Cad Cad Appreciation Thread

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Suldaanka Gobyare
Come on guys, stop the hate.

Xalwo is love Xalwo is life.
What would Somali music be like without the Oud? :lawd:



Source that they brought Kaban to Somalia?

Without Cadcads Somalia wouldn't be the same true that. Cadcads are chill and don't stink like Bantus and are honorable people, but those Bantus keep spreading and spreading everywhere, they are the real problem bruh.

Source that they brought Kaban to Somalia?

Without Cadcads Somalia wouldn't be the same true that. Cadcads are chill and don't stink like Bantus and are honorable people, but those Bantus keep spreading and spreading everywhere, they are the real problem bruh.

:drakelaugh: I almost liked this :ufdup: Bantus are cool, too.

I have no source. Just a guess. You know us cave dwelling, primitive monkeys couldn't come up with such a sophisticated instrument :mjsuitcry:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
This guy is dumb
This is an cadcad guy with Persian origins read his DNA results. We are not the race same with any Africans including you cushites

Zumalia tusoo
I don't care much about genealogy, neither you & I had a choice in that matter. As far as I'm concerned both bantu's iyo cadcad's are the same in my eyes, Somali's also I make no destinations between them ee don't let them gas you up by all the hatred that some are spewing.


I don't care much about genealogy, neither you & I had a choice in that matter. As far as I'm concerned both bantu's iyo cadcad's are the same in my eyes, Somali's also I make no destinations between them ee don't let them gas you up by all the hatred that some are spewing.
There's definitely something wrong with your eyes if middle easterners and Bantu are the same
Somalis are more similar to Bantus than middle easterners are with Bantus (obviously), they are both hamite you uneducated moron.
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