Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

@xabashi stop using a different username.

The war in Tigray will continue dont think it will stop now prepare body bags for your peasants agames are comming.

Nah nigga... TDF are outnumbered. Almost 500k Amharas are ready to be deployed , plus eritrea are ready. tigray is sandwich. Tigray receives 80% of their food from Amhara region, amhara will block all food to them tigray will suffer greatly.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
This is the perfect time for ONLF to pick up weapons , while ENDF is in complete disarray.
No it will be to soon. This move will give ethiopia the backing of the west they desperately need. Now it is christians vs christians. Do no add moslim or the west will jump to protect the endf. Since the gas in galbeed pays the chinese which is a whole other matter.


Bantu Liberation Movement
I don't know why Tigrayans are celebrating, it's a pyrrhic victory at best, I think it's not a victory at all. He incorporated western Tigray to Amhara. Tigray has lost its agricultural and manufacturing industries. The war has destroyed the infrastructure including the runways and I'm guessing the roads leading in and out of Tigray. And in a what seems to be a twisted joke, he said the ENDF withdrew due to farming season, what is there to farm now that western Tigray is gone?

I don't know why Tigrayans are celebrating, it's a pyrrhic victory at best, I think it's not a victory at all. He incorporated western Tigray to Amhara. Tigray has lost its agricultural and manufacturing industries. The war has destroyed the infrastructure including the runways and I'm guessing the roads leading in and out of Tigray. And in a what seems to be a twisted joke, he said the ENDF withdrew due to farming season, what is there to farm now that western Tigray is gone?

Agree. Their celebration doesn't match whats been achieved. Tigray has been totaly destroyed, much of the infrastructure and facilities are gone. Almost 80% of their food comes from Amhara region (their arch enemy), amhara can easily cut off the food transportation as well as potential aid that passes through their region.
I don't know why Tigrayans are celebrating, it's a pyrrhic victory at best, I think it's not a victory at all. He incorporated western Tigray to Amhara. Tigray has lost its agricultural and manufacturing industries. The war has destroyed the infrastructure including the runways and I'm guessing the roads leading in and out of Tigray. And in a what seems to be a twisted joke, he said the ENDF withdrew due to farming season, what is there to farm now that western Tigray is gone?

They have tecaptured alot of those places.

Tigray know that the end of Abye is comming soon.
When Mengistu was defeated in Tigray his regime collapsed.
Agree. Their celebration doesn't match whats been achieved. Tigray has been totaly destroyed, much of the infrastructure and facilities are gone. Almost 80% of their food comes from Amhara region (their arch enemy), amhara can easily cut off the food transportation as well as potential aid that passes through their region.
Naftanya you have made alot of enemies and youbare fighting in a lot of fronts.
Sudan,Gumuz ,Oromos and Tigray.
How long will Eritrea keep supporting you folks the defeat of Abye and his naftanya cronies in Makale has opened doors and showed that yes it is achievable.
Its a matter ot time when TDF,OLA and gumuz will work hand in hand against the trecherous sons of bahir dar.
You wil pay a heavy price for your adventure in Tigray.
Amhara are not known to historically fight they always use other like the adwa war which was 80% oromo infantry.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Agree. Their celebration doesn't match whats been achieved. Tigray has been totaly destroyed, much of the infrastructure and facilities are gone. Almost 80% of their food comes from Amhara region (their arch enemy), amhara can easily cut off the food transportation as well as potential aid that passes through their region.
Amhaara far out number them and the ENDF has alot of support from Eritrea they are cooked.
Naftanya you have made alot of enemies and youbare fighting in a lot of fronts.
Sudan,Gumuz ,Oromos and Tigray.
How long will Eritrea keep supporting you folks the defeat of Abye and his naftanya cronies in Makale has opened doors and showed that yes it is achievable.
Its a matter ot time when TDF,OLA and gumuz will work hand in hand against the trecherous sons of bahir dar.
You wil pay a heavy price for your adventure in Tigray.
Amhara are not known to historically fight they always use other like the adwa war which was 80% oromo infantry.

Gumuz aint doing shit plus OLF haven't liberated shit in last 30 years they are literally the joke of the century. Amharas have won plenty of wars idiot, the adwa war was won thanks to the 70% Amhara soldiers and the 14 amhara generals. Tigrayans have lost every war they have faced amhara, amda seyon destroyed them 3 times, dawit, zara yakob and tewedros who literally made tigrayans bow down like slaves. The only time Tigrayans have beaten amharas is by selling us just how Yohannes IV invited britts to kill tewedros. Tigrayans cant fight conventionall war, all they know is guerrilla warfare. A bunch of amhara farmers smoked TDF soldiers in welkait and raya within 8 days.
Gumuz aint doing shit plus OLF haven't liberated shit in last 30 years they are literally the joke of the century. Amharas have won plenty of wars idiot, the adwa war was won thanks to the 70% Amhara soldiers and the 14 amhara generals. Tigrayans have lost every war they have faced amhara, amda seyon destroyed them 3 times, dawit, zara yakob and tewedros who literally made tigrayans bow down like slaves. The only time Tigrayans have beaten amharas is by selling us just how Yohannes IV invited britts to kill tewedros. Tigrayans cant fight conventionall war, all they know is guerrilla warfare. A bunch of amhara farmers smoked TDF soldiers in welkait and raya within 8 days.
You talk too much if you amhara had anything Abye wouldnt bring in Eritreans yo do the dirty work.
Now Eritrea is gone lets see how the coward amhara who only know how to kill civilians,loot and rape women will survive.

Adwa war 80% was gallas.Amhara dont know how to fight but talk too much shit.
no one but amhara gonna want to claim ethiopia once this conflict is over. i think ethiopia has the least amount of ppl proud of their country in the world


Veni Vidi Vici
Amhara wanting to forcefully settle and displace minority gumuz and benishangul people.
Who is fighting in Gambala and SNNPR regions then? Amhara again?
Horta, Amharas are very cuqdadlo people, on levels never seen before.
Abiye Ahmed held a calacal press conference where he said we no longer control Tigray region.
who admits something like that? :drakewtf:

I wonder if brother Abiye will now help his loyal dog farmaggio eliminate madoobe and the mucaraads?
Abiye Ahmed held a calacal press conference where he said we no longer control Tigray region.
who admits something like that? :drakewtf:

I wonder if brother Abiye will now help his loyal dog farmaggio eliminate madoobe and the mucaraads?
The way he incriminated himself and exposed himself like a mafia leader rather than a statesman.

This guy just said I did what I did to destroy Tigray economically and ensure they were sent back to stone age.
What kind of an imbecile would admit this on a public event?
Who is fighting in Gambala and SNNPR regions then? Amhara again?
Horta, Amharas are very cuqdadlo people, on levels never seen before.
Amhara have settled over the years in Metekel(Gumuz) which is a very fertile district then Abye govt decided to make it an economic zone where it woukd received development package which has seen a sharp rise in amhara migration like we have experienced in Jigjiga.

They Amhara wanted the Gimuz & Beni Shangul Kilil to be dismantled and absorbed into Amhara region.
As for Southern nationalities the Waleita people are aslonfighting Amhara.
It seems like the moment Abye took over and PP party was established Amhara had a hint that federalsom was going to be destroyed so every peasant amhara was like a treasure hunter looking to still some land like Yacquub the jew.
" If I dont steal someone else would steal."


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