Breaking: Somalia recognises Israel


He won't. Somali politics is a banana republic. There is no accountability for those in power. He'll continue this way till his term ends, I just hope he gets back to the shabaab campaign cause at least that was something he seemed determined about. Can impeaching even happen? Has it ever happened before?
Somalia is too much of a corrupt country for anyone to be impeached/removed from office. Somalia thrives of failure and getting away with things. He will continue to cause corruption till like you said his term ends and we get another failed leader. The cycle will continue sadly.


Somalia is too much of a corrupt country for anyone to be impeached/removed from office. Somalia thrives of failure and getting away with things. He will continue to cause corruption till like you said his term ends and we get another failed leader. The cycle will continue sadly.
Something has to change. We desperately need a cultural revolution. We need a leader that'll drag the nation into the 21st century cause we can't keep doing this. The constitution should state that one cannot hold another citizenship if they are in politics, loyalty to the safety and development of the state fully.

Out of context, he supports the 2 state solution. Reasonable given that even Hamas supports it (based on 1967 borders).

Anyways, he shouldn’t have spoken about it at all. This clip will go viral in somali social media. Even Hamza Barre shouldn’t have spoken. Not while most of our budget is foreign aid.

Even if you look at the context, he said that he recognized Israel. Why not compete it by normalizing ties and recognizing them officially?

What’s the difference between us, with HSM’s stance, and other countries like Morocco that have diplomatic relations with Israel? Both of us want a Palestinian state along 67 border.

There’s a reason why Somalia has not acknowledged Israel for decades. And it’s not because we want to eradicate Israel, but rather to stand in solidarity with Palestinians. Israel have made it impossible to create a Palestinian state. Why should we recognize them now, unless they agree to cede control of Palestinian territories?

It makes no sense to do U-turn now after all these years.


culusow is paid by uae so therefore it is not surprising to see this. it is not surprising for the fgs to recognize the occupiers. somalia is a banana republic fadlan lacag ku shubo country. unfortunately naive indho la' people believe it would send shockwaves. no. his supporters like @GemState will sing birmade hassan sheikh.
HSM should be removed if he doesn't retract this statement.
Bunch of shameless coons here, normalize relations with Israel because they voted for independence in the 50s:drakelaugh:. These people have no dignity or principles whatsoever, if Rhodesia was still around they'd bootyclap for it.

Somalis will continue to support Palestine and their struggles and there's nothing you can do about it, ciil u dhimo


ރ 🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
I'm more shocked that the Government of Somalia has a contradictory policy position, especially a foreign policy one. The government is supposed to have one messaging and if someone has a problem with that, they either resign or keep their mouth shut. There are ten billion policies, major and minor, that the government must be publicly on the same page on. Somalia is run by clowns.
I'm more shocked that the Government of Somalia has a contradictory policy position, especially a foreign policy one. The government is supposed to have one messaging and if someone has a problem with that, they either resign or keep their mouth shut. There are ten billion policies, major and minor, that the government must be publicly on the same page on. Somalia is run by clowns.
We legit took a fat xalimo to a 100m sprint
You really think the Israeli government cares if Somalia recognizes them? Somalia is a failed state and literally doesn't have control over its own territory. The Head of the National Security Council, Tzachi Hanegbi, opposes ties with Somalia, pointing out that Israel does not have any interest in ties with one of the most economically deprived countries in the world.

One politician within the Israeli government considered normalizing ties with Somalia, but even then faced severe opposition from the Israeli National Security Council. Israel has no interest in normalizing ties or working with a failed state that doesn't even control its own territory. There are other Muslim majority countries that Israel is eagerly hoping to normalize ties with. Those Muslim majority countries are of strategic, political and economic interest to Israel.

I believe HSM statement was taken out of context. He said Israel does exist as a state but also acknowledged the Palestinian people's right to self determination. Somalia's position on Israel hasn't changed. The Somali government advocates a two-state solution and for Israel to end its ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
Next time, quote the full context of the video. HSM literally criticized Israel and explained how they use the antisemitism card to silence any criticism of apartheid Israel.


