A turning point for me was when I heard about what the Ciidagale and Habar Yoonis did to each other in Daroor a few years back. Within a span of a couple of days there were over 100 men dead. That's when I realized that clan meant nothing. I could just as likely be killed by a fellow Garxajis as a Daarood, so why should I hate a Daarood and be loyal to my clan Garxajis? The whole thing is nonsense. That's why I feel no loyalty to my clan and also don't feel any clan is shisheeye.
I totally get what you mean, for me, clan/tribe can be translated to family. They can be the bane of your existence, or they can be the reason you have a comfortable lifestyle. It's when you come together and build something meaningful that makes family important. Gaalo don't have this concept; it's foreign to them to pitch into building something for the sake of being family. I think with the destruction of what little Somalia had has a lot to do with the flimsiness of clan. Nowadays clan doesn't stop, you fight with the closest kin.