Its Amxaaro hunting season!TPLF have captured Alamata, a supposedly majority Amhara city @xabashi
Tigray rebels say they capture main town, push south and west
NAIROBI - Rebels in Ethiopia's
Here before the ensuing bloodbath between the two
Wachiis to me you are worse than amhara and TPLF a galla that stoopes low to believing menelik was your messiah for your galla nation while Sudan hero the Mahdi was your oppressor.
You can never fool me because you also once were trying to scam somalis on social media.
The Bashaar scenario could happen like this: lose Tigray, ENDF badly weakened, that embolden other kilils/insurgents. Probably DDS/Gambela first but keep Cafar loyalty thus keeping Djibouti transport route. WesternOromia lost. Crush Caruusa and EasternQoti and or alternatively keep DDS loyalty and sponsor DDS liyu to act in Hararga/Caruusa areas
Too many variables to predict how that happen. What we can do is go off this map and see patterns
View attachment 193027
Crisis in Ethiopia - Google My Maps
A map of the ongoing crisis in Ethiopia between the Abiy Ahmed led government+regional allies and the semi-autonomous Tigray Region led by the TPLF. Please take note that due to the internet shutdown and socioeconomic conditions of the region, getting information is slow and often
Cafar appear to be neutral or pro TPLF since TDF is doing best in areas near Cafar kilil. Cafar are traditionally anti Afeworqi and pro AddisAbaba though but Afeworqi is also supporting Addiis. @xabashi could be right about Wolqayit but it depends on PFDJ army presence.
I predict Abiy keeps the support of all the small kilils. Axmaara kilil also. @Abba Sadacha is wrong @Sheikh Kulkuli is right that westernOromiya has traditionally been docile farmers the most devoutly nationalist/tribalist Oromo are Caruusa and easternQoti. Abiy can use eastern Qoti against neighboring DDS clans and vice versa. That is until/if subsidies run out for local kilil governments and/or ENDF lose their dominance over heavily armed seminomadic-clans' militias
No official recognition of internal/external border changes even if we have new de-facto borders
Go preach your qotti gospel to others.Do you think that I care what, an irrational, overly angry, lying, extremist thinks of me?
Who said Menelik was my hero? Me stating the truth about him, does not make me a supporter of his, nor does it imply that I consider him a ''hero.''
They didn’t capture semera. Afars always been a long ally with tigray helping them transport stuff but same time these afaris are aligned with Abiy which confuses me. I’m pretty sure afar just invited them in with ease.The west is behind their attack on Eritrea, they want regime change there.
They are now fighting in Amhara territory if you believe the news that's coming out.
Amharas are the biggest naago in east africa.
tigray also captured the capital of afar from what I heard this morning.
they are not fucking around.
Where is this
Afars aren't aligned with tigaru or TPLF as now TDF invaded their land there's calls for Adidas Ababa to intervene and protect their region and pastoralist from the advancement of TDF to their capitalThey didn’t capture semera. Afars always been a long ally with tigray helping them transport stuff but same time these afaris are aligned with Abiy which confuses me. I’m pretty sure afar just invited them in with ease.
excitingAs I said earlier TPLF is moving towards capturing the Djibouti Addis road link.
If they destroy the bridges of the train as well as put mines on those roads its game over.
TDF can also loot all supplies heading to Addis just like ENDF & Amhara militia did in Makelle.