Canadian conservative commentator: Somali Muslims made Ottawa the murder capital of Canada

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Keepin Southies in check since 1998

MARCH 08, 2017 by Press Progress

Watch the weirdest moments from Maxime Bernier's interview with a racist fringe website

What was he thinking when he agreed to do the interview?

Conservative leadership candidate Maxime Bernier spoke with the Mississauga Gazette a few weeks ago.

The Gazette is an obscure website called "hateful towards the Muslim community" by the National Council of Canadian Muslims and denounced as "racist and homophobic" by Mississauga's mayor – in fact, the mayor even filed a hate crime complaint against the website with police last fall.


Video from the wide-ranging half-hour interview shows Gazette co-owner Kevin Johnston quizzing Bernier on topics ranging from non-existent Muslim murder sprees to "social engineering," even discussing ways to encourage "old stock Canadians" to have more babies.

Mississauga's Mayor has called Johnston a "proponent of hate." His YouTube channel includes several videos describing Muslims as rapists. One video, showing Johnston at a chaotic school board meeting, was recently showcased on Ezra Levant's Rebel Media.

Here are a few highlights from Bernier's interview:

Although he fields several questions that veer into outlandish territory, Bernier doesn't quite challenge the premise of the questions and often sounds like he's twisting himself in a pretzel trying to strike a conciliatory tone.

For example, one question tackles the question of "Somalian Muslims" who have transformed Ottawa into "the murder capital of Canada" – a claim that's at odds with the fact Ottawa's homicide rate ranks 28th in Canada:

"About 15 minutes ago a very disturbing article was sent to me in that Ottawa is now being called the murder capital of Canada. And that's because there's a lot of Somalian Muslims either killing each other or killing folks that live in the same low-income housing as them. Is there any commentary that you have on that?"
Bernier's response? Although he stresses "we cannot blame a religion or something like that," he also says the baseless claim of a murder spree shows "you want to have immigrants that will be able to integrate into our society."

"We don't want people to live in a ghetto," Bernier adds.

And then there's the age old question on how to encourage "old stock Canadians" to have more babies:

"What about Canada's birth rate, which is incredibly low? Is there not going to be any incentive that would be given to Canadians, especially – as Harper had worded it – old stock Canadians, to having more children that are born here who are already adapted to the culture because that's what they're going to be raised in ... Will there be any plan to get a larger sum brought in to Canadians who are second, third, and fourth generations to having more kids?"
Fourth generation Canadians aren't having enough babies? What does Bernier think?

Acknowledging that "yes, that's a challenge to the Canadian society" and suggesting "more immigrants" could help, in the next breath, Bernier suggests "lowering taxes" for families would add "another incentive for maybe having another child, I think that's a solution."
Facts are important but keep some nuance in there, otherwise you're just lying :childplease:
Maybe exaggerating a little but my statement still stands. What other ethnic group, leave their country escaping violence only to start gunning each other down in their host country.

As people who have escaped war, we should be the most grateful for the peace and law&order that we are afforded in these foreign lands.
Maybe exaggerating a little but my statement still stands. What other ethnic group, leave their country escaping violence only to start gunning each other down in their host country.

As people who have escaped war, we should be the most grateful for the peace and law&order that we are afforded in these foreign lands.

Majority of the gang-bangers aren't refugees though. They're second generation Somalis who grew up in the west. FOBs are usually hard-workers in my experience. But you are right, the Somali diaspora are all kinds of fucked up and lagging behind other immigrant groups.
Majority of the gang-bangers aren't refugees though. They're second generation Somalis who grew up in the west. FOBs are usually hard-workers in my experience. But you are right, the Somali diaspora are all kinds of fucked up and lagging behind other immigrant groups.
Second generation shouldn't be that far removed from their peoples struggle. Their parents scaped a freaking war. How the hell does it make sense to start being violent and disruptive in the country that pretty much saved their parents.

I know what my parents did to reach England and I'm grateful that I neither had to go through it nor be the ones left in Somalia who are currently risking their lives to have the same stability. That's why I would never take any of the opportunities I have got for granted.

These kids are honestly brain-dead because it doesn't take a genius to figure out how lucky they're.
Maybe exaggerating a little but my statement still stands. What other ethnic group, leave their country escaping violence only to start gunning each other down in their host country.

As people who have escaped war, we should be the most grateful for the peace and law&order that we are afforded in these foreign lands.
It's never the refugees that leave the war that do crime when such activities. Only the youth that do so because of a failed integration policy.

Do not equate the ones that escaped war with the ones that fall into the hands of a failed integration policy.
These kids are honestly brain-dead because it doesn't take a genius to figure out how lucky they're.
These kids are indoctrinated into gang culture as a result of being excluded from the greater Canadian culture and society. That way they never develop a Canadian identity and by living in segregated poor areas they lack job access. Then some older guys come along and indoctrinate them to join a gang, giving them a new identity and a way to earn easy money not knowing they are only expendable pawns.

The integration policy of many places is absolutely shit. Refugees come and when they're getting a place to stay they go to the area where they were told to come by family and clan connections where they in the end segregate themselves and their children grow up in the same culture instead of a dual national and ethnic one. This is how it starts, always. When the kids become teenagers they have difficulties getting a job and they feel left out. They only have themselves at that point. Nobody has their back or helps them except gangs.


