Breaking: Liyuu Boolis attack Dawaclay near Harti Sheekh!


Harti, Mareexaan, Iiddoor isma dhaamaan. All 3 are squatting on my ancestral land and need to go. Iiddoorka ku cibra qaata. No matter how long it takes, the natives will always return to their lands


Adiga xitaa waan kuu soo socdaa. The Ogaden-Dhulbahante line pre-Darawish was Docmo just south of Buuhoodle. Pre-ONLF it was north of Laandheer. Today it is Ceel-Maxidho right next to Dannood city. Jabkeyga baad adna ka faa’iidaysatay. Pack your bags too
Good luck sxb




Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Adiga xitaa waan kuu soo socdaa. The Ogaden-Dhulbahante line pre-Darawish was Docmo just south of Buuhoodle. Pre-ONLF it was north of Laandheer. Today it is Ceel-Maxidho right next to Dannood city. Jabkeyga baad adna ka faa’iidaysatay. Pack your bags too
Go free Godey from Amxaar occupation first, ENDF biggest base is there you shameless horgal.


Go free Godey from Amxaar occupation first, ENDF biggest base is there you shameless horgal.
Nah. While I was trying to do that, you zoos were eagerly encroaching on my land and building illegal villages. I’ll deal with you backstabbers first
Adiga xitaa waan kuu soo socdaa. The Ogaden-Dhulbahante line pre-Darawish was Docmo just south of Buuhoodle. Pre-ONLF it was north of Laandheer. Today it is Ceel-Maxidho right next to Dannood city. Jabkeyga baad adna ka faa’iidaysatay. Pack your bags too
In all honesty it shouldn’t have taken you this long to burn down a single two-hut iidoor village populated by some uber laangaab Arap or Ayuub in the middle of nowhere. I am not impressed :comeon:
In all honesty it shouldn’t have taken you this long to burn down a single two-hut iidoor village populated by some uber laangaab Arap or Ayuub in the middle of nowhere. I am not impressed :comeon:

"When your enemy is close and you are weak, pretend to be strong"

That's why everybody is being threatened in here.

Which clan is next for the hanjabaad list?



Arab and Habar Awal down, Ciidagale and Habar Yonis pending. Don’t worry, I’ll take my time and take out my enemies one by one
Dhulbahante was the only tribe in Somalia to protect ONLF fighters and refused Ethiopia's demands to turn them in.

Stop daydreaming, despite your ungratefulness Cagjar wouldn't dare to fight or create problems with us.


In all honesty it shouldn’t have taken you this long to burn down a single two-hut iidoor village populated by some uber laangaab Arap or Ayuub in the middle of nowhere. I am not impressed :comeon:
Reer Isaaq alone showed the capacity to occupy and repel the ldoor on their turf. We didnt need sabaayad lines and gurmad from 700km away to subdue the rebels who were state backed who were doing all of the above.

Im the person who was supposed to suffer a Goojacade but in 2 days they capitulated. Id call it impressive :mjdontkno:
If you were wise, you'd learn who to threaten and when to do it.
Dhulbahante was the only tribe in Somalia to protect ONLF fighters and refused Ethiopia's demands to turn them in.

Stop daydreaming, despite your ungratefulness Cagjar wouldn't dare to fight or create problems with us.
Sometimes I wonder if people realize this is an internet forum and not an NCC meeting :farmajoyaab:
Reer Isaaq alone showed the capacity to occupy and repel the ldoor on their turf. We didnt need sabaayad lines and gurmad from 700km away to subdue the rebels who were state backed who were doing all of the above.

Im the person who was supposed to suffer a Goojacade but in 2 days they capitulated. Id call it impressive :mjdontkno:

Sometimes I wonder if people realize this is an internet forum and not an NCC meeting :farmajoyaab:
This isn’t SL army kkk and you are fighting a tiny portion of them almost 1.5 years after they’ve been largely disarmed and neutralized by ragtag tribal militias. No comparison to be made at all. I’ve seen footage from Goojacade and footage from this β€˜skirmish’, there were more combatants killed in a single hour in the Sool war than there were in this entire little squabble.


This isn’t SL army kkk and you are fighting a tiny portion of them almost 1.5 years after they’ve been largely disarmed and neutralized by ragtag tribal militias. No comparison to be made at all. I’ve seen footage from Goojacade and footage from this β€˜skirmish’, there were more combatants killed in a single hour in the Sool war than there were in this entire little squabble.
The SL armys in Jigjiga likely preparing a surrender on behalf of the rebels.

You dont lead Somalis by playing with the dead or competing in that once again Ogadens are teaching dhaqan to the Zoos :trumpsmirk:
This isn’t SL army kkk and you are fighting a tiny portion of them almost 1.5 years after they’ve been largely disarmed and neutralized by ragtag tribal militias. No comparison to be made at all. I’ve seen footage from Goojacade and footage from this β€˜skirmish’, there were more combatants killed in a single hour in the Sool war than there were in this entire little squabble.

@Abaq after defeating few Arab ragtags who have been victorious in the previous battles, thinks he can take on the big boys. I honestly believe siinaay unit can disarm the entire Liyuu who are running around with few AKs. Know your place ogadenoow


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Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
I honestly believe siinaay unit can disarm the entire Liyuu who are running around with few AKs. Know your place ogadenoow
most if not all liyuu boolis have never seen a zuug before let alone dagaal saf baalaran with coordinated tekniko, zuug and other heavy weapons being used in unison. If these fantasy clashes ever happen I want to see the look on their faces when hoobiye is going off while they are under fire from a quad cannon zuug and their cars are being blown up with a b-10 recoilless rifle.

