Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

Most of these were taken on November when TPLF attacked the northern command while sleeping. They were using them as human shields taking them all over in their caves. Of course new ones could also be there and I’m not surprised if many of them are tigreans wearing Ethiopian military.

The Ethiopian soldiers will be home soon, no question about that but the most important goal has been achieved. TPLF is no more a threat to both Ethiopia and Eritrean when it had 80% the country’s weapons. Both Amhara and Eritrea got their lands back and Tigray is reduced by 1/4. Besides, Ethiopian government is no more responsible to shoulder the huge mess in Tigray, no budget support, no infrastructure building and many more. Mission accomplished. And good luck, we are out! We have important things to do like developing our country and pulling our people out of poverty. No time for Tigray drama.
I have never seen an amhara with so much hate like you.

You pretend to be Ethiopian and you talk about an Ethiopian region with so much hate.

Werent you working for TPLF before yourself?
Tell me how are Tigrayans you hate this much responsible for crimes committed by TPLF the same TPLF you personally served for decades?

Secondly do you think there is no consequences for the genocide you guys committed?
I thought amhara hate was reserved for somalis but it seems you do hate on Tigray,Oromo,gumuz etc with same passion yet want all to live under one roof called Ethiopia.

So now if Erhiopia is no more responsible to sholder Tigray adoes it mean tigray is not part of Ethiopia anymore?
You know a normal amhara civilian can say this but a govt intelligence or PM Abye cannot say this.
I have never seen an amhara with so much hate like you.

You pretend to be Ethiopian and you talk about an Ethiopian region with so much hate.

Werent you working for TPLF before yourself?
Tell me how are Tigrayans you hate this much responsible for crimes committed by TPLF the same TPLF you personally served for decades?

Secondly do you think there is no consequences for the genocide you guys committed?
I thought amhara hate was reserved for somalis but it seems you do hate on Tigray,Oromo,gumuz etc with same passion yet want all to live under one roof called Ethiopia.

So now if Erhiopia is no more responsible to sholder Tigray adoes it mean tigray is not part of Ethiopia anymore?
You know a normal amhara civilian can say this but a govt intelligence or PM Abye cannot say this.

You have many times openly called for hutu like genocide on Amhara and you tell me I’m hateful? Go see a mirror.

Stop repeating your lies you psycho. I never worked for TPLF are you crazy?

As long as Tigray sticks to the criminal TPLF, Tigray is not part of Ethiopia and can’t be part of Ethiopia. It’s defacto independent which the overwhelming Ethiopians were waiting for for years. We don’t want to do anything with the criminal organization. We can’t send budget and build infrastructure anymore. We have spent 2.3 billion dollars in the last 8 months fixing telecommunications infrastructure, building roads etc. Just for the Mekele water supply the government took loan of over 800 million dollars. Now it’s TPLF’s turn to give them all that. They have made their bed now they should lie in it.

The only thing that the government should still do is help them in delivering humanitarian supplies. That’s the only responsibility for the federal government from now on. Everything else is not our business. Thank God, we are out. PM has done a great job in showing the world that’s we can’t do anything in Tigray and switched all the mess and responsibilities to TPLF. Well done!
You have many times openly called for hutu like genocide on Amhara and you tell me I’m hateful? Go see a mirror.

Stop repeating your lies you psycho. I never worked for TPLF are you crazy?

As long as Tigray sticks to the criminal TPLF, Tigray is not part of Ethiopia and can’t be part of Ethiopia. It’s defacto independent which the overwhelming Ethiopians were waiting for for years. We don’t want to do anything with the criminal organization. We can’t send budget and build infrastructure anymore. We have spent 2.3 billion dollars in the last 8 months fixing telecommunications infrastructure, building roads etc. Just for the Mekele water supply the government took loan of over 800 million dollars. Now it’s TPLF’s turn to give them all that. They have made their bed now they should lie in it.

The only thing that the government should still do is help them in delivering humanitarian supplies. That’s the only responsibility for the federal government from now on. Everything else is not our business. Thank God, we are out. PM has done a great job in showing the world that’s we can’t do anything in Tigray and switched all the mess and responsibilities to TPLF. Well done!

You dont speak for Ethiopia you speak for the ego centric genocidal Amhara ethnic group.
Yes a hutu masscre is what I want for Amhara.Unlesss Amhara are treated in kind they will never stop plotting to eethnic cleanse communities in Ethiopia we know wha Menelik and Haile Selasie committed in history and also the derg.
Do you forget what hutus did to tutsi the same amhara have done to Tigrayans.
Secondly you are not an ordinary poster but an Ethiopian govt bot. You and Abye have worked for TPLF for years.

The people that kicked out TPLF from Addis are all languishing in prison. This abye govt you praise is the same EPRDF -TPLF that has been ruling Ethiopia for 30 years.

So isnt it funny you that a person like you who has been an EPRDF dog is actually blaming Tigrayans and killing and looting them even though some never supported TPLF?

Also the Ethiopia you are talking about is it the Amhara kilil or Ethiopia? you guys reason like imbecile.
Abye is committing the same crimes he did in Tigray this time in oromia so are you supporting oromia destruction?

