Cabudwaaq Beautiful City of Galmudug

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Why are Hu2us ao obsessed with CW? We remember the 2013 war when Hu2u ASWJ were humiliated by clan militias and kicked out. If Galmudug steps out of line they would be kicked out.

Disarm lol? My awoow has like 10 AKs stashed in his house if anything CW are the most armed folk.

During civil war the most epic of epic battles took place im CW

Horta do Northern Sade have their own Yahya & Moorif :icon evil::icon lol:


Seeker of knowledge and truth
lol he hates you more if your reer dalal

Nigga told odayaasha reer dalal to fok off. Hes a damn hu2u lover i think his wife controls him
I wouldn’t be surprised if she does control him man looks like a nerdy beta male happy wife happy life type of guy:chrisfreshhah:


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Marehan need to be careful not to fall in that trap of "good guests" again. They lost Galinsoor, Dhuusomareeb and many more villages in Mudug/Galgaduud to Habar Gidir not because of War but they wanted to move to Gedo/Jubbaland and that's a dangerous move.

There was a drought in 2008 and 10,000 Marehan families moved to Gedo/Jubooyinka, they're deserting their ancestral lands just to escape the harsh landscape. In the future they'll regret it seeing that Galgaduud has some expensive natural resources, such as Uranium and Diamonds.
Marehan need to be careful not to fall in that trap of "good guests" again. They lost Galinsoor, Dhuusomareeb and many more villages in Mudug/Galgaduud to Habar Gidir not because of War but they wanted to move to Gedo/Jubbaland and that's a dangerous move.

There was a drought in 2008 and 10,000 Marehan families moved to Gedo/Jubooyinka, they're deserting their ancestral lands just to escape the harsh landscape. In the future they'll regret it seeing that Galgaduud has some expensive natural resources, such as Uranium and Diamonds.
f*ck Mudug and their Uranium. We should airlift all our central niggas and have them with us in J/Hoose and J/Dhexe and Gedo (Berhani + Goobweyn + Kamsuuma + J/Dhexe + Baardheere) our problem is being too scattered and not being in one place. Once we achieve that then we can start to encroach on to Bay and continue our encroachments in Jubbooyinka like we been doing.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
f*ck Mudug and their Uranium. We should airlift all our central niggas and have them with us in J/Hoose and J/Dhexe and Gedo (Berhani + Goobweyn + Kamsuuma + J/Dhexe + Baardheere) our problem is being too scattered and not being in one place. Once we achieve that then we can start to encroach on to Bay and continue our encroachments like we been doing.
That's also a political suicide. Marehan will lose the VP seat and many more parliamentarian seats if they move out of Galgaduud/Mudug region. The toughest Marehan mofos come from that region and they need to stay, adapt and develop their districts instead of deserting it. Wagardhac will definitely stay but Reer Diini?!! I doubt that.
That's also a political suicide. Marehan will lose the VP seat and many more parliamentarian seats if they move out of Galgaduud/Mudug region. They toughest Marehan mofos come from that region and they need to stay, adapt and develop their districts instead of deserting it. Wagardhac will definitely stay but Reer Diini?!! I doubt that.
f*ck the seats we need to be in one place and live as one block. I would airlift every single one of them and move them to the south. The problem is that we are scattered and live in enclaves and that is not good. Jubbooyinka has a better environment we should move for greener pastures at once. We can easily establish villages and we have done that before and we should do it more.
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Seeker of knowledge and truth
f*ck the seats we need to be in one place and live as one block. I would airlift every single one of them and move them to the south. The problem is that we are scattered and live in enclaves and that is not good. Jubbooyinka has a better environment we should move for greener pastures at once. We can easily establish villages and we have done that before and we should do it more.
f*ck the seats but hes right about the natural resources we need to hold on to our lands in Mudug our population in Jubaland will increase regardless look at Puntland establishing green houses and farms in lands it’s not a loss if we stay we need to expand everywhere and leave the geeljire life behind ranch style herding is will benefit us a lot but full scale nomadism is what’s killing us all it’s a thing of the past


