Cabudwaaq Beautiful City of Galmudug

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why are Hu2us ao obsessed with CW? We remember the 2013 war when Hu2u ASWJ were humiliated by clan militias and kicked out. If Galmudug steps out of line they would be kicked out.

Disarm lol? My awoow has like 10 AKs stashed in his house if anything CW are the most armed folk.
@Shaolin23 why cant you be more like this guy instead of saying ceyr are cool headed miskeen folk when they have two parliamentary seat in cabudwaaq when ceyr aint even from cabudwaaq:ohlord:

Why dont mareexan get seats in hobyo Or cadaado :stopit:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
@Shaolin23 why cant you be more like this guy instead if saying ceyr are cool headed midkeen when they have two parliamentary seat in cabudwaaq when ceyr aint even from cabudwaaq:ohlord:

Why dont mareexan get seats in hobyo ir cadaado:stopit:

War Im against the whole Galmudug project, what do we share in common with a red eyed mooryaan. I support Galgaduud Sare, an independent mamuul with links to Saaxo Puntland. Before Farmaajo came CW was controlled by various clan militias but now he has brought the stinking Hu2u Mamuul and their loyalists back

I know Reer CW very well and they must be appeassing Reer Diini hard

Trust me I am campaigning for Galgaduud Sare and will kick out the pro Hu2u camp.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Marexaan need to be careful, never invite HG civilians even if they are dying of thirst. Any other qabil, the normal dhaqan somali of hospitality applies but not to a HG. A bullet between the eyes is the only thing you should offer if they trespass. Only Galnus officials should be the only ones allowed in if being part of Galnus brings development to ur degmos and the soldiers should always be marexaans.

They are using proxy Marexaans but I dont see any developments, no roads nothing. Wa dabadhilifyo gaajaysan caloolushaqaystayaal, im waiting for them to wrong a certain Marehan clan
War Im against the whole Galmudug project, what do we share in common with a red eyed mooryaan. I support Galgaduud Sare, an independent mamuul with links to Saaxo Puntland. Before Farmaajo came CW was controlled by various clan militias but now he has brought the stinking Hu2u Mamuul and their loyalists back

I know Reer CW very well and they must be appeassing Reer Diini hard

Trust me I am campaigning for Galgaduud Sare and will kick out the pro Hu2u camp.
Seems like I'm not the only Marehan who doesn't like mr cheese I don't see why I see some niggaz supporting him tbh. Insha Allah no more GM in Caabudwaaq caku formaggio waa doqon


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Seems like I'm not the only Marehan who doesn't like mr cheese I don't see why I see some niggaz supporting him tbh. Insha Allah no more GM in Caabudwaaq caku formaggio waa doqob
Fock Mr cheese muxu inoo taray hes ruining our cities instead of fixing them. I support Wagardhac wa rageedi who always spits at the mention of hu2u
GM is a Hawiye (HG) project. Very few others would support it and have no reason to:manny:
Maybe if there was good governance and peace, but even that is lacking

Isn't Puntland just a Majeerteen state? We're pretty new compared to them, we'll improve insha'Allah
Isn't Puntland just a Majeerteen state? We're pretty new compared to them, we'll improve insha'Allah
Puntland was a Harti project. The people in Puntland were mostly Harti with some other Darood groups. They are all kin and have/had common views and interests.

However, MX and HG are not and have a lot of bad blood. I don't see them ever coming together for a variety of reasons. If you want horumar in the region, its best to cinsider common interests and facilitate peace. Magac iyo faan is not going to get anyone anywhere but Somali's are unable to think past qabil :meleshame:


