Caribbean Black Woman Vents About the Dysfunction in Her Community. Would You Say the Same Applies to Ours?

Another anti men thread, the kaafirad and her feminist minions certainly are working overtime. Just completely divest and leave our community alone.
Stop with the calaacal. You’re a young men from a two parent home who still ended up in trouble and had to go through daqan celis. Why don’t you tell us what made you do this and why you felt you fell into the wrong crowd despite being from a good family?


Plotting world domination
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I laughed at your comment because sadly I’m of a Gen in which a few sons of family friends got locked up, had to go through daqan celis or due to messing around in their youth and hanging out with local dealers haven’t lived up to their potential but 8/10 times the sisters have degrees and the younger bothers are doing a lot better then the older.

As for low ‘income’ most Somalis in the UK were low income at one point with some doing better than others but for the most part we’ve always been working class.

It isn’t a ‘myth’ it’s what I saw in the 2000s and 2010s.

My mom's family arrived here while she was in her preteens. My mom, her siblings and cousins pretty much grew up in the inner city. Out of all of my uncles that grew up here only like 3 out of 8 turned out fine.

I believe the major reason why they turned out fine was because of the fact they moved away for college right after they graduated high school. They didn't even try staying in the area. 2 of my uncles earned scholarships in high school while the other legit took loans and gave no fucks. They were all determined to leave the hood.

All 3 of those guys are upper middle class and earned some solid degrees in stem. They all live in nice suburban areas and their kids have turned out pretty fine so far. All of their oldest children are attending some nice universities currently.

That generation of Somali men honestly got fucked. Most of them had useless fathers that didn't know how to parent and raised their kids in the hood.
My mom's family arrived here while she was in her preteens. My mom, her siblings and cousins pretty much grew up in the inner city. Out of all of my uncles that grew up here only like 3 out of 8 turned out fine.

I believe the major reason why they turned out fine was because of the fact they moved away for college right after they graduated high school. They didn't even try staying in the area. 2 of my uncles earned scholarships in high school while the other legit took loans and gave no fucks. They were all determined to leave the hood.

All 3 of those guys are upper middle class and earned some solid degrees in stem. They all live in nice suburban areas and their kids have turned out pretty fine so far. All of their oldest children are attending some nice universities currently.
I genuinely think boys are more impacted by the type of area you raise them rather than just having a father ect. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not downplaying fathers but a you’d be surprised how many boys have still went down a bad path whilst mum and dad were still together and many of those fathers weren’t bad at all.

I agree, its probably because they moved since I know plenty of people who are from two parent households and unfortunately some boys still fell into the wrong crowd because irs hard to protect your son when you’re raising them in an area notorious for gangs.

It’s the council houses and benefits that have done more harm than a father not being around. Most of the examples I gave, the adeero was right at home and some have truly tried but when your English is that great, work as a taxi driver for 12 hours and live In the ghetto, it isn’t surprising .
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As much as I come for dead beat Somali fathers ect when I actually think about it, I know Somali fathers who did actually try with their kids still be victims of having wayward sons. Some have personally took their sons back home and have tried to put them on the straight and narrow. I suppose for some it worked as whilst their sons might not the most educated, they’ve saved them from jail.
I actually do agree with you on that latter point. One of the most ciyaalsuuq guys I knew growing out (had a gun charge and hung out with hood niggas despite our high school being majority middle-class whites) had an active father in his life. My guess is he got fucked over by living in a section 8 neighborhood and befriending the wrong crowd
I actually do agree with you on that latter point. One of the most ciyaalsuuq guys I knew growing out (had a gun charge and hung out with hood niggas despite our high school being majority middle-class whites) had an active father in his life. My guess is he got fucked over by living in a section 8 neighborhood and befriending the wrong crowd
I think in the context of Somalis, simply talking about family dynamics and whether the parents are good is far too simplistic. I know fathers who have struggled to rein their sons in and have tried their best whilst having their own drawbacks like low level English, low income and raising kids in a bad area, but still they were good men dealt a bad hand in a gaal country they don't know the system of with sons in an environment a boomer father can't relate to.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Not even close sure we have our own skeletons in the closet but it cant be compared or even come close to african american problems


Plotting world domination
I genuinely think boys are more impacted by the type of area you raise them rather than just having a father ect. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not downplaying fathers but a you’d be surprised how many boys have still went down a bad path whilst mum and dad were still together and many of those fathers weren’t bad at all.

I agree, its probably because they moved since I know plenty of people who are from two parent households and unfortunately some boys still fell into the wrong crowd because irs hard to protect your son when you’re raising them in an area notorious for gangs.

It’s the council houses and benefits that have done more harm than a father not being around. Most of the examples I gave, the adeero was right at home and some have truly tried but when your English is that great, work as a taxi driver for 12 hours and live In the ghetto, it isn’t surprising .

Yep environment plays a big role. I literally know a family that raised their kids in the hood. None of their sons ever finished college and two of their sons even became drug dealers.
The only reason why their daughter turned out fine was because her freedom was restricted and was forced to stay home all the time.

Their dad pretty much worked all the time and couldn't really be an active dad. Honestly most of his kids genuinely stood no chance.

You know damn well our situation isnt as bad as theirs. Yes it is qashin but not to their level.

Only difference is that African Americans will always have a small permanent underclass. Our community isn't big enough here in the west for us to establish a noticable permanent underclass. The children of our bums and losers will most likely marry out and won't be Somali in the next few generations anyway.

