Can Somali women be leaders?

Years back handicaps on this forum were horny for women to lead Somalia I told them back then women are Trojan horse they will backstab there own brother/father over some **** and what do you know that ***** ilhan proved everything I said right:mjlol:
Look at that useless ***** sucking the enemy does nothing but put microscope on us fights for everybody else but us while using our name.:mjlol:
She's preview of Somali women leading anything:russ:
We should wave the white flag before we let women lead anything:chrisfreshhah:
I don't give af my misogynist side is coming out:pachah1:

Why are you acting like men don't think with their dicks??
Your talking about Somali women being incapable of running homes as if the men are doing any better :uCkf6mf::uCkf6mf:

A healthy household is supposed to pertain two parents but the reality is where I live it's very common that women have to do it all by themselves. you guys criticise women too much without considering the whole fucking picture. Raising children all by your self is not simple.

No, I have utmost respect for single mothers wallahi :salute:

However we must be objective wll, the children raised in single mother homes underperform their peers despite their Hooyo's best efforts
Then why hasn't it happened yet?
Women back home ( and some in the west ) have internalised sexism. They truly believe males are superior. My mom believed that until some month ago when a sheikh corrected her and told her that all humans irrespective of gender are equal.


King Of NSFW
Your talking about Somali women being incapable of running homes as if the men are doing any better :uCkf6mf::uCkf6mf:

A healthy household is supposed to pertain two parents but the reality is where I live it's very common that women have to do it all by themselves. you guys criticise women too much without considering the whole fucking picture. Raising children all by your self is not simple.
I love my hooyo she did it all by herself from when I was 12 until now single mothers are a blessing :lawd:
You feminist xalimos need to be like her who follows deen and values:salute:
Women regardless of their ethnic/cultural background cannot be leaders.
No, I have utmost respect for single mothers wallahi :salute:

However we must be objective wll, the children raised in single mother homes underperform their peers despite their Hooyo's best efforts

Of course, an Ideal household is a household that contains a set of great parents. But nowadays men are fleeing their responsibilities and women are raising them by themself.

I love my hooyo she did it all by herself from when I was 12 until now single mothers are a blessing :lawd:

Mine as well. When my mom came to the west she was 18 and my dad told her to be a housewife and that there was no reason for her to learn the language. Five kids later, my dad divorced my mom and moved out. gradually over time, we saw him less and less and my mom was forced to go to school and learn a hole as language and eventually get a job. Now, my mom works full time, take care of us full time and make sure we have everything we need at full time.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Prophet SAW was clear on the matter, any nation ran by a woman will never prosper. Sorry, I will obey him in all matters for verily it is but revelation:icon e smile:
Prophet SAW was clear on the matter, any nation ran by a woman will never prosper. Sorry, I will obey him in all matters for verily it is but revelation:icon e smile:
Madness Abti. These feminist xalimos will go against what the prophet said because they want to compare to men. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in the end times.
Prophet SAW was clear on the matter, any nation ran by a woman will never prosper. Sorry, I will obey him in all matters for verily it is but revelation:icon e smile:

What about when the prophet ﷺ said whoever calls to qabyaalad is not from the believers?

Or are you a reformed FKD-er? kkkk


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Madness Abti. These feminist xalimos will go against what the prophet said because they want to compare to men. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in the end times.
Feminism originated from Marxism sxb, its a Socialist concept to corrupt the family unit. Our Prophet SAW and Quran gave women all the rights they need thousands of years ago.

We men need to implement them

