Cadaan Americans are even more crazy than Hoteps

Mainly due to slavery, the trans Sahara slave trade was notorious, even till this day you will find West African y and mtdna haplogroups across the western Asia.

Northern African has had many waves of Western Asian HG and even migration across the Mediterranean, they've kept up to 50% of the ancestral paternal haplogroup E-M81

View attachment 340462

Meanwhile Europe got xooged.(I1 and G2 being the Early European farmers.) from Anatolia got annilated by stepppe pastoralist.
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Not all of it is due to slavery…


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
You don’t think nilotes of the time intermixed with san like people/ Niger-congos? I find it hard to believe
Nearly all Nilotic people have Niger Congo admixture yeah. And you'll even find hybrid tribes like you see mixed Cushite-Nilote tribes in Kenya


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Not all of it is due to slavery…
Ancient Egyptian are shown to be up to 80% Eurasian due to back migration during the Neolithic.

These show porportions of Western Eurasian ancestry, most of it being maternal, the culture is obviously African but has also been influenced by those HG they came into contact with.

Somali hoteps ? What's their ideology ?
They have a few radical ideologies. 😂 One claims that the Sumerians and ancient Arabs were actually Cushites, and a few others claim that Cushites founded ancient Egypt before all the subsequent invasions replaced the indigenous pop.. what I find hilarious is that they’re all devout Muslims 💀


Entitled uppity East African
They have a few radical ideologies. 😂 One claims that the Sumerians and ancient Arabs were actually Cushites, and a few others claim that Cushites founded ancient Egypt before all the subsequent invasions replaced the indigenous pop.. what I find hilarious is that they’re all devout Muslims 💀


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Anyways, I think the craziest cadaan guy is more reasonable then a hotep. Hoteps are out of this world crazy,
You know youll find those crazy homeless dudes on youtube with a youtube page they upload like 10 vids a day. Wallahi their plenty of them I have been recommended a few but its been a couple of months since the last one ive seen. At least what they say has some thought, some rationalization behind it. In fact what you just posted here can just be connected to how both those emblems and their respective countries, a certain group controlled the currency and financial system. It starts to fizzle out from there, but you can see they put a lot more thinking into that compared to some guy Wuzzin
They have a few radical ideologies. 😂 One claims that the Sumerians and ancient Arabs were actually Cushites, and a few others claim that Cushites founded ancient Egypt before all the subsequent invasions replaced the indigenous pop.. what I find hilarious is that they’re all devout Muslims 💀
This make since :patrice:. The whole horn and south Egypt is all Cushitic people


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What is black african? Niger Congo which black Americans decend from? They came from the Nigeria river in West Africa and expanded across the continent. They mixed with nilotes, turns and various people in the closer parts of the Sahara desert but they came late into the game.

The Cushites however were from the nile valley itself. Cushites under the Kush Empire ruled Egypt with the 25th dynasty for 100 years, conquering it from the Assyrians of modern day Iraq.

Cushite tribe known as the Beja still inhabit The eastern desert of Sudan and Egypt. Known as the Beja who speak and look similar to Somalis. The Pharoahs used Beja mercenaries as Medjay, creating the first police force in history.

This is just surface level stuff btw.

But to call egypt "black African" is quite stupid imo. But I see race In a different way to the way Europeans push it. But to say Africans had nothing to do with Egypt is bullshit European revisionism

For lack of a better term I'm prefacing the convo with the term Black African.
Most people know what u mean when you're trying to describe populations south of the Sahara.

Black Africans are diverse! We can be Kushites,Nilotes,Saharan,Sahelian & everything in between.
Atleast that's my position.
When people claim their ancestors were from that region of earth theirs subtle truth to that as long as u can pinpoint what West African group you're referencing.

Like the Somali.. West Africans also share linguistic/cultural affinity with NE Africa. I used to listen to Yoruba folklore & their oral migration stories also point to that truth - so do the Dogon & many other groups in the region.

In my opinion this isn't rocket science, it's just that europeans have corrupted the history so heavily that it's become extremely difficult to discern truth from their falsehoods.

My understanding of that time period is basically this.
Egypt was once THE centre of African ingenuity & higher learning.Here we are thousands of years after their fall with their names & accomplishments still in our mouths.They were also the 1st
example in antiquity of verifiable pan Africanism. (Mostly in the sense of throughout their history different African groups seemingly having their turn at power)

Theirs a reason u see phenotypical variations amongst the different ruling parties depending on the era they ruled.

