Breaking: Liyuu Boolis attack Dawaclay near Harti Sheekh!

Beesha ciise oo Taageertey Ciidanka liyu police Dawlad Degaanka somaliyeed FardoAwliyo Reerkii qabiil ku tilmamaa waa qaran Dumis

Daaaamn homie, in Somaliland you was the maaaan homie. What the f*ck happened to you?
50 cent laughing GIF

Look for a daddy somewhere else wecel yahow. I swear, you're the most naag-like user here. Welcome to my ignore list.
Look for a daddy somewhere else wecel yahow. I swear, you're the most naag-like user here. Welcome to my ignore list.
Don’t cry now khanis futo jeclo. You ran your mouth and lied throughout this thread and others and now you run away as I predicted. Nacala kugu yaal munaafaqyahow :mjlol:
Sad Anthony Anderson GIF

Garaad Awal

Former African
The army is hijacked by politically corrupt politicians and incompetent staff.
The army has its problem. That I can agree with.
They were very slow to respond to the War in Ceeri.
Majority of the army is HA.
Lascanood War in 2023 proved we can't rely on the army anymore. Tribal militia is still influenced by pro Somaliland Sultans, there is no immediate danger to Somaliland state from G36 or SSB or any future tribal militia.
Tribal Militias of Easterners will not be an immediate danger as those are periphery clans but HA, Arap, CG to have our own militias in SL’s actual heartland will guarantee SL is finished unless another Cigaal emerges.

You are nuts if you think an autonomous HA militia in Hargeisa,Berbera,Gabiley & Wajaale would listen to whatever Cirro or any HJ politician orders.
Or an autonomous Arap milia will voluntarily disarm if Cirro orders.
In a way, it's a wake up call. All those Isaaq elders who jump on the first call of peace will think twice before accepting an invitation. In fact, the general consensus now is that war is the only option left. Even if the grand Sultan of Arap accepts peace their militia won't.
Arap should protect itself and shouldn’t look for help from anyone including any “Isaaq”. Let their diaspora and wealthy people fund their militia and defend their people. In this new age of Isaaq politics, every clan for themselves.


The army has its problem. That I can agree with.

Majority of the army is HA.

Tribal Militias of Easterners will not be an immediate danger as those are periphery clans but HA, Arap, CG to have our own militias in SL’s actual heartland will guarantee SL is finished unless another Cigaal emerges.

You are nuts if you think an autonomous HA militia in Hargeisa,Berbera,Gabiley & Wajaale would listen to whatever Cirro or any HJ politician orders.
Or an autonomous Arap milia will voluntarily disarm if Cirro orders.

Arap should protect itself and shouldn’t look for help from anyone including any “Isaaq”. Let their diaspora and wealthy people fund their militia and defend their people. In this new age of Isaaq politics, every clan for themselves.

If you put your name to your opinions you would be banned from SL so no point you talking about it.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
BREAKING: Arab Samane forces have begun resistance operations and captured a Liyuu Boolis tuug. The criminal claims to be Hawiye, fulaysana cagdheer.

In this thread alone the I!doors were celebrating killing a Liyu soldier and now they're crying when Liyu police retaliate.
"They killed our sultans"... That's what happens when you act tough and smuggle in arms from the border with the help of terrorist elements to disturb the peace of the region.
Its politics niiceey😂😂😂

Liyuu ogaden militia deceived the locals with a fake nabad and then massacred innocent people but the liyuu perpetrators were either killed or captured, soo soco siraadeey 😂
BREAKING: Arab Samane forces have begun resistance operations and captured a Liyuu Boolis tuug. The criminal claims to be Hawiye, fulaysana cagdheer.

