Inshallah when I became the mayor of banderbayla@Libaax-Joore this is your town Bendar Bayla. I am suprised it's so backward. Weli ma waxad dhisaysan 'district offices'? you should be at the stage of road development in the town, sewage system, new market place, expanding electricity backbone, iyo wixi lamidka ah.
WallahiI thought the basics of mch/refferal hospital/primary/secondary school/police station/court house was all functioning in bayla loooooool
Waryaa waxan waa ku ceeb. Bandar Bayla is fallin behind 'carmo' oo shali la dhisay.
I want Somalis to enter all puntland towns and see all social services are functioning, town plan functioning, infrastructure development happening.
Wow this is long overdue.
Wow this is long overdue.
very long overdue
Bari has huge limestone mountains
we can build buildings like this now
Coming soon
Nova Hotel Bosaso Airport
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A bit unfair to centralize all the economic activity within Garowe don’t you think? I think it’s okay, bosaso has more potential for tourism then garowe imoi wish they built this in garowe
Bosaso is a clusterfk of a place, too crowded , too hot not city planning, no roads