This won't last long as the world is switchin to clean energy by 2050. It's better they expand the solar backbone in Bosaso and connect home kitchens to the backbone thru a grid pipeline. They can calculate how much solar we need by calculating how much energy each kitchen needs and multiplying it for the population.
Boosaaso: 25, January, 2023. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa si rasmi ah u dhagax-dhigay dhismaha Garoonka Kubadda cagta ee magaalada Boosaaso oo dhowaan dhismihiisa la bilaabayo, kaasi oo loo dhisidoono, si casri ah oo la jaanqaadaya garoomada Cagaaran ee caalamiga ah.
Dhismaha Garoonka Cagaaran ee Kubadda cagta Boosaaso oo ay kharashka dhismihiisa ka taageerayso Dowladda Puntland ee Soomaaliya, Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta, ayaa la dhammaystiray qiimaynta dhismaha Garoonka, isagoo ka koobnaandoona laba qaybood oo muhiim ah kuwaas oo kala ah.
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