This is NOT a ruler/person from the 25th dynasty: but contemporary sources would have u believe people with this phenotype were ONLY slaves or at best subservient to those who differed.
You also can't find this bust in Egypt it's hidden in thieving ass croissant land - France.
& some believe it's Amenhotep iii

The Beja are a good representation of similar misinformation.They're termed "Nubians" even tho they're from a kushitic stock - South Sudanese nilotes also get lumped in this category even tho u can't get more nilotic than them. Who was who in ancient Egypt is mostly the reason for all the confusion.

I don't see the problem with descriptive naming.
If the peoples of that society were predominantly what would be considered today as black African - where's the problem?

It's only an issue imo if u believe they WEREN'T Predominantly Black African.
& if that's ur position the burden of proof is on u & u have a mountain to climb.
Mainly due to slavery, the trans Sahara slave trade was notorious, even till this day you will find West African y and mtdna haplogroups across the western Asia.

Northern African has had many waves of Western Asian HG and even migration across the Mediterranean, they've kept up to 50% of the ancestral paternal haplogroup E-M81

View attachment 340462

Meanwhile Europe got xooged.(I1 and G2 being the Early European farmers.) from Anatolia got annilated by stepppe pastoralist.
View attachment 340464

The ancestral homeland of E.
View attachment 340465

Mainly due to slavery, the trans Sahara slave trade was notorious, even till this day you will find West African y and mtdna haplogroups across the western Asia.

Northern African has had many waves of Western Asian HG and even migration across the Mediterranean, they've kept up to 50% of the ancestral paternal haplogroup E-M81

View attachment 340462

Meanwhile Europe got xooged.(I1 and G2 being the Early European farmers.) from Anatolia got annilated by stepppe pastoralist.
View attachment 340464

The ancestral homeland of E.
View attachment 340465

You can argue back migrations until ur face turns purple. Again, if humanity began in Africa & ONLY spread from Africa why would our ancestors venture out to all other lands & for some reason conveniently skip around the north of the continent?
Sounds even more foolish when u account for the Sahara not even existing at the dawn of humanity. If memory serves their was once a riverbed that connected the Nile & ran through Chad all the way to the West African coast.

Only a handful of dynastic peoples have ever been tested. How can u say they were majority eurasian when we don't even have enough representative samples to give ur position validation?

We DO have material culture examples, & the manner they themselves depicted themselves.
Are u calling the artist of those times liars?


♚Sargon of Adal♚
You can argue back migrations until ur face turns purple. Again, if humanity began in Africa & ONLY spread from Africa why would our ancestors venture out to all other lands & for some reason conveniently skip around the north of the continent?
Sounds even more foolish when u account for the Sahara not even existing at the dawn of humanity. If memory serves their was once a riverbed that connected the Nile & ran through Chad all the way to the West African coast.

Only a handful of dynastic peoples have ever been tested. How can u say they were majority eurasian when we don't even have enough representative samples to give ur position validation?

We DO have material culture examples, & the manner they themselves depicted themselves.
Are u calling the artist of those times liars?
Yeah that was the African humid period, why do you think people migrated back and then condensed on the Nile valley, it was due to giant lakes in the Sahara drying up, the Sahara was previously all grassland, this period that lasted 10k years.

While it's clear that Egypt's material culture has deep roots in Africa, it's also important to acknowledge the significant genetic and cultural influences from Western Asia that have shaped Egypt throughout its history.

The first king that united Egypt was from the south, his name was Narmer, the phenotype in the South was different, the lower Egyptian were more admixed with Anatolian/Levant or what you find in Egypt now, while Upper Egyptian looked like cushites who mixed with AEA HG.



I can why those Ethiopian highlands are so prized lol.
All humans migrated from africa, all eurasians are descended from a small part of that original african diversity hence why they tend to be more closer related compared to the divergent populations in africa
Didn’t the eurasian lineage we descend from diverge long before other eurasian groups mixed with Neanderthals, making them more distinct/ separate? & wouldn’t that make our basal eurasian ancestors more related to SSA groups? correct me if I'm wrong…🤔