Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
It looks like Mile on the important A1 Djibouti-Addis Highway has fallen or is about to fall to the TPLF. Ethiopia will still have the Dire Dawa railroad/highway and the Berbera corridor to import through. The Afar are putting up stunning resistence, but seem to be outnumbered.

If Mille has fallen, it shows that the Ethiopian government is weakening quickly, being unable to protect one of its three most important lifelines. Uhuru Kenyatta is in Addis attempting to broker a ceasefire of some kind. Whatever happens, Ethiopia will not go back to the way it was pre Nov 2020, the TPLF have exposed the Amhara as paper tigers.
This man stoked violence between Somalia and oromos, esp in 2018. He’s an oromo supremacist

If anything, he wanted Oromo and Somali to be at peace.

But if you have proof he stoked the violence between the two brotherly nations, post it. I don't always agree with Jawar, none can be blindly followed except for Allaahs messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam
I like his speech here but he might be exercising a Double Tongue Speech.

But where did his Oromo unity landed him?
What do you mean?

You're right. But we all make mistakes. It is what it is. Abiy most likely saw him as a threat to his power in Oromia and of course, Amhara supremacists never hid their dislike or hatred for him.


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
What do you mean?

You're right. But we all make mistakes. It is what it is. Abiy most likely saw him as a threat to his power in Oromia and of course, Amhara supremacists never hid their dislike or hatred for him.
cus him and his co-horts stoked violence against Somalis that border with Oromos, resulting in thousands getting summarily lynched and millions uprooted from their lands.


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
And what did he say or do, exactly, to cause that?
Unimpressed Sea GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
find it or i'll let you know when i do
@Afro Asiatic already told you. :draketf: do u wanna us to perform a reenactment of such a vile behavior acts at u r amusement?

He didn't say what jawar said or did, specifically, to allegedly make Oromo do what you said. Also, let's tell the whole story, Abdi illey and his Somali army opened a war on Oromo in the east and south, to try and save the TPLF, before that, there were no such major problems with Oromo and Somalis. I'm not excusing anyone, but let's be fair here. Wrong is wrong, whether it's an Oromo or a Somali that does it.


If anything, he wanted Oromo and Somali to be at peace.

But if you have proof he stoked the violence between the two brotherly nations, post it. I don't always agree with Jawar, none can be blindly followed except for Allaahs messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam
Ive met the guy he genuinely thinks everything west of Ogadens(in his language Qabri Dahar) belongs to Oromia. Jawar was a total zealot and that was even years before he came close to any form of real power.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
He didn't say what jawar said or did, specifically, to allegedly make Oromo do what you said. Also, let's tell the whole story, Abdi illey and his Somali army opened a war on Oromo in the east and south, to try and save the TPLF, before that, there were no such major problems with Oromo and Somalis. I'm not excusing anyone, but let's be fair here. Wrong is wrong, whether it's an Oromo or a Somali that does it.

The Oromo have been encroaching on the eastern boundary of Fafan Zone and Nogob Zone using the Oromia state forces. over 90% of a Somali woreda, Mayumulk woreda inhabited by the Gugundhabe Hawiye, has been taken illegally from the Somali region. The Garre in Moyale, and the Geri in Tuli Guleed have managed to stand their ground just barely.

Oromo have been given a free hand by Addis to attack the Somali region as a distraction. You are very lucky that Cagjar, the pseudo raw meat eater, is president and not someone more competent.


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
Djibouti-Ethiopian road that goes thru Mille, Afar region has fallen

Whats next here for All sides concerned? Abiy/Amhara Vs TDF
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When civil war broke out in Somalia, did Ethiopia close her borders? No. They welcomed us with open arms therefore we should give them the same treatment they gave our refugees.
Where exactly did they welcome us? In bahir dar?
Tell me a refugee camp in Tigray or Oromia or Addis ababa or Amhara state that welxomed Somalis.
DDS is a Somali state so that doesnt count its not owned by Xabashi.
Where exactly did they welcome us? In bahir dar?
Tell me a refugee camp in Tigray or Oromia or Addis ababa or Amhara state that welxomed Somalis.
DDS is a Somali state so that doesnt count its not owned by Xabashi.

I agree 100 percent same with kenya. Dadaab is in garissa county.

