Breaking: Liyuu Boolis attack Dawaclay near Harti Sheekh!

You are Liyu Police in this scenario I assume? :mjlol:
Arap SL army men should be sent to deal with these Liyuu Jabarti scum. Send these murtadeen to their Lord. Killing innocent Muslims when even their Gaalo master didn’t order them to do it. Nasty work. All clans in the region need to unite against these scum. It’s the only thing that unites all the clans in the region. They don’t even spare their Jabarti cousins (Marexaan)

Horta why do you preach when you get karbashed?

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
My face when Liyuu begins their reprisal campaign


You think that's an insult? The difference between me and you is I don't look for validation from another clan.

The same clan you're speaking about sold your women and children to Ethiopia for a few dollars and susbsidized qat. Same with the Majerteen who are conveniently speaking for you now. Weren't they the ones who sold OGs to Meles Zenawi for a trade deal?

That's how much you're worth to them. Any Somali administration that vyed for good relations with Ethiopia would sell one of you to them. The last one was Farmajo with Qalbidhagax.

You should keep quiet.
“I dont seek their validation” You are currently playing waterboy for ldoors in this thread.

Everything else is moot I have their suldaans in Jigjiga right now and I just handed the FGS a historic beatdown. Your big threat is claiming Oromos where you’ll be even further marginalized because your clan doesnt have 10 rifles between them :trumpsmirk:


@Araabi I remember you being embarrassed and meekly going back on your Oromophilia a couple months back imagine being that much of coward and still talking :mjkkk:


Everything else is moot I have their suldaans in Jigjiga right now and I just handed the FGS a historic beatdown. Your big threat is claiming Oromos where you’ll be even further marginalized because your clan doesnt have 10 rifles between them :trumpsmirk:

An average Ethiopian Amhara soldier murdered an OG government representative in broad daylight in Jigjiga and he didn't even get prison time. Ultimately, this is the reality that you're over compensating for with the nonsense copium above. A feigned pretend reality is what you're portraying.

Garaad Awal

Former African
ldoor suldaans speaking on their good condition and desire for peace :)
Of course they want peace. You want civilians to be warmongers? The colonial police force mainly manned by your clan was humbled and were shown not to attempt their nonsense ever again as deterrence. Eventually their day will come for the dogs of Jabarti slaves in Jigjiga when they will flee like Bashar & Afweyne.


An average Ethiopian Amhara soldier murdered an OG government representative in broad daylight in Jigjiga and he didn't even get prison time. Ultimately, this is the reality that you're over compensating for with the nonsense copium above. A feigned pretend reality is what you're portraying.
He was tried by the regional court and sentenced to death. iirc correctly your suldaan was beat up in SL and sent back to Awbarre and your mp was also abused did you put those offenders on trial and kill them :frdfvsb:

Of course they want peace. You want civilians to be warmongers? The colonial police force mainly manned by your clan was humbled and were shown not to attempt their nonsense ever again as deterrence. Eventually their day will come for the dogs of Jabarti slaves in Jigjiga when they will flee like Bashar & Afweyne.
Thats what happened to Iley and he was replaced by Isaaqs? I am the opposition and incumbent.

If the ldoor want peace then they shouldnt rebel against the government and kill its workers.


Cagjar is no different than Abdi Iley now, his hands have been wrought with blood.
its wrong to call people that live there terrorist. this is qabil war and state shouldn't take sides. but same time its tough when they were parading state soldier bodies for days. cause and effect and looks like shit got out of control.


its wrong to call people that live there terrorist. this is qabil war and state shouldn't take sides. but same time its tough when they were parading state soldier bodies for days. cause and effect and looks like shit got out of control.
Why wouldnt the state take sides when government workers are attacked by a clan militia backed by SL claiming it goes under a new clan state.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
its wrong to call people that live there terrorist. this is qabil war and state shouldn't take sides. but same time its tough when they were parading state soldier bodies for days. cause and effect and looks like shit got out of control.
Hawd belongs to Somaliland, its the British that gave it away, its always been seperate from Ogaden region.

