There's other ways the Oromo problem could be significantly reduced. Better to get them before they even pass through DDS.
>Somali governments should convey a message to Oromos in their language, explicitly stating that tahriib is prohibited throughout Somalia and that can try their luck elsewhere like in Eritrea or Djibouti.
>Somali governments need to create a policy that menial jobs are reserved for non-Oromos/Xabashi.
>Heavy focus on border security and prime entry points by Somali police forces.
>Action taken on Somali smugglers enabling tahriib.
There's other ways the Oromo problem could be significantly reduced. Better to get them before they even pass through DDS.
>Somali governments should convey a message to Oromos in their language, explicitly stating that tahriib is prohibited throughout Somalia and that can try their luck elsewhere like in Eritrea or Djibouti.
>Somali governments need to create a policy that menial jobs are reserved for non-Oromos/Xabashi.
>Heavy focus on border security and prime entry points by Somali police forces.
>Action taken on Somali smugglers enabling tahriib.