Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

Prime Minister

Somali Promotion Agent
The next move for TDF is to capture Afar region then cut off the Djibouti-Addis Ababa railway line which is the lifeline of Ethiopia.
Expect Sitti region to be affected in this war.

If TDF captures the railroad then its game over for the Addis regime.
Do you think they will got to western Tigray or Afar first?


Veni Vidi Vici
The next move for TDF is to capture Afar region then cut off the Djibouti-Addis Ababa railway line which is the lifeline of Ethiopia.
Expect Sitti region to be affected in this war.

If TDF captures the railroad then its game over for the Addis regime.
Sitti region was hit by heavy rains, which caused displacements. Also, with the skirmishes between Somali and Afar, there was even more displacements. Sitti was already hit, it won't be further hit badly nor affected in such major ways. Yes, I may be wrong, but there was already high migration and displacements since the beginning of this war. TDF touches that railroad, a major miscalculation and they will be bombed back to the Mekelle Era. Abiy will sure have no problem facing the ICC under the guise of "National Sovereignty"

Not only will it be game over for Addis, but game over for Ethiopia. The raw meat brigade will seize their chance.
Sitti region was hit by heavy rains, which caused displacements. Also, with the skirmishes between Somali and Afar, there was even more displacements. Sitti was already hit, it won't be further hit badly nor affected in such major ways. Yes, I may be wrong, but there was already high migration and displacements since the beginning of this war. TDF touches that railroad, a major miscalculation and they will be bombed back to the Mekelle Era. Abiy will sure have no problem facing the ICC under the guise of "National Sovereignty"

Not only will it be game over for Addis, but game over for Ethiopia. The raw meat brigade will seize their chance.
Abye did not leave Makelle because of IC but he was defeated and humiliated.

TDF defeated ENDF and delivered a blow to them more than what somali rebels in Somalia did with ENDF in 2006

Secondly even though TDF can fight ENDF using conventional ways
The railway line is very long and to guard it is impossible destroying railway lines, looting goods in the carriages and ambushing ENDF will just deliver the required result.


Veni Vidi Vici
Abye did not leave Makelle because of IC but he was defeated and humiliated.

TDF defeated ENDF and delivered a blow to them more than what somali rebels in Somalia did with ENDF in 2006

Secondly even though TDF can fight ENDF using conventional ways
The railway line is very long and to guard it is impossible destroying railway lines, looting goods in the carriages and ambushing ENDF will just deliver the required result.
Your overestimating the TDF though and underestimating Abiy. Abiy was defeated, but after months of bombing and clear war crimes against their people, the TPLF popped their head back up. They won, but at what cost?

His next goal is propped up, Sudan or Amharas. TDF are measles in compared to the goal. IC can see, Ethiopia is crumbling. And its crumbling hard. Looting iyo destroying stuff is what caused Xamar to go AWOK for a couple of years. Ethiopians, with cuqdad, well 1991 would have been a joke compared to their mentality.

Yes, TDF played the ENDF and taught the raw meat gang up, but there will be multiple rounds. TDF wants sympathy, and so attacking 2 nations important railway, is very dangerous game to do so.
Your overestimating the TDF though and underestimating Abiy. Abiy was defeated, but after months of bombing and clear war crimes against their people, the TPLF popped their head back up. They won, but at what cost?

His next goal is propped up, Sudan or Amharas. TDF are measles in compared to the goal. IC can see, Ethiopia is crumbling. And its crumbling hard. Looting iyo destroying stuff is what caused Xamar to go AWOK for a couple of years. Ethiopians, with cuqdad, well 1991 would have been a joke compared to their mentality.

Yes, TDF played the ENDF and taught the raw meat gang up, but there will be multiple rounds. TDF wants sympathy, and so attacking 2 nations important railway, is very dangerous game to do so.
No we both under estimated TDF.
They fought two of africas fiercest miltaries ENDF & ERDF and made them run for their lives.

Those bombs and air raids were carried by drones the UAE and China supplied.They no longer exist.You have to know The derg was defeated by Tigrayans in 1990s which saw them match to Addis Ababa.The derg were highly trainned and seasoned fighters.

Abye is just a hot air inexperienced and trigger happy and igu sawir PM.

TDF are not like Somalis they dont forget and forgive their enemies somalis already forgot the ENDF attrocities especialy in 2006.

Abye admintted to have deliberatly destroyed the infrastructure ( factories,bridges,powerplants)and livelyhood of Tigray they sent back Tigray to stone age.Tigray still maintian their connections and have ruled Ethiopia for 30 years.Abye didnt leave Tigray because of IC.Tigray doesnt care about IC where were they when their youth were being tossed from the cliffs or girls rapped and ENDF looting towns.
TDF will keep fighting till Abye is out of power.
Its just a matter of time before TDF & OLA put their differences aside and work together.Currently OLA is fighting Amhara militias,ENDF & ERDF.

