Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia


Bantu Liberation Movement
Abiy said he won't go down like Mengistu, I welcome his words. If he stays and falls for his cause, I will applaud him.
Ethiopian government has laid condition for negotiations.

1- TPLF stops fighting.
2- TPLF withdraws from Afar & Amhara regions.
3- TPLF recognize the legitimacy of the Ethiopian government.

It was a good run, rather obvious Abiye is throwing the towel.


Ethiopian government has laid condition for negotiations.

1- TPLF stops fighting.
2- TPLF withdraws from Afar & Amhara regions.
3- TPLF recognize the legitimacy of the Ethiopian government.

It was a good run, rather obvious Abiye is throwing the towel.
The TDF will never give up their advantageous positions when they know abiy will double cross them once he regains international support and uses the fully deployed turkish drones by January to decimate the TDF infantry from above.

It's now or never for both parties.
Ethiopian government has laid condition for negotiations.

1- TPLF stops fighting.
2- TPLF withdraws from Afar & Amhara regions.
3- TPLF recognize the legitimacy of the Ethiopian government.

It was a good run, rather obvious Abiye is throwing the towel.
For 8 months Abye was ethnic cleansing them in Tigray.So no one will take their bait.
Abiy said he won't go down like Mengistu, I welcome his words. If he stays and falls for his cause, I will applaud him.
I support Abe for this Hano burburiyo Addis Ababa.He has no wealth in Addis Ababa nor family so he wouldnt mind burning it down.I also thank Afaworki for advising him not to chicken out like Mengistu.


Veni Vidi Vici
@Sheikh Kulkuli Tigray once it overthrows Abiy should not officially declare secession but it should, like Puntland in Somalia, be fully autonomous from the federal government in practice.
lol. Keep to Somali politics mate, cause you don't get the WHOLE reason they went to war is because of Tigrays defiance.

"When Tigray overthrows Abiy", they won't declare succession, but return to power to step on heads and get revenge.
lol. Keep to Somali politics mate, cause you don't get the WHOLE reason they went to war is because of Tigrays defiance.

"When Tigray overthrows Abiy", they won't declare succession, but return to power to step on heads and get revenge.
TPLF would be too weak and would take 10 years to recover.In 1991 Mengistu left Addis fullyy intact and TPLF inherited its infrastructure and the banking sector and civil service was.fully functioning.

The war in Ethiopia will turn into door to door fighting like Xamar in 1991.Xabashis will never forgive each other they are not like Somalis.

Abye probably will be deposed after 6 months and Addis Ababa would probably turn into Idbil.Abye would probably turn into a warlord and fight on using Amhara region and probably other states as bases.

The level which Amhara hate Tigrayans makes you think twice about what kind of people Amhara have.Because if they hate Tigrayans with such passion and they are fellow Xabashi then it means amhara hate Somalis 1000 times more than they hate Tigrayans and they hate oromos 100 times more than Tigrayans.

There was this picture of an Ethiopian man that was presumed to be an amhara brave warrior that was being circulated on social media by amhara and they were praising him.when they found out he was of oromo origin but was amharanised they dropped him and never talked again about him.wa qolo cunsuri.
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i think the afar are divided, some fighting the tplf, because of the crimes they carried out on afar civilians and property, while some allied with tplf, for whatever reasons

