Canadian govt revokes citizenship of at least 1 Somali today

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AJ you must really hate your family eh, you're projecting your personal issues on all Muslims.

Did you even watch cartoons as a child? Did your parents buy toys or was it haram to play with toys?

This has nothing to do with Muslims. I even told cidhaarta to get edit her comment
Look at all my haters!

It isn't the end of the world. What's more, Canadian or (Western) citizenship is overrated. It won't help you if you're like AJ, 'cause to Canadian authorities AJ looks like a Muslim, hence why they would never trust him. I hope AJ is careful, 'cause the worst he fears is losing his citizenship, and karma can hurt someone who ridicules his own people and faith.
This guy is despicable, seriously who on earth would wish death on an online character whom you had disagreement with.

Those so called liberals/atheists are the true extremists and terrorists and its evident to any rational humans those guys are hypocrite who time after time have shown their determinations to trample on the human dignity of people they disagree with.

I advice you to seek fella because you are beyond pathetic.

Abdi buur aka hood reporter you are not included, you have certified troll pass :lebronwait:

These worthless characters are the one advocating for my death yet somehow I'm considered the extremist SMFH.

Ciddhartha represents the very lowest of Somalis, and how far we've fallen as a people in the last 300 years.
^^^Don't accuse me of being in the wrong, when you yourself advocated for my death on this forum.

At least now people can see how much of a hypocritical c*nt you are.
Saad Khalid is a Saudi. Never mind.

@Kaafiye is upset today. He thought he can change our values and beliefs but his friends have had their citizenship revoked. Kaafiye had suffered a big loss today.

Thank you Mr PM for protecting us from the terrorists

I must say, your trolling skills have significantly improved since May.
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