Can boys & girls be friends...?

Can you be friends with someone of thr opposite sex?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It depends factors/circumstances

  • Unsure

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I think you can be friends with people of the opposite sex but maybe not best friends..?

Do you have a mix of male & female friends?


Ride The Lightning
no, unless you want to risk catching feelings.
if you go out of your way to make sure your female friends are unattractive, then that doesn't count as a real friend
Yes they can. Ive seen friends like tht who have never had crushes on each other. Theyve stayed friends for years and now their married to other people. It happens a lot.


I think they can be friends in the workplace / school. Talk strategy and scratch each other's back. :hillarybiz:
Also anonymously on a forum like this :pachah1:

Otherwise, don't recommend having personal friendship with men tho. Heard they are draining

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Yes they can. Ive seen friends like tht who have never had crushes on each other. Theyve stayed friends for years and now their married to other people. It happens a lot.
It seems like that from the outside but one person is always willing to risk the whole friendship for a chance of a relationship.

They’re just to cowardly to shoot their shot


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You won't develop feelings for or be attracted to everyone of the opposite sex, and finding someone attractive doesn't mean the relationship should extend beyond friendship. However, men and women often navigate these dynamics differently: men tend to overestimate romantic or sexual interest, while women tend to underestimate it. This makes men slightly more prone to misinterpretation. Making them potentially overplay their hand which could result in the loss of a friendship.

Also, there has to be more than mutual attraction. There has to be alignment on various dimensions (shared life goals, cultural and spiritual compability) and shared understanding to push past being just friends. And in that case, that person is a suitor/real marriage prospect.

This is a lot more nuanced.
I think you can be friends with people of the opposite sex but maybe not best friends..?

Do you have a mix of male & female friends?
While the girl will put the guy in a friend category, the guy will put the girl in a friend slash potentially romantic category. Then, the guy will work towards a romantic relationship, biding his time for a chance. Or in prison terms, he'll be plotting on her booty.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Yes, i'm not a weirdo who drools everytime they see the opposite gender, i have plenty of male friends.
More than half of your guy friends would give up the “friendship” to hook up with you. Even for one night. Truth hurts
Yes but it depends on who you are as a person really. Some people aren't capable of it and some people are. I don't think there is one size fits all answer for this question.
More than half would give up the “friendship” to hook up with you. Even for one night. Truth hurts
Most of them are in situationships with other people, and we've known eachother since childhood, also if only half would be willingly to hookup up with me, then doesn't the other half who won't mean that boys and girls are capable of being friends?