Abye will go to prison sooner or later he showed the world he is a mass murderer. We dont live in 1880s under menelik era where you could just ethnic cleanse whole community and expect the world to turn a blind eye.


Veni Vidi Vici

What a brave ass negro.

Mr. Debretsion, who is believed to be in his late 50s, claimed to have crippled Ethiopia’s powerful army, defeating seven of its 12 divisions and killing at least 18,000 soldiers. He also detailed plans to expand the war across Tigray, in defiance of international calls for a cease-fire, until his fighters have expelled from the region every outside force, including Eritrean soldiers and ethnic Amhara militias.

They have taken the land by force,” Mr. Debretsion said. “So we will take it back by force.”

Shots fired at @xabashi and co. Gebermicheal is still the leader and is alive and active. Sending threats to the "invaders"


Veni Vidi Vici
Barely visible in the gloom, Mr. Debretsion apologized for the circumstances. Tigray was “under siege,” he said, criticizing Mr. Abiy — a onetime political ally — as an impetuous and inexperienced leader who had overreached.

“This is a complex country, very messy,” Mr. Debretsion said. “Abiy had no experience, no maturity. But because of his ambition to be king or ruler of Ethiopia, he viewed us as obstacles in his way.”

@Sheikh Kulkuli, come look at the way he is taking shots at Abiy, in a capital that was recently under his control. Hate or love Tigray's, they surly are a strong batch.
@Sheikh Kulkuli, come look at the way he is taking shots at Abiy, in a capital that was recently under his control. Hate or love Tigray's, they surly are a strong batch.
Abye is a necessary evil though he gave us our revengoe on both TPLF & ENDF two culprits that have been contributing misery to somalis for 30 years.

Wiping out ENDF by TPLF is a wonderful celebratory victory.
Abye also has destroyed our oromo enemies who have been targetting somali communities in oromia lynching them and looting their properties and displaced close to a million somalis.

That doesnt mean Abye is good he is a devil who should not be allowed to become powerful.I hope he becomes busy killing our enemies.
Now Abye has deliberatly set up Tigray against Amhara.
In other words Abye is maintaining the equilibrium required in Ethiopia.
Expect soon a clash between Afar supported TDF Vs somali liyu Polis.peeople of sitti are in for a suprise.

I want amhara to be cleansed from Jigjiga even if it means cagjar losing his seat.
@Calaf The TDF general that destroyed ENDF & Eritreans in Tigray is the same mofo that invaded Gedo in mid 90s and made Gedo a living hell.But he was invited by Ina Masaale though.

What I can say is this mofo general is going to be one of the consultants the world will sort out after he paraded 1000s of ENDF like it used to be in WW1 & WW2.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
@Calaf The TDF general that destroyed ENDF & Eritreans in Tigray is the same mofo that invaded Gedo in mid 90s and made Gedo a living hell.But he was invited by Ina Masaale though.

What I can say is this mofo general is going to be one of the consultants the world will sort out after he paraded 1000s of ENDF like it used to be in WW1 & WW2.
Lol :mjlaugh::dead:


Bantu Liberation Movement
I think Afwerki would rather those Eritrean soldiers migrate abroad than return home cause his position is in serious doubt.



Veni Vidi Vici
@Calaf The TDF general that destroyed ENDF & Eritreans in Tigray is the same mofo that invaded Gedo in mid 90s and made Gedo a living hell.But he was invited by Ina Masaale though.

What I can say is this mofo general is going to be one of the consultants the world will sort out after he paraded 1000s of ENDF like it used to be in WW1 & WW2.
None of the Tigryans bigshots that entered Somalia, will survive the purge of Abiy. If the crazy bucktooth General Gebre was dealt with, what makes you think Tesfray or anyone else can have a chance. But to play devils advocate, they have every right to parade these fuckers.

Gedo iyo Ina Masaale and the Ethiopians there wa sheeko for a different place. TPLF or TDF forces have no presences within Gedo or even Somalia as a whole, (which was likely , as most, if not all Soldiers that come from Tigray in Somalia had their arms removed, and fighting broke out WITHIN Somalia during the beginning of the war)


Veni Vidi Vici
Abye is a necessary evil though he gave us our revengoe on both TPLF & ENDF two culprits that have been contributing misery to somalis for 30 years.

Wiping out ENDF by TPLF is a wonderful celebratory victory.
Abye also has destroyed our oromo enemies who have been targetting somali communities in oromia lynching them and looting their properties and displaced close to a million somalis.

That doesnt mean Abye is good he is a devil who should not be allowed to become powerful.I hope he becomes busy killing our enemies.
Now Abye has deliberatly set up Tigray against Amhara.
In other words Abye is maintaining the equilibrium required in Ethiopia.
Expect soon a clash between Afar supported TDF Vs somali liyu Polis.peeople of sitti are in for a suprise.