Every time they attack they are either killed or captured, dozens of their injured ones are getting medical help in baligubadle, these cawaan will learn how live peacefully with your neighbours
Its politics niiceey😂😂😂

Liyuu ogaden militia deceived the locals with a fake nabad and then massacred innocent people but the liyuu perpetrators were either killed or captured, soo soco siraadeey 😂
Every time you get karbashed you claim you were deceived. Are you really that stupid to be constantly deceived or are you just a pathological liar? You are the same clowns who claimed some of your salaadiin were murdered too. Another pathetic lie.
The same people supporting the Liyuu Police for tribal reasons are the same people who always cry about the Oromo threat to Somalis. Remember that next time they bring the Somalinimo talk
They had never beleived in somalinimo for real, rather they just used it as a tool to acheive their own agenda's and discard when it does not align their own interests

Habeshis are taking over their lands, jigjiga is almost overrun by ajnabi and very hard to see any somali in the banks, telecommunications companies, governmental offices and even in the electricity company, their farms are getting distributed to amhara and oromo and even there is blockade targeting only the somalis so that the somali person can't take one jacket or their newly bought t-shirt from one town to another, while all of these are happening the supposed loyal somaliwaynists everywhere including their diaspora are urging the ogaden militia to displace some other somalis from their own towns :bell:

But we all know ogadenis are just a pawns here used by anyone in arat kilo to achieve their goals, liyuu doesn't protect them or even allow them enjoy their freedom of expression, liyuu killed some of the cagjars relatives inclhding his brother just because he posted something on Facebook, but the only reason they are supporting this cawaan militia is that they hate on isaaq more than they love their life
Every time you get karbashed you claim you were deceived. Are you really that stupid to be constantly deceived or are you just a pathological liar? You are the same clowns who claimed some of your salaadiin were murdered too. Another pathetic lie.
Whatever the case is, you get karbaashed twice and you won't decieve anyone with your fulay tactics again😂😂
They are working on something big, soon you will notice how dump youre
What are they working on? They were all arrested like BLM protesters after looting a mall. Did you see the boodh on them after they were packed like xayawaan on those trucks 😂
Whatever the case is, you get karbaashed twice and you won't decieve anyone with your fulay tactics again😂😂
What karbaash they are in the town buddy they have full control for many hours now. You were chased away and left your nigis in dawacooley or whatever god forsaken hellhole and now you cry and xaar from Hargeysa at the same time. :pachah1:
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They had never beleived in somalinimo for real, rather they just used it as a tool to acheive their own agenda's and discard when it does not align their own interests

Habeshis are taking over their lands, jigjiga is almost overrun by ajnabi and very hard to see any somali in the banks, telecommunications companies, governmental offices and even in the electricity company, their farms are getting distributed to amhara and oromo and even there is blockade targeting only the somalis so that the somali person can't take one jacket or their newly bought t-shirt from one town to another, while all of these are happening the supposed loyal somaliwaynists everywhere including their diaspora are urging the ogaden militia to displace some other somalis from their own towns :bell:

But we all know ogadenis are just a pawns here used by anyone in arat kilo to achieve their goals, liyuu doesn't protect them or even allow them enjoy their freedom of expression, liyuu killed some of the cagjars relatives inclhding his brother just because he posted something on Facebook, but the only reason they are supporting this cawaan militia is that they hate on isaaq more than they love their life
Now you sing about ‘Somalinimo’ miya 😂
Iidoor become Somali when they are xasuuq’d the Somalinimo descends on them like the holy spirit through karbaash. OK sxb we are all Somali where can I donate to Iidoor victims fund? I do hate to see the humiliation and suffering of my fellow iidoorian somalians.
Sad Will Ferrell GIF by First We Feast
An average Ethiopian Amhara soldier murdered an OG government representative in broad daylight in Jigjiga and he didn't even get prison time. Ultimately, this is the reality that you're over compensating for with the nonsense copium above. A feigned pretend reality is what you're portraying.
Cagjar kneels for every random ahmhara in jigjiga, there is even an audio of him saying somali kilil is going to be an apartheid state like the white regime in south africa unless the non somali communities( amhara) get their representation in the regional institutions, that why amhara who are getting karbashed every corner in ethiopia due to their gypsy nature are holding huge celebrations in jigjiga every year like its their new kabca:silanyosmile:

They are intentionally ignoring the reality and opted to project their ire on the other somalis, so no need to waste time on them

