Breaking: Liyuu Boolis attack Dawaclay near Harti Sheekh!

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Lay Down Round Table GIF by Disciple
Maybe your not a truck driver after all
That’s better. Now that you’ve accepted you’re in the wrong we can talk about reparations. Bring the chequebook out, this won’t be cheap
That is against our policy sxb. We only bring development and cultural enrichment to the natives. Welfare can have deleterious effects on the aboriginal population.


OK you defended a few fighters, does that mean I should just ignore the huge territory you decided to squat on? Should I say thank you?
Thank you is just empty words, we want you to show your gratefulness by the DDSI administration supporting, investing and developing our huge territory.
OK you defended a few fighters, does that mean I should just ignore the huge territory you decided to squat on? Should I say thank you?

DDS will never remove us from one inch. All of the Absame and Gerri Koombe garaads are our side. Ogaadeen will never start an anti-Harti or anti-Dhulhabante crusade in DDS.

Dhulbahante Liyu Police forces are all kept in our degaans plus other arrangements which I would not disclose here. Former President Abdi Iley left this arrangement and current President Mustafe Cagjar kept it. Have you ever heard of single issue from Danood section that we settle? It is due to this arrangement. The Liyu Police forces in our degaans serve other purposes as well. (Don't ask me details).

Waryaa @Abaq, quit firing in all directions.
Mohamed Siad Barre is not cabtooy like you. But you are right this thread about liyuu boolis and idoor let us not derail this any further.
I just proved he was you munaafaq. You probably have the same khamri loving genes in you and explains MX horgalnimo iyo dabadhilifnimo. Once an cabtooy always an cabtooy.
seth meyers drinking GIF
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Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
I just proved he was you munaafaq. You probably have the same khamri loving genes in you. Once an cabtooy always an cabtooy.
seth meyers drinking GIF
There is no source in there at all and who is this supposed Arab ambassador?

You gonna keep spamming this unsourced xaar? Please tell us what book it is from my Dhabacayo friend.
Fixed* but yh you gonna tell us where this is from and who the ambassador is?
Check Ogaden Vault on facebook. He has lots of maps from the late 1800s when the British took the area. We basically lived as far as the currently international border give or take. You can say we lost almost 1/4 of our territory since the Darawish wars mainly in Jarar and Doollo
You sincerely believe your own propaganda :pachah1:.


most if not all liyuu boolis have never seen a zuug before let alone dagaal saf baalaran with coordinated tekniko, zuug and other heavy weapons being used in unison. If these fantasy clashes ever happen I want to see the look on their faces when hoobiye is going off while they are under fire from a quad cannon zuug and their cars are being blown up with a b-10 recoilless rifle.
Yet only the Isaaq were willing to make it a non-fantasy matchup last time we met you disarmed and put your civilians on trees :ulyin:
Check Ogaden Vault on facebook. He has lots of maps from the late 1800s when the British took the area. We basically lived as far as the currently international border give or take. You can say we lost almost 1/4 of our territory since the Darawish wars mainly in Jarar and Doollo
Seen his stuff briefly. I’ll check it out in more depth as Reer Waamo I feel like we dont put enough effort in maximizing and purifying our current lebensraum. We could be millions more we need to maximize our share of the 100 million population come 2100.

We need a dalag iyo daryeel program in Badhaadhe and Buaale more then anything.
DDS will never remove us from one inch. All of the Absame and Gerri Koombe garaads are our side. Ogaadeen will never start an anti-Harti or anti-Dhulhabante crusade in DDS.

Dhulbahante Liyu Police forces are all kept in our degaans plus other arrangements which I would not disclose here. Former President Abdi Iley left this arrangement and current President Mustafe Cagjar kept it. Have you ever heard of single issue from Danood section that we settle? It is due to this arrangement. The Liyu Police forces in our degaans serve other purposes as well. (Don't ask me details).

Waryaa @Abaq, quit firing in all directions.
Dhulbahante Liyu? Your biggest settlement is the other half of Buuhoodle. What problems could there even be??
They think clan clashes in DDS result in land grabs. I mean just look at how ruthlessly DDS dealt with Makaahiil in Doollo over the killings there the past year. These iiddoors have a reckoning coming and they’ve already received a taste today. These Liyu guys are merciless, they will burn your villages, kill the men, and imprison the odayaal in Dhagaxbuur and Jigjiga without food and drink, or in open air concentration camps. If you want them to survive, their relatives will have to provide them food and drink. And if they get tired of your nonsense they will just evict you across the border which they’ve already done before, just as Sacad and what happened to them in Galaadi
They don’t even spare their own clansmen,they are very brutal
There is no source in there at all and who is this supposed Arab ambassador?

Fixed* but yh you gonna tell us where this is from and who the ambassador is?
'Safirka' by Peter S. Bridges, US ambassador to Somalia from '84-'86 you boon cabtooy dabadhilif. This is why your folks in the Gedo can't re-build a single shitty bridge. Caqli malihid. Now, please provide the sources that I asked you for, if they even exist.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Yet only the Isaaq were willing to make it a non-fantasy matchup last time we met you disarmed and put your civilians on trees :ulyin:
Nigga u fought a sub sub subclan which is a sub of another sub of reer diini and had to bury thirty something liyuu bakhti. I told Abaq in that thread aswell that we still have the tanks we siezed from your itoobiyan xabashi masters in bangeele as well as the bebes and apcs were got from them when they attacked marexaan in the 80s, know your place boy.

Who is the Arab ambassador he was talking about? I can feel the khamri induced rage from across the screen calm down and act normal.
You moron, do you think he's going to throw him under the bus by revealing his name? Are you retarded or something or is it fetal alcohol syndrome induced from cabtooy behaviour during pregnancy?

' Dental anomalies in fetal alcohol syndrome include microdontia, hypodontia, enamel hypoplasia, delayed eruption, and abnormal tooth shape.' :deadmanny:



Nigga u fought a sub sub subclan which is a sub of another sub of reer diini and had to bury thirty something liyuu bakhti. I told Abaq in that thread aswell that we still have the tanks we siezed from your itoobiyan xabashi masters in bangeele as well as the bebes and apcs were got from them when they attacked marexaan in the 80s, know your place boy.

Im not sure if I should be afraid of these random new subclans or @Midwestern s Siinaay

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
You moron, do you think he's going to throw him under the bus by revealing his name? Are you retarded or something or is it fetal alcohol syndrome induced from cabtooy behaviour during pregnancy?

' Dental anomalies in fetal alcohol syndrome include microdontia, hypodontia, enamel hypoplasia, delayed eruption, and abnormal tooth shape.' :deadmanny:
So there is no name for this supposed Arab friend? So that means there in no verifiable evidence to this guys claims?
Suspicious Chris Evans GIF by Knives Out

