Boy killed Lido Beach for Abiy Ahmed

it’s crazy how people on this forum can’t fathom that some people aren’t loyal to their qabil. Straight to call people sheegato, but imagine blindly supporting someone due to qabil.
I just don’t understand what qabil has to do with anything. People are so qabil ridden that they’re willing to turn the death of a child into Qabalyad. As if majority of Somalis support Ethiopia or the death of a child purely because of the presidents qabil. Do better y’all. Justice will be served for this child & I wish the children of xamar protesting the best ! ❤️ guuul
Ilaahi haa u naxriisto. What kind of message does this send to our people? That an Ethiopian gaalo is more precious than a Somali? That we would spill the blood of our own for Abiy Ahmed so easily.

But inshallah kheyr because... Dhulka soo anigu malihi, dalka soo anigu malihi. Gumaystaha dhacayo, geeridu dhibaysaa, wakhtigi dhamaayo, wuu dhaqaaqi doona. Ninki dhoof ku yimid baa geridu dhibaysaa, wakhtigi dhamaayo, wuu dhaqaaqi doona.


Not affiliated with HAG, puntland1st, CBB, MBB, SL
I just don’t understand what qabil has to do with anything. People are so qabil ridden that they’re willing to turn the death of a child into Qabalyad. As if majority of Somalis support Ethiopia or the death of a child purely because of the presidents qabil. Do better y’all. Justice will be served for this child & I wish the children of xamar protesting the best ! ❤️ guuul
Sis, it’s ridiculous and sad to see, mainly because most people on this forum are diaspora. I always remember that this is just an outlet for them, they would never speak like this to a fellow somali irl, closeted cowards!
Sis, it’s ridiculous and sad to see, mainly because most people on this forum are diaspora. I always remember that this is just an outlet for them, they would never speak like this to a fellow somali irl, closeted cowards!
The whole capital and area is claimed by hawiye especially abgaal.. Many who support the corrupt HSM do as for qabiil reason.
The whole capital and area is claimed by hawiye especially abgaal.. Many who support the corrupt HSM do as for qabiil reason.
This is an irrelevant point. A lot of people back home claim areas based on clans. A lot of people back from every qabil will support their president (corrupt or not) purely based on qabil.

the root cause is Qabalyad , which isn’t limited to one clan.
Sis, it’s ridiculous and sad to see, mainly because most people on this forum are diaspora. I always remember that this is just an outlet for them, they would never speak like this to a fellow somali irl, closeted cowards!
Exactly! If they love qabils this much, they should return to whatever tuulo they came from. You would think diasporas would do better but clearly not. A lot of people need to revisit what the deen says about Qabalyad. I made a post about this a while ago.
Wallahi I just realised how shielded I am from everything that goes on back home. I am literally crying at the suffering our people have endure. May Allah grant that young boy highest rank in Jannah and Hassan Sheikh will answer to this on judgement day.


good chunk of police back home insanse crack heads, hear constant stories of them racing through cities endagnering people and waving guns around with no care. look how this idiot killed this guy could be on accident but shows how unstable they are

This is an irrelevant point. A lot of people back home claim areas based on clans. A lot of people back from every qabil will support their president (corrupt or not) purely based on qabil.

the root cause is Qabalyad , which isn’t limited to one clan.
How's Mt point irrelevant when you just confirmed it?
Lol i can’t name one city in Somalia not claimed by clan every inch spoken for can you name this magical place clan doesn't exist
Are you stupid? If nugdusho is supposed to be the capital of a nation how can it only belong to one qabiil? Anyway my point is there's is no Somalia only qabiil enclaves..


Are you stupid? If nugdusho is supposed to be the capital of a nation how can it only belong to one qabiil? Anyway my point is there's is no Somalia only qabiil enclaves..
no matter where capital goes it will be land that is claimed by clan. if it goes to baydahbo it will be clan if it goes hargeisa its clan kismayo same thing. u live in fantasy land

Sci Fi Lol GIF by Hallmark Gold Crown
We’re in this conundrum because of him.
Every time there is musiibo qaran kacanists bring up his name. It’s very interesting they never appeal to god. They are basically saying this wouldn’t happen if he was here or that he would save us somehow yet he couldn’t save himself. I guess they don’t believe that it is god who is in control of all things and writes destinies. Then they get upset when I tell them this is no different to grave worship, whether they realize it or not. It is not different to the sufis who call upon their dead saints. Ironically the kacaanists were anti-Islamic themselves when they were in power, changing qoranic verses and killing imams because they refused to rubber stamp the kacaans anti-islamic abrogation of certain qoranic verses. It’s a disgusting cult.
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