Kim Jong Fun
Facts aren't self-hate.

Honestly the term 'Self-hate' is overused in this place to try and divert any negative criticism even when its the truth.
So the truth is that Ottawa is the murder capital of Canada even though it ranks 28? :draketf:
Self-hating-lying-. :fredo: Is that better? :cosbyhmm:
So the truth is that Ottawa is the murder capital of Canada even though it ranks 28? :draketf:
Self-hating-lying-. :fredo: Is that better? :cosbyhmm:
I said it was a little exaggerated dumbass, cant you read.

You guys can shout self-hate from the top of your lungs but you sound as retarded as people who scream racism whenever their shortcomings are mentioned.

I'm not going to beat around the bush and pretend that Somalis aren't literally the worst ethnic group to let into your country. If that makes me self hating, I honestly don't give a shit.
I'm just not delusional enough to keep ignoring the blatantly obvious problems we have as a community and either pretend that it's all due to the civil war or just simply chalk it up to bunch of isolated incidents.


Kim Jong Fun
I said it was a little exaggerated dumbass, cant you read.

You guys can shout self-hate from the top of your lungs but you sound as retarded as people who scream racism whenever their shortcomings are mentioned.

I'm not going to beat around the bush and pretend that Somalis aren't literally the worst ethnic group to let into your country. If that makes me self hating, I honestly don't give a shit.
I'm just not delusional enough to keep ignoring the blatantly obvious problems we have as a community and either pretend that it's all due to the civil war or just simply chalk it up to bunch of isolated incidents.
Nayaa, dameer foolxun iyo lugo qaloocan danyeer la seexday batahay. Hooyada iyo abohay khaniska wasse!
You just made me whip out my struggle Somali you no marriage prospects self-hating-lying-. :ufdup: I hope you and your family get deported to Kenya. :fredo:


Second generation shouldn't be that far removed from their peoples struggle. Their parents scaped a freaking war. How the hell does it make sense to start being violent and disruptive in the country that pretty much saved their parents.

I know what my parents did to reach England and I'm grateful that I neither had to go through it nor be the ones left in Somalia who are currently risking their lives to have the same stability. That's why I would never take any of the opportunities I have got for granted.

These kids are honestly brain-dead because it doesn't take a genius to figure out how lucky they're.

Many times the parent's don't appreciate the peace they're afforded here, some of them were beneficiaries of the corrupt regime and want to continue on the cycle. There is zero accountability. They don't know nor do they care what their kids are up to, the parents living one life and their children are living another. When the child escapes to go fight with ISIS, or dies because of a drive by shooting they have absolutely no idea genuinely because they're not aware of their children's lives. Essentially, kama war hayaan. That's the number one problem.


These kids are indoctrinated into gang culture as a result of being excluded from the greater Canadian culture and society. That way they never develop a Canadian identity and by living in segregated poor areas they lack job access. Then some older guys come along and indoctrinate them to join a gang, giving them a new identity and a way to earn easy money not knowing they are only expendable pawns.

The integration policy of many places is absolutely shit. Refugees come and when they're getting a place to stay they go to the area where they were told to come by family and clan connections where they in the end segregate themselves and their children grow up in the same culture instead of a dual national and ethnic one. This is how it starts, always. When the kids become teenagers they have difficulties getting a job and they feel left out. They only have themselves at that point. Nobody has their back or helps them except gangs.

They stay stagnate, and the children of these refugees don't have the skills or qualifications to move on from these clan enclaves and do better for their families. I just wish Somalis would focus on important topics like integrating not assimilating, job training and how to get a job, resume building, health, etc. instead of the same old nacnac about heblaayo marrying an ajnabi and having a baby out of wedlock and how that's ruining our community.

The educated professionals need to have a stronger voice and we need to do more to assist these kids having trouble with real life tangible skills so that they go to university, have employment good experience, have a good resume, and get a well paying job to eventually become economically empowered because that will positively affect the rest of the community.
I said it was a little exaggerated dumbass, cant you read.

You guys can shout self-hate from the top of your lungs but you sound as retarded as people who scream racism whenever their shortcomings are mentioned.

I'm not going to beat around the bush and pretend that Somalis aren't literally the worst ethnic group to let into your country. If that makes me self hating, I honestly don't give a shit.
I'm just not delusional enough to keep ignoring the blatantly obvious problems we have as a community and either pretend that it's all due to the civil war or just simply chalk it up to bunch of isolated incidents.
The worst how?:ileycry:

Somalis aren't behind most crime in every country we've immigrated to, by far. Failed integration has nothing to do with the ethnic group but everything to do with the Govt and their policies. Other groups are just as big or bigger victims of the same policies at time and they're also much more criminal than Somalis. But nah f*ck my people (except myself cuz I'm a fucking pussy)

People are calling you a self hater because you've already been branded as such. Because all you do is talk about how retarded Somalis are and how you are one of the "smart ones". You literally spend most of your time talking down on Somalis. Get a grip nayaa. You disgust me :farole:
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