Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia


Veni Vidi Vici
No army can beat a determined nation, which is what the tigrayans are. They see it as a war for their survival as a people, while abiy sees it as survival of his power politically.
Abiy, right now, its vengeance. Settling issues. Tigray may be fighting for survival, but politically, its game over, it was game over long time ago.


SSpots starting point guard
Tigray controlled the military and intelligence branches and all the important positions and gained experience there, and other ethnicities were not allowed near. Most the high ranking officers were Tigray. They have also been stockpiling weapons all these years. A significant amount of the advanced military hardware went to Tigray. They even kept the Ethiopian army weak because they knew a time would come that they would have to fight the Ethiopian army again. They’ve been preparing for this war for 30 years. The Oromos don’t have the weapons, advanced military hardware, logistics, skills and experience that the Tigray have. It’s not fair to compare them. And they are not even half as united and determined either.
What your saying is not wrong but this East Africa we’re speaking about. All you need is numbers, weapons, and strategy. But the one thing that is more valuable then all of those is experience. Oromos don’t like fighting and have never liked it whereas Tigrayans are warriors sxb. Why do you think us somalis have conquered all the land we inhabit today without any foreign help.
Striking the dam would create catastrophic international diplomacy for Egypt as the African nations could turn against Egypt with western nations pushing for some sanctions and let's not forget the flooding it will cause for Ethiopians near the border with Sudan with itself being flooded alongside Egypt as they're low river stream nations. 5 billion cubic meters of water is lots of waters

Egypt has more western support than ethipioa.Egypt is more important for western world if egypt falls isreal will be be threatened. Ethipioa if it falls will fall.The day it falls than peace will emerge to horn of Africa.Somali region can join Somalia and than somaliland will naturally want to rejoin somalia.Tigurary will become Indepent so will amhara and other regions which will either join Sudan or become Independent :rejoice:
Hawiye took xamar and oromo can’t take Addis, you can see why Somalis are the more superior warriors.
HG are the most powerful group no one can touch them.If HG were the majority of Somali region they would have taken over it and destroyed the raw meat eat.


What your saying is not wrong but this East Africa we’re speaking about. All you need is numbers, weapons, and strategy. But the one thing that is more valuable then all of those is experience. Oromos don’t like fighting and have never liked it whereas Tigrayans are warriors sxb. Why do you think us somalis have conquered all the land we inhabit today without any foreign help.
Somalis are worse than Oromos lol we have no influence or stakes in this civil war. Oromos have the numbers but they don’t have the weapons, or strategy that Tigray have. And the Tigray are mobilising their entire male population even children so they have probably have way more numbers than Oromos do.
OLA are consolidating base areas and building support in the countryside, stage one of Maoist people's war. They are not ready to undertake large offensives in this phase of people's war, and lack the heavy weapons to do so successfully, they are better off doing what they are doing, blocking roads and taking control of the Oromo countryside. When the time is right they will attack the cities and then march on the capital.
OLA consolidating power from who? OLA is like flower girls with pom pom ppwer hungry people ready to surrender power ro amhara once they even amanage to take over Addis ababa.
OLA is a joke.
Somalis are worse than Oromos lol we have no influence or stakes in this civil war. Oromos have the numbers but they don’t have the weapons, or strategy that Tigray have. And the Tigray are mobilising their entire male population even children so they have probably have way more numbers than Oromos do.
If Somalis joined the war the west would be biased.
Let them chew each other Ethiopia today is like 1977 but without Somalia troops invasion.

I have spoken to Amhara people and they have no remorse in trying bring an end to war they all are thinking like exterminating Tigrayans.
They are animals.
What your saying is not wrong but this East Africa we’re speaking about. All you need is numbers, weapons, and strategy. But the one thing that is more valuable then all of those is experience. Oromos don’t like fighting and have never liked it whereas Tigrayans are warriors sxb. Why do you think us somalis have conquered all the land we inhabit today without any foreign help.

It's not that Oromo's ''dislike fighting,'' it's that, Abiy's men have been more brutal than even the previous era, he even said ''you did not see tigray fighting their leader, meles, so I should be treated the same way in oromia.'' basically, he wants blindly loyal followers in oromia.
OLA is not doing bad though. It had to build an entirely new army from scratch, with no weapons, no funds, no support, except from its people.
it's not like tigray, which was stashing heavy and light weapons for years upon years, and had stashed billions of dollars, and had about 250,000 forces who are/were all loyal to their people


It's not that Oromo's ''dislike fighting,'' it's that, Abiy's men have been more brutal than even the previous era, he even said ''you did not see tigray fighting their leader, meles, so I should be treated the same way in oromia.'' basically, he wants blindly loyal followers in oromia.
OLA is not doing bad though. It had to build an entirely new army from scratch, with no weapons, no funds, no support, except from its people.
it's not like tigray, which was stashing heavy and light weapons for years upon years, and had stashed billions of dollars, and had about 250,000 forces who are/were all loyal to their people
oromiya surrounds addis ababa. ola/olf are a bunch of poosays.
oromiya surrounds addis ababa. ola/olf are a bunch of poosays.
does that ensure heavy weapons for the OLA? not necessarily. how is that, when they started off with a few hundred men, fighting against tens of thousands of federal troops, federal police, amhara police, eritrean troops and oromia policE? all alone with no help? is that a cowardly thing to do? no. let me ask you now, what are the somalis doing? sleeping?


does that ensure heavy weapons for the OLA? not necessarily. how is that, when they started off with a few hundred men, fighting against tens of thousands of federal troops, federal police, amhara police, eritrean troops and oromia policE? all alone with no help? is that a cowardly thing to do? no. let me ask you now, what are the somalis doing? sleeping?
stop sugarcoating. your people surround the capital. the qoti liberation army is lead by the dogs of amhara.
Well done TDF for capturing Dessie.
1.When Italy captured Dessie in 1930s Haile Selasie escaped to UK.
2.When TPLF+ EPLF defeated Derg in Dessie 1991 Mengistu escaped to Harare.
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