Breaking News: Federal States suspend relations with the one bedroom Villa Xamar

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Fahad Yasin

Duqbilow Nation
You got the position because of the Madoobe - PL political alliance. Vice Port director, Airport director and Mayor were all Marehan and appointed by ICU. Calm down @Fahad Yasin

You're counting the ICU days:mjlol: Speaking of the ICU, where they a force for good or just another terrorist group operating within Somalia?:sass2: I have my opinion but I am curious about yours:sass1:
You're counting the ICU days:mjlol: Speaking of the ICU, where they a force for good or just another terrorist group operating within Somalia?:sass2: I have my opinion but I am curious about yours:sass1:
Saxib what I'm saying is that every Jumca in Kismayo there is a new Imam. Counting the mayor one week using him as evidence for demographics is futile.

I don't support ICU I view them as the predecessor to Shabab

Fahad Yasin

Duqbilow Nation

Farmajo should be in Somalia putting his energy into Somali affairs rather than sticking his nose in an dispute that is of no interest to us. He can't exert his authority a block away from villa Somalia but he wants to exert some sort of influence geopolitically in the horn of Africa? Baby steps abaayo
Galmudug denies cutting ties. Xaaf and other governors are biting more than they can chew.

oh wow he's supporting his uncle tell us something new.
I bet if Puntlanders inhibited the blessed lands in Jubaland they would have seceded already but they live in a semi arid desert:lolbron:. Don't beat around the bush with terms like "decentralization". At least Somaliland is upfront with their agenda however retarded it may be. Federalism has the potential to work but their still must be a strong federal government as the central pillar holding it all together but the last two administrations have been actively working to undermine federalism rather than strengthening & correcting its flaws so we might never fully realize its potential. No system of governance is perfect, federalism is the only option as of now to keep us from clawing at each other but the government must be centralized in the future to speed up development and state building so we can reach our full potential
we lived fairly well in our desert back in the day in our sultanates sxb, I would gladly go back and dont forget puntland is sending food to the south feel embarrassed yet? Oh and we have a lot of water for being a desert more than you in fact:icon lol:
Farmajo should be in Somalia putting his energy into Somali affairs rather than sticking his nose in an dispute that is of no interest to us. He can't exert his authority a block away from villa Somalia but he wants to exert some sort of influence geopolitically in the horn of Africa? Baby steps abaayo
I didn't read this entire thread but, what are the regional heads upset about?


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Farmaajo only rules his toilet and nothing else, Gaas should go to the big man running the show(Kheyri)

Actually it's Jaalle Farmaajo who runs the shows but of course you wouldn't tell because you envy him.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Waryaa since the Bajuni vacated this blessed land it's only right we take it:manny:, the whole of Jubboyinka is absame land:ufdup: we will deport the remaining Gaaljecel, Sheekhaal got to go too, bantus also. Mjs shall be confined to Kismayo & Marehan to gedo:ufdup:

Bajuni Islands, the rest of the Jubbonyinka and Gedo is Sade lands.

Absame can go back to DDSI and NFD.

But JL is here for us Sade Ugaases fam.

Fahad Yasin

Duqbilow Nation
I didn't read this entire thread but, what are the regional heads upset about?

Farmajo is undermining their states especially Madobe by not consulting him about the recent appointment of an SNA commander within his jurisdiction and seeking to create turmoil within his government essentially seeking his ouster, etc.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
I agree with you Ugaas Sheikh ibn Marehan Al reer dinini

:dzmxmmb: Although the Sheikh is pissed he missed this great FKD thread.

Farmajo is undermining their states especially Madobe by not consulting him about the recent appointment of an SNA commander within his jurisdiction and seeking to create turmoil within his government essentially seeking his ouster, etc.
Whats the process normally for appointing an SNA commander? Whose job is it? and is there any proof that he's seeking to oust Madoobe?

Fahad Yasin

Duqbilow Nation
Whats the process normally for appointing an SNA commander? Whose job is it? and is there any proof that he's seeking to oust Madoobe?
There is no protocol that i am aware of in terms of hiring personnel but he was supposed to consult Madobe with this appointment since the 43rd division commander which Bugmadow is will be operating in Jubaland instead of unilaterally appointing a person of his choosing and there is plenty of evidence of Farmajo mingling in Jubaland affairs which will unravel soon In sha Allah


Somali chauvinist
@SomaliMvp is nowhere to be seen after showing him federalism in action. All they have is a false sense of Somalinimo, but when push comes to shove, they're nowhere to be seen.