We definitely have a noticable amount of men that never really lived up to their full potential. Like Angelina said earlier. A lot of those 30+ year old Somali men that arrived in the west as young kids or teens got screwed over.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
It's one thing to say that it happens but it's another thing to insinuate that's a general trend among low-income Somali or other Black/Black immigrant households. If it's the latter you'll have to bring up data since everything I've read goes against that
I don't have any family or friends like that the yap is insane. The older gen ik that immigrated have studied and gotten degrees despite being fresh off the boat from Djibouti. Incl like my uncle who did computer science in sweden. No male cousins in prisons, we all go school, have jobs and most I have met in the recent years go gym.

Internet waste will always try push stereotypes on Somali because their own family are dysfunctional doesn't mean we all are.


We are black just like AA's, Jamaicans and other fellow Africans. Therefore we are just as compromised in everything this black woman has described.

Somali homes are riddled with glorification of crime culture. We have the biggest single mother epidemic amongst Muslims. We love rap and hiphop, we don't believe in hard work and we don't contribute anything meaningful to any host country. Most of our communities leech off the system. Somalis have an inherent culture of abandoning their children in search of new pastures.

Trying to distinguish ourselves from our fellow Blacks is completely unjustified in my view.


For US colonization of Somalia|Trudeau4Prison
Staff Member
We are black just like AA's, Jamaicans and other fellow Africans. Therefore we are just as compromised in everything this black woman has described.

Somali homes are riddled with glorification of crime culture. We have the biggest single mother epidemic amongst Muslims. We love rap and hiphop, we don't believe in hard work and we don't contribute anything meaningful to any host country. Most of our communities leech off the system. Somalis have an inherent culture of abandoning their children in search of new pastures.

Trying to distinguish ourselves from our fellow Blacks is completely unjustified in my view.

Having anything Somali related around you other than maybe cuisine and music in the west is just as bad as using fentanyl. The higher dose, you're done.


For US colonization of Somalia|Trudeau4Prison
Staff Member
I think in the context of Somalis, simply talking about family dynamics and whether the parents are good is far too simplistic. I know fathers who have struggled to rein their sons in and have tried their best whilst having their own drawbacks like low level English, low income and raising kids in a bad area, but still they were good men dealt a bad hand in a gaal country they don't know the system of with sons in an environment a boomer father can't relate to.

Somali fathers who have bad sons are bad fathers. They decided to stay in guri dawlad instead of doing what others have done and left for areas not full of gangs and bum youth. Somali girls prior to 2010 were also losers though. Its a myth they were always surpassing the guys. Post-2010, they have been doing really good while the guys were khasaaro but I think post-2020, Somali guys have now surpassed them. It's still a largely khasaaro community though.


Having anything Somali related around you other than maybe cuisine and music in the west is just as bad as using fentanyl. The higher dose, you're done.

Nothing is more potentially harmful or life threatening than associating with anything Somali. You are exponentially at a higher risk of becoming a drug addict, an incel, a femcel, incarcerated or a career criminal. The wisest thing that any potentially successful Somali can do is to completely disassociate from anything Somali, especially the culture.
Somali fathers who have bad sons are bad fathers. They decided to stay in guri dawlad instead of doing what others have done and left for areas not full of gangs and bum youth. Somali girls prior to 2010 were also losers though. Its a myth they were always surpassing the guys. Post-2010, they have been doing really good while the guys were khasaaro but I think post-2020, Somali guys have now surpassed them. It's still a largely khasaaro community though.
Blaming a refugee father that can barely speak English isn’t far.
I don't have any family or friends like that the yap is insane. The older gen ik that immigrated have studied and gotten degrees despite being fresh off the boat from Djibouti. Incl like my uncle who did computer science in sweden. No male cousins in prisons, we all go school, have jobs and most I have met in the recent years go gym.

Internet waste will always try push stereotypes on Somali because their own family are dysfunctional doesn't mean we all are.
I’m talking about what I saw when I was 12-21 and wasn’t even talking about family but my local area when I was growing up. None of my male cousins are in prison although I have family friends who are near cousins who’ve been. I know/heard of at least 10 boys whose families I know who I have been to prison and these boys are from different qabils.

You need to put your feelings aside here and understand when 1000s of people are saying something there must be some element of truth to it.

Gunning for my family when I was blantatly talking about my local area more than ten yrs ago is silly. It’s a fact, a % of boys in my area did go prison, boys that were part of my community that I grew up with.

Speak to any over 26+ you’ll get a similar experience and even many men admit this.

You’ve just turned 18 with barely any life experience with life now being completely different to when I was growing up in the 2000s and 2010s. You weren’t even born or was under 5 when I saw some people I knew getting stabbed or locked up?
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Stop with the calaacal. You’re a young men from a two parent home who still ended up in trouble and had to go through daqan celis. Why don’t you tell us what made you do this and why you felt you fell into the wrong crowd despite being from a good family?
He's not wrong

Every day there's a new rage bait thread, ironically it's the kaafir user inciting these feuds and watching you Muslims go back and fourth

With all due respect you're so chronically online to see through this mess


For US colonization of Somalia|Trudeau4Prison
Staff Member
Blaming a refugee father that can barely speak English isn’t far.

They speak English. Let's cut the crap. Seeing how Eritreans refugees have flourished with zero access to guri dawlad has solidified my view.