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Seems like I'm not the only Marehan who doesn't like mr cheese I don't see why I see some niggaz supporting him tbh. Insha Allah no more GM in Caabudwaaq caku formaggio waa doqon
Farmaajo is “nationalist” he thinks he can bring the good old days back he’s a qurbajoog kid who’s ideals are unrealistic in todays Somalia it’s too far gone he doesn’t understand you have you have to play the game and change it slowly from within in Somalia your clan is your home base and every Somali understands that and don’t even catch feelings towards it and they actually respect you more Farmaajo can stay as a token pet to Hawiye in Xamar till his tenure ends or empower and do something for his tol in Jubbaland and Galgaduud when will he get this through his head this guy just doesn’t get it people are gonna hate you regardless this is politics what a miskeen
Farmaajo is “nationalist” he thinks he can bring the good old days back he’s a qurbajoog kid who’s ideals are unrealistic in todays Somalia it’s too far gone he doesn’t understand you have you have to play the game and change it slowly from within in Somalia your clan is your home base and every Somali understands that and don’t even catch feelings towards it and they actually respect you more Farmaajo can stay as a token pet to Hawiye in Xamar till his tenure ends or empower and do something for his tol in Jubbaland and Galgaduud when will he get this through his head this guy just doesn’t get it people are gonna hate you regardless this is politics what a miskeen

Somalia will never improve with that mindset and he definitely would not be re-elected. So all presidents should just focus on their own clan?
Somalia will never improve with that mindset and he definitely would not be re-elected. So all presidents should just focus on their own clan?
Yes. Just like a huutu president would arm his clan to fight MJs just like a huutu would make sure his huutus eats good. We need a qabiilist leader in power and we need to loot every single penny and hub we can from maamulka Xamar
I am a qabiilist not a wadani


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Somalia will never improve with that mindset and he definitely would not be re-elected. So all presidents should just focus on their own clan?
MJ and Issaq are eating good because they operate on qabyalad states HG beeeen eating good since the 90s Abgaal been eating good off the government since 06 OG just started eating good off JL why are only the “nationalist” clans like MX and Dhulbahante not eating f*ck nationalisms it’s stupidly
MJ and Issaq are eating good because they operate on qabyalad states HG beeeen eating good since the 90s Abgaal been eating good off the government since 06 OG just started eating good off JL why are only the “nationalist” clans like MX and Dhulbahante not eating f*ck nationalisms it’s stupidly

Lol fair enough I get your point, but he can do both you know


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Farmaajo is “nationalist” he thinks he can bring the good old days back he’s a qurbajoog kid who’s ideals are unrealistic in todays Somalia it’s too far gone he doesn’t understand you have you have to play the game and change it slowly from within in Somalia your clan is your home base and every Somali understands that and don’t even catch feelings towards it and they actually respect you more Farmaajo can stay as a token pet to Hawiye in Xamar till his tenure ends or empower and do something for his tol in Jubbaland and Galgaduud when will he get this through his head this guy just doesn’t get it people are gonna hate you regardless this is politics what a miskeen
Yup, look at Gaas is doing for his people, developing roads, building airports mashallah. He has understood the game well. Farmaajo has not built one road for Mareexaan. Singing songs with Hawiya in Xamar aint gonna benefit us one bit. Seriously Marehan needs to wake up and that is my mission. Know your worth beesha Sade


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Yup, look at Gaas is doing for his people, developing roads, building airports mashallah. He has understood the game well. Farmaajo has not built one road for Mareexaan. Singing songs with Hawiya in Xamar aint gonna benefit us one bit. Seriously Marehan needs to wake up and that is my mission. Know your worth beesha Sade
Farmaajo disgusts me wallahi some mx guys in fkd we’re saying as soon as Farmaajo knows your MX he won’t shake your hand in public and run away because he doesn’t want to be labeled as qabiilist i was like wtf is wrong with this weirdo :mindblown::dwill::draketf::chrisfreshhah:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Farmaajo disgusts me wallahi some mx guys in fkd we’re saying as soon as Farmaajo knows your MX he won’t shake your hand in public and run away because he doesn’t want to be labeled as qabiilist i was like wtf is wrong with this weirdo :mindblown::dwill::draketf::chrisfreshhah:
lol he hates you more if your reer dalal

Nigga told odayaasha reer dalal to fok off. Hes a damn hu2u lover i think his wife controls him
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