat land inhabited yet is highlighting darker shaded in the uninhabited mountains in soolDifference is Taleex district is like 30-40% of the land mass of Sool so it is pretty empty compared to districts of its own size.
Eastern Sool has the lowest population density in the north and the entire Somalia.
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My SY brethren land looks like Mars. Come join us in the hawd . Wallahi the Hawd is vast and beautiful.
Lool the mayor is some chill guyNah sxb we prefer the land of our ancestors.
Check out how green the Bohol valley is in rainy season. The guy with the beard is the mayor.
Looks like a nice place Masha Allah. Hawd is like that but like 100x. Come visit at leastNah sxb we prefer the land of our ancestors.
Check out how green the Bohol valley is in rainy season. The guy with the beard is the mayor.
Looks like a nice place Masha Allah. Hawd is like that but like 100x. Come visit at least
Xalxalis is near the SL border. Go further South and it is even betterI know. Haud is usually blessed with water in rainy season.