I want amhara to be cleansed from Jigjiga even if it means cagjar losing his seat.
Abiy is still a problem to the Somalis. Lets not forget the kibir by the Afars towards the Somali. Abiy allowed that to occur. Yes, he may have destroyed a couple of thorns in the Somalis back, a couple of grudes, from TPLF, To ENDF and now Oromos. But will Somalis take use of it? No. Cagjar allows for a disproportional amount of Amhara to be within DDSI.

Amhara being cleansed is a blessing, the settlers are like what you call Yaqoubi. Comes and settles, and claims "if i don't steal, someone else will". Doofaro. DDSI would need a strong leader, someone like Iley, who could get a grip on these settlers. And boy, they are in for a surprise.
Most of these were taken on November when TPLF attacked the northern command while sleeping. They were using them as human shields taking them all over in their caves. Of course new ones could also be there and I’m not surprised if many of them are tigreans wearing Ethiopian military.

The Ethiopian soldiers will be home soon, no question about that but the most important goal has been achieved. TPLF is no more a threat to both Ethiopia and Eritrean when it had 80% the country’s weapons. Both Amhara and Eritrea got their lands back and Tigray is reduced by 1/4. Besides, Ethiopian government is no more responsible to shoulder the huge mess in Tigray, no budget support, no infrastructure building and many more. Mission accomplished. And good luck, we are out! We have important things to do like developing our country and pulling our people out of poverty. No time for Tigray drama.
Ethiopia is defeated in a broad daylight nigga whether youre willing to accept the harsh truth or not.

As abiy said in multiple occasions the objective was to restore the rule of law and bring TPLF leaders infront of the justice so I wanna ask you since when the objective of this war merely was the weakening of tigray economically and militarily as abiy said recently switching objectives thinking that will cover his defeat in tigray? Why ethiopia has paid all these cost if tigray is still in the hands of TDF?

This is your rawmeat eater logic:
When Tigray was peaceful and abiding by the laws they were a threat but after they defeated Ethiopia eritrea emirates and amhara militia combined they are no longer a threat :silanyosmile:


i do it anyway i like
who's wining, i expact the amhara to win cuz they have somali and oromos all of the other ethnics
in their pocket
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Veni Vidi Vici
The 48 hr deadline ended.

May the best one win I prefer this to drag for years but its going to be a blood bath that will make Ethiopia Eritrea war of 1998 seem minor.

Expect more "soldiers" to be parade around Mekelle in the upcoming days.

The demands was ridiculous in the first place. It wasn't manageable. Amharas and Eritrean troops would have just changed kit, if they already haven't done that. Come under one banner, ENDF. Remove Foreign Eritrean forces, remove Amhara militias. I did say before, Tigray are brave to show their faces and demand such orders as if they wasn't xassuqed into the day of Meginstu.

But Abiy is planning a different game, I feel its going to blow up with Sudan forces, askars are moved towards the border with Sudan. What is his game, I don't know. But the Amhara sure want to be spoon-fed everything.
Expect more "soldiers" to be parade around Mekelle in the upcoming days.

The demands was ridiculous in the first place. Remove Foreign Eritrean forces, remove Amhara militias. I did say before, Tigray are brave to show their faces as if they wasn't xassuqed into the day of Meginstu.

But Abiy is planning a different game, I feel its going to blow up with Sudan forces, askars are moved towards the border with Sudan. What is his game, I don't know. But the Amhara sure want to be spoon-fed everything.
Abye wants to clip everyones power which includes Amhara.Amhara today are the only heavily armed ethnic group in the country who also want to unseat Abye.

So ENDF might join in later after Amhara receive a proper karbash.Abye has to show Amhara that they need him not the otherway round.

So expect a blood bath because its going to be brutal confrontation.


Veni Vidi Vici
Abye wants to clip everyones power which includes Amhara.Amhara today are the only heavily armed ethnic group in the country who also want to unseat Abye.

So ENDF might join in later after Amhara receive a proper karbash.Abye has to show Amhara that they need him not the otherway round.

So expect a blood bath because its going to be brutal confrontation.
The issue Abiy is playing with now, again, is Sudan. You know, I still cannot believe this guy is "Oromo". More Amhara then the Amhara themselves, yet used as a Oromo, against Oromo. Cajib. A ex-TPLF member fighting his leaders. It comes straight from a story, I tell you this. Going to war with Sudan, and pulling troops out of Tigray to move to border region is suspicious. What is he planning? The Amhara could fend off themselves against Tigran's and let Papa Afawerki deal with them if need be.

ENDF are playing multiple games as well, the lies being spewed by pro-government troops is too funny. There was a user on here who was telling us that (100 billion birr = 2 billion$ which was spent on aid. The damn exchange rate doesn't add up, but they tell us they spent 15.9% of the budget on the aid of Tigray's), the lies is funny.

Abiy is smart, but he cannot play this much ethnicities and tribes at this rate and this far into the games. If there was a smart government down in Xamar, this would have been the golden time to send troops, to do something, it was a blessing given to us on a plate.
The next move for TDF is to capture Afar region then cut off the Djibouti-Addis Ababa railway line which is the lifeline of Ethiopia.
Expect Sitti region to be affected in this war.

If TDF captures the railroad then its game over for the Addis regime.