I have read the whole thing before, you are not showing me anything new.
If you truly read his book than you wouldn't make bold allegations claiming self sufficiency in food production, rapid progress in many industries & diversity (economy was mainly livestock exports everything else failed), budget surplus, high fiscal performance, low corruption and accuse Cabdi Ismaciil Samatar of spreading false narrative even though his book is full of hard cold measurable numerical data.
The first 10 years of his regime Somalia was rapidly making progress , in so many different industries, education, literacy, health care, environmental protection, drought prevention, animal care, cultural/literary production, energy boost, nationwide electricity, infrastructure and manufacturing and was self sufficient in terms of food agriculture with food surpluses. The economy diversified more. Corruption was low, fiscal performance high and they had a budget surplus which they allocated to development projects. It also didn't place heavy restriction or prevent private trade or investment either and encouraged private enterprises in some sectors and built a commercial malls with dozens of shops to boost free trade , and the GNP of the economy was growing at high rate of 6%-7%. Somalia in general was safe with high security, Mogadishu was voted as a safe city. High score in sovereignty and a capable army and a navy, airforce etc.
Things only started to tumble with the introduction of IMF and World Bank structural programs introduced after the Ogaden war. Corruption also accompanied the flood of aid money they were unfamiliar with.
I have read a lot of the Somali written books on him Ahmed Samatars, even read Haji Ingriis, Said Samatars with David Latin's writings on Siad Barre and Kacaanka, the problem is that most were written in the years after the collapse , so they are not exactly 1st hand accounts unlike Maxamed Aaden Sheikhs ''Back to Mogadishu'' who saw it play out, or the journalistic coverage covering it as it took place and some of their allegations don't add up when you put it against the known facts. Other ones worth mentioning are the ones written by Abdi Samatar. It's a lot of allegations playing association games X is related /from lineage to Y, so that must be the reason in their tribal insinuations. That don't prove it concretly.
And here you backtracked from "We didn't take any aid or borrow before the 80s" to "the aid wasn't direct it was used to purchase equipments for development. So which one is it Somalia never taken Aid/debt before 80s or we toke it in form of development plans?
Like i said a lot of the economic problems happened after the Ogaden war when the IMF and World Bank structural programs were introduced. His critics use this as an arguing point all the time . There was no borrowing or aid money before this and somalia was virtually self-sufficient up until that point: Read how it destroyed the economy:
It's not entirely accurate, most of the debt he is associating with the government isn't hard cash injected into the economy in form foreign currency at all , it's stuff like direct investments, foreign financing in state projects and large industrial farms and supply of equipments (both industrial and military) and stuff like that by the Soviet and others. Nor was there much direct aid either. All of that came after the Ogaden war with the introduction of US/IMF
Literally all this word salad is contradicting itself. You can't even make up your mind if Afweyne toke debt/aid before 1980s yet here you are claiming there was some kind of mythic Somali Economical Miracle in the 70s.