Breaking news ๐Ÿšจ Oromo refugee camp in Bosaso being destroyed by Darood Leaving them with no shelter


There's other ways the Oromo problem could be significantly reduced. Better to get them before they even pass through DDS.

>Somali governments should convey a message to Oromos in their language, explicitly stating that tahriib is prohibited throughout Somalia and that can try their luck elsewhere like in Eritrea or Djibouti.

>Somali governments need to create a policy that menial jobs are reserved for non-Oromos/Xabashi.

>Heavy focus on border security and prime entry points by Somali police forces.

>Action taken on Somali smugglers enabling tahriib.


Recovering from humiliation kink.
Most of you don't live in somalia. Can your imagine if someone did that to you. Even if oromo are killing somalis, you should leave it to Allah. What this guys are doing is dhulm/oppression. Allah answers the prayer of the oppressed even if it's a gaal. That person is now basically homeless. If he makes Dua Allah will answer it. I look at everything from deen's perspective. You guys should too.

Ximan iyo Xadeed


There's other ways the Oromo problem could be significantly reduced. Better to get them before they even pass through DDS.

>Somali governments should convey a message to Oromos in their language, explicitly stating that tahriib is prohibited throughout Somalia and that can try their luck elsewhere like in Eritrea or Djibouti.

>Somali governments need to create a policy that menial jobs are reserved for non-Oromos/Xabashi.

>Heavy focus on border security and prime entry points by Somali police forces.

>Action taken on Somali smugglers enabling tahriib.
As long as Oromia control Jinacsani which is 90km from Wajaale the Caravan won't stop. Most of the migrants in Bosaso come from Eastern Oromia
As long as Oromia control Jinacsani which is 90km from Wajaale the Caravan won't stop. Most of the migrants in Bosaso come from Eastern Oromia
That's because of the failure of your police force. They don't disappear when they enter Wajaale and magically reappear in Bosaso. They pass through your borders.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

That's because of the failure of your police force. They don't disappear when they enter Wajaale and magically reappear in Bosaso. They pass through your borders.
Somaliland controls Wajaale , they walk through gobol after gobol to reach Bosaso . It should be the North West responsibility, Oromos never cross from Dolo for a reason.


A man without a ๐Ÿซ won't be praised in afterlife
That's because of the failure of your police force. They don't disappear when they enter Wajaale and magically reappear in Bosaso. They pass through your borders.
Our airspace is better secured now our next concern is maintaining our border and better security in it to stop these damn oromos from coming into our land.
Somaliland controls Wajaale , they walk through gobol after gobol to reach Bosaso . It should be the North West responsibility, Oromos never cross from Dolo for a reason.
They can't be contained in Wajaale. What about those that get deported from the Arab countries and get dumped in Bosaso? There's literally a migration response centre in Bosaso. Then they travel further South.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
This is disgusting. Nothing justified harming Muslims in this way. The people who done this will be held accountable on the day of judgement.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Most of you don't live in somalia. Can your imagine if someone did that to you. Even if oromo are killing somalis, you should leave it to Allah. What this guys are doing is dhulm/oppression. Allah answers the prayer of the oppressed even if it's a gaal. That person is now basically homeless. If he makes Dua Allah will answer it. I look at everything from deen's perspective. You guys should too.
Get out of here man with that western stuff this is Africa itโ€™s xoog or get xooged


A man without a ๐Ÿซ won't be praised in afterlife
Oromos burn Somalis along side the borders this is nothing compared to what the terrorists OLA do
Yeah f*ck these oromos they should go back to where they came from these people have insatiable greed they keep taking our land and settling in it and now they want more? stuff those bastards. :camby:


Forza Somalia!
Oromos burn Somalis along side the borders this is nothing compared to what the terrorists OLA do
then why the hell you aren't going there and defending the Somalis, why innocent Oromos have to answer for what maniacs do to Somalis in Ethiopia? And how this gonna protect Somalis over there?