Marehan don't even build their towns, this must be a troll topic by clans who are building their towns. Infact federalism hasn't really kicked in untill each and every town develops as fast as each other and not remain to centralized 5 town approach which is what I am seeing now with PL/SL/JL/MOG/BAY really the only contenders. We must not centralize federalism to a few towns, it must go down to the tuulo the rapid development. We need a big body like america and a small head like DC. Even god designed the human body with the brain and maskax small compared to the rest of the body which is massive. Let's follow god design in somalia, and make somalia a fat ass body with a small head in mogadishu. GUUL IYO GOBANIMO


Always Venture, Always Win
Horta how come admin personally gave me a warning for clan slur but everyone is using it freely :gucciwhat:
The moderators here unfortunately are from the beesha Naago puntiland, they like women can't hold their emotions in check, alhamdulliah we Hawiye are known to be straight shooters, we aim for the head not the backs like these naagos.


Always Venture, Always Win
Lol fair enough I get your point, but he can do both you know

The f*ck can Xaarmaajo do, the man is my slave and guest in Mogadishu, he was installed by us to work our interests, so the moment he acts daroodist is moment his tenure ends, and runs like his Abo Siade bare to Nigeria toilet.

One thing I noticed sxb @Suhaib is that you ceyrs are too soft to these darood kids, to survive in Somalia you have to be tough and straight shooter to these dooro kids, but thankfully alhamdulilah Allah created Sacad (the darood killer) amongst HG, if we weren't amongst HG today we would have been like the castrated pet like the abgaals, no balls to face the aggressor daroods.
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Marehan need to be careful not to fall in that trap of "good guests" again. They lost Galinsoor, Dhuusomareeb and many more villages in Mudug/Galgaduud to Habar Gidir not because of War but they wanted to move to Gedo/Jubbaland and that's a dangerous move.

There was a drought in 2008 and 10,000 Marehan families moved to Gedo/Jubooyinka, they're deserting their ancestral lands just to escape the harsh landscape. In the future they'll regret it seeing that Galgaduud has some expensive natural resources, such as Uranium and Diamonds.

f*ck the seats but hes right about the natural resources we need to hold on to our lands in Mudug our population in Jubaland will increase regardless look at Puntland establishing green houses and farms in lands it’s not a loss if we stay we need to expand everywhere and leave the geeljire life behind ranch style herding is will benefit us a lot but full scale nomadism is what’s killing us all it’s a thing of the past
Someone told me that the soil in Caabudwaaq is excellent for farming since the land can hold the water inside the soil but the problem is low rainfall and lack of water resources and we know there is gonna be a random 68 IQ zoomaali who wants to farm Qat (Qat is a thirsty crop) and he's gonna use fucking wells to get water for farming and there is a possibility of people wanting to grow cash crops so there could be a strain on underground water resources. What we really need is a sewage system and a sewage treatment plant so we can at least use the treated water for farming.

Another problem is that we are landlocked in Galgaduud and Mudug so how can we get a desalination pland and we live with mooryaans who would eradicate us if we don't be heavy handed any time they try ciyaar we don't want to end up like Biimaal

We need at least some of us to start being coastal because we need a desalination plant in the central region but obviously that ain't gonna happen in a sea of hu2us.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
That's also a political suicide. Marehan will lose the VP seat and many more parliamentarian seats if they move out of Galgaduud/Mudug region. The toughest Marehan mofos come from that region and they need to stay, adapt and develop their districts instead of deserting it. Wagardhac will definitely stay but Reer Diini?!! I doubt that.
My subclan and Reer Siyad Xussein and Celi will never move as we have no traditoonal deegaans outside of Mudug and Kilinka 5aad. We aint going nowhere
Caabudwaaq is our version of Alaska.

It's our Beacon, we will never leave caabudwaaq but however i do encourage more marehan to settle in jubbaland. Every sade man must have two wife's one in caabudwaaq and one in jubbaland.


Make Hobyo Great Again
Why aren't the Marehan territories in central Somalia part of Puntland?


We can have a road between Galkacyo and Cabudwaaq through Somali Galbeed.
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