Why is South Sudan hosting the TPLF Junta head?
It is not and there ends the story.
Why is South Sudan hosting the TPLF Junta head?
Where is your LGBTQ flag seems like you missed out the Amhara carnival celebrating the end of the TPLF era.It is not and there ends the story.
TPLF mission was never successionism but to rule like amharas.US Assistant Secretary of State says TPLF is not willing to demand for secession but is using violence to restore its lost hegemony. It seems the US understands the internal dynamics of Ethiopian politics better than any other foreign entity. It is also to note that the US waited until the military operation was completed and only then urged the government to stop the war unlike the EU which was calling to end the war almost every day.
US Secretary of State Pompeo calling for the end of the war two days after the end of the military operation. The US really understands the current Ethiopian dynamic.
Nigga f*ck thatEgyptian military is only good at killing Egyptians , they will never do a thing to Ethiopia, they'll just keep the calaacal.
what we need is a New peaceful prosperous Horn of Africa,
Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia ,
we have been killing each for centuries along the tribal and religious lines and all we did is hold each other back .
we need to start treating each other fairly like rest of the civilized world, we're in the least developed region in the least developed continent on earth.
we make fun of Bantu but it is us now who are known for civil wars and famines
we truly are the weakest link in Africa now .
Seems like the media blackout is doing it's job like they expected. Helps getting practice in ogadenThis is the shittiest conflict I have seen in years. What exactly happened? And why the f*ck do they always turn the internet off. Zero footage of anything except Soviet rustbuckets bombing a shit hole.
Nigga f*ck that
If cadaan people can murder each other in the millions to achieve peace I don't see why we can't.
Show me the pics.of your cousins with LGBTQ flags.Pictures are coming out from the Situation Room
TPLF really managed to shoot down an ENDF jet fighter. These guys could have actually managed to defend their entire region if they had an ally country like they had during the last civil war. Now they cannot do it all alone.
Egypt could have helped the TPLF but it chose Afwerki. Without Eritrea, Abiy would have had hard time taking on the TPLF.TPLF really managed to shoot down an ENDF jet fighter. These guys could have actually managed to defend their entire region if they had an ally country like they had during the last civil war. Now they cannot do it all alone.
If that's true, then may they burn.what goes around comes around in Africa . Now the ppl in that region are being killed , unable to get humanitarian resources .
I remember my mum telling me how they acted in south Somalia . Bombing hospitals, cutting the throats of Muslims at the mosque , creating millions of more displaced ppl . And now the party wants sympathy .
This photos looks staged, to make Abiy look like a tough military guy.Pictures are coming out of the Situation Room
Pictures are coming out of the Situation Room
Good to know that the Amhara fascists have finished the door to door hunt for Tigrayans in Addis Ababa and now moved to Mekelle.The army has accomplished its mission and today the federal police commando has arrived in Mekele to start the door to door hunt.