Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

You don’t get tired of lying do you? Both my parents are from a disputed region and are proud Tigrayan. The Amhara militia is forcing people to say they are Amhara in raya as we speak. Evil people, and you amharas wonder why no one likes you.
No it is about freeing wolkaits and rayas who went through hell during the 27 year TPLF brutal oppression. If they want to stay in Tigray, no one will hinder them but they hate it to death to be part of Tigray and want to come back to their traditional identity. Wolkaits always understood themselves as being Gonderes and Rayas as Wolloyes. Now they are back to their origin.


Engineer of Qandala
Abiy admitted drones took TPLF by surprise, and turned the fight into a quicker one than it should've been

Amhara are now officially in power
Why did the former Amhara Kilil president diss Oromos and tell them that they were traitors who sided with Italians.That Amhara are the ones that took over Tigray.

Secondly I just learnt how you guys used to kidnap and steal Ogaden kids from their parents during the time of Haile Selasie onwards.No wonder some of you mofo look like us.

Wrong, Amhara is not in power but all Ethiopians are now in power. If you only see Ethiopia with ethnic lens then you will never understand the inner workings.

And which Amhara former president are you talking about and what is your source for your claim? Be specific. You know I don't have much respect for rumors and gossip :ftw9nwa:. Bring the facts and sources on the table if you want a real discussion.

Prime Minister

Somali Promotion Agent
Abiy admitted drones took TPLF by surprise, and turned the fight into a quicker one than it should've been

I'm speechless at this so TPLF was instigating the Afar-Somali clashes and trying to make the Somalis secede so the federal government of Ethiopia would focus on them and then Tigray would secede as well.
You don’t get tired of lying do you? Both my parents are from a disputed region and are proud Tigrayan. The Amhara militia is forcing people to say they are Amhara in raya as we speak. Evil people, and you amharas wonder why no one likes you.


Come on, you know Amhara may assimilate you but never ever force people to say they are Amharas. You are telling me the documented practice of TPLF for decades in both wolkait and raya forcing them to say they are tigreans. This practice was told many times and now you want to switch it :ftw9nwa:?

You told us you are from Raya part that borders Amhara. If you so then below are people from that part who are telling the story we have heard many times how TPLF was forcing them to say they are tigreans. You may trick those who are not familiar with the story but anybody familiar with Raya and Wolkait knows this is exactly the practice of TPLF that is documented numerous times. In wolkait it was even worse. They were not even allowed to hear Amharic music in public.

The practice of forcing to say tigrean in Raya

The same practice in Wolkait


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
I've actually watched his extended speech with an English translator. It was marvelous how he survived this long tbh.

He said he was a prisoner for years in his own home and office. He said the secret service dominated by the Tigrays were literally in control of his life and felt like a convicted prisoner. He said they had cameras in his own office and home and had to send his family abroad to save them from potential future attacks. He said they tried to kill him twice but survived both attacks by god's grace. He said Tigrays dominated the army command even though they were roughly 6% of the population. He said 60% of the army generals were Tigray, 50% Lieutenant Generals, 45% Major Generals, 40% Birgraid Generals, 58% of The colonels, 68% of Lieutenant Colonels, 53% of the sergeants.

He said we knew their plans of swift coup by taking the Northern Command center of the army which had sophisticated weapons but they didn't know our new secret weapons: DRONES. He said I know their location as we speak, they're hiding in pits and caves in a small town near Mekelle, he said I was literally watching them last night using my drones when they were chatting up with their wives and kids. He said I could've obliterated them and their families but I didn't.

This guy is something else, he spoke 2 hours explaining to the parliament their aim and mission in retaking Tigray and the events that led to this war.
I'm speechless at this so TPLF was instigating the Afar-Somali clashes and trying to make the Somalis secede so the federal government of Ethiopia would focus on them and then Tigray would secede as well.

Yes, TPLF was instigating the Afar-Somali wars using their soldiers inside the federal Army. Both sides were accusing the army to side with other one. The moment PM Abiy removed the army from the area, the fighting stopped.

