His troops number 2k no way shape or form does the weak small group jamac siyaad number anywhere near that most of those militia are mainly mohamud garadCol Mahad Cambaashe of the Jaamac Siyaad an powerful clan that brought Somaliland to Laascaanood and was tolerating it before that in their lands such as Yagoori is said to be on bad terms with Muuse Biixi.
He refused for his troops (entirely of his clan) in Tukaraq to be divided up and integrated with other troops from Burco and Hargeisa.
It is rumoured this move his because of two reasons, number one to sack Mahad Cambaashe and fear that they could betray the Burco and Hargaysa troops once the war turns into a clan war.
Puntlanders are hoping he keeps his refusal u and attacks Somaliland from the rear and join Puntland