I didn't know having a social life wasn't allowed here.


You and @Cognitivedissonance keep showing a few nice pictures of a few well-lit roads in Puntland and you think that it is going to impress me?


Puntland didn't build those on its own. It was all donated by the west and the funds went trough Gaas his personal bank account first before anything was built. If you go off the main roads you will drive on those shitty roads that you know so well and love. You want Puntland to live on charity from others instead of building your country. Aid will only get you so far and at some point, countries will get tired of all the corruption and they will stop the aid.


I also don't understand your undying loyalty to Gaas. What has he personally done for you? I don't think that you live in Puntland. You didn't vote for him. You were not part of the process but somehow that man is your king. You don't pay taxes in Puntland but you talk like you are part of it.

I keep telling you that I have higher standards than yours. You are happy with a few roads paid with aid so that you can post them on twitter or SS. I am not. If Gaas was so great, how many high paying taxable jobs has he created? How many factories has he opened? I can tell you: None. No one is going to invest in Puntland when the roads in Somalia are shit and the electricity is too expensive. Puntland will never be able to fix those on its own so you do need the rest of Somalia.

If you want the youth in Puntland to have jobs and not flee to the west you should be open for reconciliation and a centralized government in Xamar. When I say a centralized government in Xamar you as a qabiilist will read it as give the hawiye the power. That is not what I mean. I mean a government where the people in it didn't pay for their seat, a system where every politician doesn't have a dual nationality, a system that isn't based on the 4.5 system, a system that works for every Somali from Awdal to Lower Juba. You have no idea how many resources Somalia has. If we all worked together you have no idea what we can achieve.

You would rather live in a shithole that your family owns than a paradise where your family isn't completely in charge.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I didn't know having a social life wasn't allowed here.


You and @Cognitivedissonance keep showing a few nice pictures of a few well-lit roads in Puntland and you think that it is going to impress me?


Puntland didn't build those on its own. It was all donated by the west and the funds went trough Gaas his personal bank account first before anything was built. If you go off the main roads you will drive on those shitty roads that you know so well and love. You want Puntland to live on charity from others instead of building your country. Aid will only get you so far and at some point, countries will get tired of all the corruption and they will stop the aid.


I also don't understand your undying loyalty to Gaas. What has he personally done for you? I don't think that you live in Puntland. You didn't vote for him. You were not part of the process but somehow that man is your king. You don't pay taxes in Puntland but you talk like you are part of it.

I keep telling you that I have higher standards than yours. You are happy with a few roads paid with aid so that you can post them on twitter or SS. I am not. If Gaas was so great, how many high paying taxable jobs has he created? How many factories has he opened? I can tell you: None. No one is going to invest in Puntland when the roads in Somalia are shit and the electricity is too expensive. Puntland will never be able to fix those on its own so you do need the rest of Somalia.

If you want the youth in Puntland to have jobs and not flee to the west you should be open for reconciliation and a centralized government in Xamar. When I say a centralized government in Xamar you as a qabiilist will read it as give the hawiye the power. That is not what I mean. I mean a government where the people in it didn't pay for their seat, a system where every politician doesn't have a dual nationality, a system that isn't based on the 4.5 system, a system that works for every Somali from Awdal to Lower Juba. You have no idea how many resources Somalia has. If we all worked together you have no idea what we can achieve.

You would rather live in a shithole that your family owns than a paradise where your family isn't completely in charge.

I posted three videos you idiot three pictures kulaha what a hater alhamdulillah i dont have to share anything with the likes of you and your people to you your religion and to me mine.
I posted three videos you idiot three pictures kulaha what a hater alhamdulillah i dont have to share anything with the likes of you and your people to you your religion and to me mine.
Development is not exclusive to federalism. KSA is a centralised state yet development happens all over the country. Development and centralism are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
I do not oppose federalism (saying this for 10000th time)
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