TPLF was advising Abdi Illey to declare independence not so that Tigray may succeed. This is where many outsiders misread TPLF. No, they know Tigray will be the last region to succeed from Ethiopia. Even today while TPLF is at war with the federal government, TPLF never entertains the idea of independence. TPLF's aim was to use Abdi Illey and to scare Ethiopians and send a message that says, "look since PM Abiy came to power the country is being disintegrated and if you want a united country you have to side with TPLF and get rid of Abiy". TPLF very well know Abdi Iley will not be able to succeed and they know they will never follow him. They were just using him to send a message to Ethiopians that an oromo PM Abiy will disintegrate Ethiopia and so all Ethiopians should stand with TPLF to get rid of Abiy and restore the unity of Ethiopia. If PM Abiy didn't take a swift action against Abdi illey and TPLF were successful in ousting PM Abiy, the first thing TPLF would have done is to go against the Somali region and jail Abdi Iley and "restore the unity of Ethiopia". Abdi Iley was a ball TPLF used to scare Ethiopians by advising him to declare independence and let his gang attack churches etc. He was fooled big time by TPLF.

TPLF's whole mission and focus since PM Abiy came to power was not independence or succession but solely how it can regain its lost power in Addis Ababa. That is the only single driving force for the TPLF in the last 2 and half years. To achieve their goal, they must show to Ethiopians that an oromo PM will lead to disintegration of the nation.
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Prime Minister

Somali Promotion Agent
Yes, TPLF was instigating the Afar-Somali wars using their soldiers inside the federal Army. Both sides were accusing the army to side with other one. The moment PM Abiy removed the army from the area, the fighting stopped.

TPLF was advising Abdi Illey to declare independence not so that Tigray may succeed. This is where many outsiders misread TPLF. No, they know Tigray will be the last region to succeed from Ethiopia. Even today while TPLF is at war with the federal government, TPLF never entertains the idea of independence. TPLF's aim was to use Abdi Illey and to scare Ethiopians and send a message that says, "look since PM Abiy came to power the country is being disintegrated and if you want a united country you have to side with TPLF and get rid of Abiy". TPLF very well know Abdi Iley will not be able to succeed and they know they will never follow him. They were just using him to send a message to Ethiopians that an oromo PM Abiy will disintegrate Ethiopia and so all Ethiopians should stand with TPLF to get rid of Abiy and restore the unity of Ethiopia. If PM Abiy didn't take a swift action against Abdi illey and TPLF were successful in ousting PM Abiy, the first thing TPLF would have done is to go against the Somali region and jail Abdi Iley and "restore the unity of Ethiopia". Abdi Iley a ball TPLF used to scare Ethiopians by advising him to declare independence and let his gang attack churches etc. He was fooled big time by TPLF.
And Abiy was meeting them every step of the way the move to take the northern command must have been desperate what's the reasoning behind taking the command was it to negotiate?
And Abiy was meeting them every step of the way the move to take the northern command must have been desperate what's the reasoning behind taking the command was it to negotiate?

Most probably yes, because I think 1 or 2 days before they attacked the northern command, Tigray president was repeatedly saying in a press conference that this issue will only be solved through dialog even a war is started. He was unusually repeating the need for dialog and the criteria TPLF set for dialog was that Abiy must resign. Their aim seem to be to force the northern command to surrender then negotiate and take time while they brainwash the army members to fight with them.

They miscalculated the dedication and determination of both PM Abiy and the members of northern command who refused to surrender and fought tooth and nail. By attacking the army, they forced the whole army to side with PM Abiy and fight against them with dedication. They also highly miscalculated the reaction of Ethiopians as a whole that when Ethiopians has to choose between TPLF and PM Abiy the overwhelming majority including most of his critics chose and side with PM Abiy. The attack on the army brought the army and the whole country behind PM Abiy and it was clear that they messed it up big time.

The result is Ethiopians are finally get rid of TPLF forever and PM Abiy is now very popular allover Ethiopia.


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
C-130 military transport planes that accompanied general Al-Sisi to Juba. Some are speculating that these are being used to supply the TPLF.View attachment 156217
I am lost at how Egypt can supply the TPLF via South Sudan since Tigray doesn't border the latter. It is most likely el-Sisi is either in talks to set up an Egyptian base in South Sudan to gain leverage over the GERD dam negotiations or he is just saber-rattling. Keep in mind modern Egypt has never won a war.

Egyptian military is only good at killing Egyptians , they will never do a thing to Ethiopia, they'll just keep the calaacal.

what we need is a New peaceful prosperous Horn of Africa,
Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia ,
we have been killing each for centuries along the tribal and religious lines and all we did is hold each other back .
we need to start treating each other fairly like rest of the civilized world, we're in the least developed region in the least developed continent on earth.
we make fun of Bantu but it is us now who are known for civil wars and famines
we truly are the weakest link in Africa now .

