I have never seen an amhara with so much hate like you.Most of these were taken on November when TPLF attacked the northern command while sleeping. They were using them as human shields taking them all over in their caves. Of course new ones could also be there and I’m not surprised if many of them are tigreans wearing Ethiopian military.
The Ethiopian soldiers will be home soon, no question about that but the most important goal has been achieved. TPLF is no more a threat to both Ethiopia and Eritrean when it had 80% the country’s weapons. Both Amhara and Eritrea got their lands back and Tigray is reduced by 1/4. Besides, Ethiopian government is no more responsible to shoulder the huge mess in Tigray, no budget support, no infrastructure building and many more. Mission accomplished. And good luck, we are out! We have important things to do like developing our country and pulling our people out of poverty. No time for Tigray drama.
You pretend to be Ethiopian and you talk about an Ethiopian region with so much hate.
Werent you working for TPLF before yourself?
Tell me how are Tigrayans you hate this much responsible for crimes committed by TPLF the same TPLF you personally served for decades?
Secondly do you think there is no consequences for the genocide you guys committed?
I thought amhara hate was reserved for somalis but it seems you do hate on Tigray,Oromo,gumuz etc with same passion yet want all to live under one roof called Ethiopia.
So now if Erhiopia is no more responsible to sholder Tigray adoes it mean tigray is not part of Ethiopia anymore?
You know a normal amhara civilian can say this but a govt intelligence or PM Abye cannot say this.