Djibouti railway line is the lifeline of Addis Ababa.If Addis Ababa is starved then business comes to stand still and even the loclas in Addis Ababa will start rioting.


𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑
Ogadenians must use this golden opportunity to rebel or the Tigray will rule Ethiopia and commit crimes again to somalis there

If TDF captures the railroad then its game over for the Addis regime.

Whats the dynamic between ALF and ARDUF in this situaiton where do rer SuldaanXanfadhe stand and who is leading now a days and are Cafar as a whole friendly wit Tigray or they will settle old scores vis-a-vis eastern Tigray and call it western Cafar? Its intereseting that TDF are strongest near northern Cafar territories and even near the areas accross the border from Eritrean Cafar


Whats the dynamic between ALF and ARDUF in this situaiton where do rer SuldaanXanfadhe stand and who is leading now a days and are Cafar as a whole friendly wit Tigray or they will settle old scores vis-a-vis eastern Tigray and call it western Cafar? Its intereseting that TDF are strongest near northern Cafar territories and even near the areas accross the border from Eritrean Cafar
Cafar are both friendly with Tigrayans and Addis regime.
Both support them against Somalis especially the young menelik Cagjar.

But the thing is TDF will destroy the railway line and will bring to halt the entire network.
They will also stop tracks heading to Addis Ababa.

So import export industry will be affected.These Agames are really smart we under estimated them.

Abye and his regime thought that Agames would just fight Amharas to a never ending duel.
I think Tigrayans would mess up the food supply of Teff in Gonder by also supporting TDF fight inside the border.

Injera would become very expensive in Addis ababa.
The ENDF is a joke. How does a professional army get captured as POWs in the thousands? Or is this the Amhara militia?
View attachment 191740
Its ENDF this pics are a reminiscent of WW2 captured POWs.
7K ENDF POWs 18K ENDF killed and those injured is unnacounted for.Just a span of less than a year.If we add ERDF then its almost those figures too.
These Axumites are the real Abysininan ambessa.


Veni Vidi Vici
No we both under estimated TDF.
They fought two of africas fiercest miltaries ENDF & ERDF and made them run for their lives.

Those bombs and air raids were carried by drones the UAE and China supplied.They no longer exist.You have to know The derg was defeated by Tigrayans in 1990s which saw them match to Addis Ababa.The derg were highly trainned and seasoned fighters.

Abye is just a hot air inexperienced and trigger happy and igu sawir PM.

TDF are not like Somalis they dont forget and forgive their enemies somalis already forgot the ENDF attrocities especialy in 2006.

Abye admintted to have deliberatly destroyed the infrastructure ( factories,bridges,powerplants)and livelyhood of Tigray they sent back Tigray to stone age.Tigray still maintian their connections and have ruled Ethiopia for 30 years.Abye didnt leave Tigray because of IC.Tigray doesnt care about IC where were they when their youth were being tossed from the cliffs or girls rapped and ENDF looting towns.
TDF will keep fighting till Abye is out of power.
Its just a matter of time before TDF & OLA put their differences aside and work together.Currently OLA is fighting Amhara militias,ENDF & ERDF.

Djibouti railway line is the lifeline of Addis Ababa.If Addis Ababa is starved then business comes to stand still and even the loclas in Addis Ababa will start rioting.
Bro, the TPLF was in power for 29 years. 29 whole years. 2 leader, 1 long leader. Every/majority of the weapons of Ethiopia was based down there. They was the leaders, the generals, the commanders, the soldiers. Everything. And yet, they truly want to celebrate a win cause by their loss which was caused due to their greed? Yes, they was bombed by Salassie with the RAF, yes they resisted the DERG, with such strong passion. Yes, they are still resisting, their rebellion is still not in vain.

Abiy is the literal definition of if you cannot beat them, join them and beat them within. TDF really had no excuse, even if they was attacked from all sides. They was the arsenal of the country, they got demolished, sent back, and had god knows amount of people killed.

Somalis forgot about ENDF disrespect within Somalia, disrespect by the TPLF and even worse, the betrayal. But, who are we to hold grudges when we are spoon fed like a child anyways.

I truly cannot envision TDF touching the railway, it just wouldn't be practical nor smart for them. They do so, and you can kiss the FR Ethiopia goodbye. It will be non-existing. And to also think TPLF will return to rule Ethiopia? The nation will burn to the ground on scales never seen before by the raw meat militia before it gets to that point.

But yes, we somewhat underestimated them. Gave him sleepless nights, look at him.


SSpots starting point guard
I feel evil for finding this shit interesting, I just hope the Muslim children won’t be affected as bad.