Canadian govt revokes citizenship of at least 1 Somali today

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I may have generalised a bit, but atheist extremists like this cidd monkey have real hate in their heart and should seek medical help before it too late.

We should fight all kinda of extremist but i don't see you condemning his hate speech but i have witness you condemn kaafiye countless times, why the double standards or is one rule for muslims and another for others.

Because let's face it, most of the pure unadulterated hatred comes from the religious extremists. Kaafiye has countless times said he'd happily execute me and others for being godless
And then he cries that we call him a radical fundamentalist.


Keepin Southies in check since 1998
Meanwhile Harper's convicted felon friend, Conrad Black, is walking free in Canada even though he gave up his Canadian citizenship years ago.
Because let's face it, most of the pure unadulterated hatred comes from the religious extremists. Kaafiye has countless times said he'd happily execute me and others for being godless
And then he cries that we call him a radical fundamentalist.

Nice job manipulating my words, genius. No, I would not "happily" execute you and I even argued against applying Shariah in Western countries, so please be quiet. It's not my right to tell you how to live your life.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Nice job manipulating my words, genius. No, I would not "happily" execute you and I even argued against applying Shariah in Western countries, so please be quiet. It's not my right to tell you how to live your life.

It's not your right to tell me how I should live in Somalia either (MY country) but over there you would execute me too.

Own up to your words. Don't run away from them.
@Kaafiye is a threat to religious minorities, LGBTQI and ethnic minorities like the Bantus who he would like forcibly deported. To him, the ends justify the means and that includes hurting the Bantus.

I find it worrisome that he is living in the same country as me, a country he despises and is not loyal to and would not feel any emotion if it were harmed by terrorists


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Kaafiye and his ilk don't believe in free speech. Most Somalis are Muslims but they want to live freely and not live under Shariah. Most Somalis like music, dancing. A lot of Somali girls don't wanna wear hijab. Some Somalis like to drink alcohol and have pre marital sex.

All of the above people are still Muslims but they don't wanna live under Shariah where those acts are punishable.

Stop imposing your radicalism on people.
@Kaafiye is a threat to religious minorities, LGBTQI and ethnic minorities like the Bantus who he would like forcibly deported. To him, the ends justify the means and that includes hurting the Bantus.

I find it worrisome that he is living in the same country as me, a country he despises and is not loyal to and would not feel any emotion if it were harmed by terrorists

I love Canada as a country and I've said so many times. So don't make up lies about me you low-IQ produce seller.

You're the one who insists on posting on a Somali forum despite the fact that the vast majority of Somalis want nothing to do with you or your bullshit ideology. You even said that you would happily invade Somalia and take part in killing Somali locals so spare me your nonsense
@Kaafiye, How can you love Canada but hate secularism? Makes no sense. Its like loving peanut butter but without the bread. How are you supposed to eat it?

Produce sellers in Somalia are usually Somali Bantus and you've called me that many times. Hmmm...

Somali is an ethnic group. Somalis are tied by language and culture, not religion. If you insist on tying your ethnic group with your personal faith than you have a low view of your people. "Somalis are only about one faith. That's it", as Kaafiye would say. Really? Don't you want to have other things to be known for? Kaafiye seeks to destroy the pride of Somalis and our identity. Somalis existed before Islam but Kaafiye seeks to destroy everything about Somalis. He thinks Somalis came to be in the 7th century. That's when the clock started ticking in Kaafiyes mind.

Somalis are quite liberal to be honest. Somalis in Somalia don't allow their gay clansmen jailed and the only reason why some Somali youths in the West hate gays is because they are addicted to Jamaican reggae music, not becauseof faith, something they have abandoned years ago. You are in the minority in your city. Somalis are quite irreligious there. So don't claim to represent the Somalis there. You are fringe. You are on the peripheral. You are on the outer boundary. You are sidelined.
@Kaafiye, How can you love Canada but hate secularism? Makes no sense. Its like loving peanut butter but without the bread. How are you supposed to eat it?

Produce sellers in Somalia are usually Somali Bantus and you've called me that many times. Hmmm...

Somali is an ethnic group. Somalis are tied by language and culture, not religion. If you insist on tying your ethnic group with your personal faith than you have a low view of your people. "Somalis are only about one faith. That's it", as Kaafiye would say. Really? Don't you want to have other things to be known for? Kaafiye seeks to destroy the pride of Somalis and our identity. Somalis existed before Islam but Kaafiye seeks to destroy everything about Somalis. He thinks Somalis came to be in the 7th century. That's when the clock started ticking in Kaafiyes mind.

Somalis are quite liberal to be honest. Somalis in Somalia don't allow their gay clansmen jailed and the only reason why some Somali youths in the West hate gays is because they are addicted to Jamaican reggae music, not becauseof faith, something they have abandoned years ago. You are in the minority in your city. Somalis are quite irreligious there. So don't claim to represent the Somalis there. You are fringe. You are on the peripheral. You are on the outer boundary. You are sidelined.

Somalis dislike homosexuality because of reggae music? Are you serious?


Just stop saying stuff. Please just stop. You've repeated the same lies as you have before and it's getting downright irritating.
Somalis dislike homosexuality because of reggae music? Are you serious?


Just stop saying stuff. Please just stop. You've repeated the same lies as you have before and it's getting downright irritating.

Yes. The Somali youth who hate gays in the West hate it because of reggae and hip hop music. They are influenced by it. Whereas the Canadian Somalis who are not fans of that music are all pro LGBTQI because most are now irreligious
You're all far too trusting of government. Government by its very nature is faceless and immoral. This law is designed to hurt poc, fullstop. I have no reason to believe Canada cares one iota to treat its immigrant citizens well after what Maher Arar and Mohamed Fahmy have been put through by the Canadian government. Canada doesn't give a f*ck and your loved ones might be next.

All Muslims like Kaafiye should be taken out Osama style.


You're fucked up, too, Siddhartha.


It's not Atheists who are being deported or having their citizenship revoked for terrorism.

How do you know how they feel in their hearts? People are declaring their beliefs on SS... how do you know they are doing the same offline?

^^^Don't accuse me of being in the wrong, when you yourself advocated for my death on this forum.

At least now people can see how much of a hypocritical c*nt you are.

You're reckless, he's reckless. And you're both hypocritical with plastic morals.

I'd love for u to get done up like Osama, 0 dark 30 while you're sleeping. :abuxyga::ninja::ninja::ninja::gunsmiley::9uoofqd::2tjlv3e::gunsmiley::z1banet::deadosama:


Because let's face it, most of the pure unadulterated hatred comes from the religious extremists. Kaafiye has countless times said he'd happily execute me and others for being godless
And then he cries that we call him a radical fundamentalist.

All extremists, religious or otherwise, are the same. I'm not even sure what your point is in this post.

not loyal to and would not feel any emotion if it were harmed by terrorists
You're going to far. You have no excuse for that sort of fabrication. Can everyone unbunch their panties already?

Yes. The Somali youth who hate gays in the West hate it because of reggae and hip hop music.



I hope to see the day Shariah law is implemented throughout Somalia and the rest of the world.:banderas:

Y'all will come out with you listen to music, check big booty/big naaso chicks pictures and shit but I will leave all that behind IA. :lolbron:

Btw I ain't no Shabab, ISIS supporter :idontlike:so don't come at with you're a terrorist supporter.:ufdup:
Who cares. :umhxisq:

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