What laws?Xamar won't save you kiddo. You're people are under SL and we make the laws here
The laws that give dhuuso bixi any land in Hargeisa or the laws that say Gabiley, a tuulo, is a regional capital.
I honestly feel sorry for you guys. In 2000, Xamar had donkeys bringing water to its populace and tribal gangs roamed the street.
Hargeisa was seen as the wealthiest city in Somalia and every westerner would love visiting it. Yet ,alas, you STILL couldn't get recognition.
Now graduates from Hargeisa run to Xamar for jobs and political positions, you guys then brag about it like its some kind of achievement.
Keep spending 30% of you're GDP on Khat bro, Xamar is the promised city which will lift us all to the heavens inshallah.