Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

they have too many big allies to collapse. when Somalia collapsed they had zero super power allies or even powerful allies.

Ethiopia has China, Russia and Turkey even UAE is helping them. Ethiopia wont collapse but we will see the end of TPLF and possible occupation of tigray region.
Russia, China and UAE have actually switched recently, they now support Egypt/Sudan over Ethiopia
Russia, China and UAE have actually switched recently, they now support Egypt/Sudan over Ethiopia

This is just from yesterday, China fully backs Ethiopia. China's relationship with Ethiopia and its relationship with Egypt have nothing to do with each other.

Long term occupation of Tigray is not possible they are not like docile Somalis

Not only will there be a long term occupation it would not surprise me if the Tigray kilil is carved up by Amhara and Afar and only Mekele and its surrounding areas being Tigray only.

The way he deals with Tigray region will be an example of what will happen if Oromo region does the same.

Ethiopia getting rid of UN and NGO's is a precursor of what is about to befall on Tigray, remember last year abiy captured Mekele then was very merciful towards TPLF but it backfired on him.
Tigray is basically destroyed and needs Ethiopia to recover and get rebuilt hence why independence is out of the question surely. TDF should go back to their region
I think TDF has realized it would be very unrealistic to fight alone against an enemy who is supported by many superpowers and now they might go back as far as alamata cuz whenever they root ENDF, abiy is compensating within a few weeks and getting back with larger number and more advanced weapon than before so they better go back to tigray and the earlier the better
I think TDF has realized it would be very unrealistic to fight alone against an enemy who is supported by many superpowers and now they might go back as far as alamata cuz whenever they root ENDF, abiy is compensating within a few weeks and getting back with larger number and more advanced weapon than before so they better go back to tigray and the earlier the better
That is what used to happen to ONLF.

You kill 1000 ENDF soilders another fresh 1000 arrive a vicious cycle that never ends. Problem with xabashis is when they rule they think they will rule till eternity that is why they never made allies.

If TPLF had made allies witth Somalis or afars they would have been in better postion today.But TPLF made enemies with friends that brought them to Addis loke Eritreans and Somalis.30 years they spent it on destroying somalis and Eritreans and feeding amhara now the dog has become mature and wants to eat them up.
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Tigray is now suffering cuz the disastrous miscalculations of TPLF back in the days, these niggas has ignored the cause of their people and pursued their personal satisfactions

They assumed they will keep the satus quo forever and rewarded their enemies at expense of their allies, they fight hard to make stronger Ethiopia than ever before while trying to dismantle eritrea and somalia

To me TPLF could escape from the current embarrassment by taking these decisions but unfortunately they let ethiopia be strong enough just to massacre their people later on

1. They could have established a genuine federalism or even confederalism in 1991 where the absolute power lies in the hands of federal member states but they opted to restablish the amhara style strong central government under the cover of bogus federalism where the puppets installed in the different absolutely had no power and not even aware of what is happening in their region

2. The could secede with some afar territories and be of their own country just like eritreans

3. Even if they opted to rule ethiopia, they could have made Afwerki a strong ally and used assab instead of djibouti and invested heavily the roads and railways connecting tigray to eritrea and other parts of Ethiopia, so that no ethiopians would dare to invade its supply routes

4. They shouldn't have handed over power peacefully in 2018 but they should have let rebells fight againt them and keep only the way connecting addisababa to mekelle so that they could escabe atlast to mekelle and let these guerillas fight against eachother

I bet they are cursing Melez melaada at this time😂😂
Tigray is now suffering cuz the disastrous miscalculations of TPLF back in the days, these niggas has ignored the cause of their people and pursued their personal satisfactions

They assumed they will keep the satus quo forever and rewarded their enemies at expense of their allies, they fight hard to make stronger Ethiopia than ever before while trying to dismantle eritrea and somalia

To me TPLF could escape from the current embarrassment by taking these decisions but unfortunately they let ethiopia be strong enough just to massacre their people later on

1. They could have established a genuine federalism or even confederalism in 1991 where the absolute power lies in the hands of federal member states but they opted to restablish the amhara style strong central government under the cover of bogus federalism where the puppets installed in the different absolutely had no power and not even aware of what is happening in their region

2. The could secede with some afar territories and be of their own country just like eritreans

3. Even if they opted to rule ethiopia, they could have made Afwerki a strong ally and used assab instead of djibouti and invested heavily the roads and railways connecting tigray to eritrea and other parts of Ethiopia, so that no ethiopians would dare to invade its supply routes

4. They shouldn't have handed over power peacefully in 2018 but they should have let rebells fight againt them and keep only the way connecting addisababa to mekelle so that they could escabe atlast to mekelle and let these guerillas fight against eachother
Spot on
That is what used to happen to ONLF.

You kill 1000 ENDF soilders another fresh 1000 arrive a vicious cycle that never ends. Problem with xabashis is when they rule they think they will rule till eternity that is why they never made allies.

If TPLF had made allies witth Somalis or afars they would have been in better postion today.But TPLF made enemies with friends that brought them to Addis loke Eritreans and Somalis.30 years they spent it on destroying somalis and Eritreans and feeding amhara now the dog has become mature and wants to eat them up.
For amhara or oromo, this could reasonable but for minority group like tigray this would be an acceptable and deadly, I dont what they smoking on when they were invading their former allies by siding with amhara and oromo but I am sure they become conscious once again after a 30 years of an illusion

And from now on if they dont keep fighting for survival they would end up in a stateless and landless peasants and we might see them in somalia as beggers cuz no amhara has mercy on them
Represent all Ethiopia and yet wants to erhnic cleanse one of them while he has jailed majority if oromo political activists and let amhara rule supreme wven their racists are untouchable they go on media curse on Abye sbut its fine.

I didn't say he was doing a good job tho lol but saying that's his or any leaders job. Abiy is An Amhara elitist wolf in Oromo sheep's clothing. But no doubt, eventually he will lose. Then he can go rule Gondar.
I didn't say he was doing a good job tho lol but saying that's his or any leaders job. Abiy is An Amhara elitist wolf in Oromo sheep's clothing. But no doubt, eventually he will lose. Then he can go rule Gondar.
Wachis even if you were given Abyes position you would still empower amhara and probably you date amhara chicks and might end up marrying amhara woman to gain status in Ethiopia.
I didn't say he was doing a good job tho lol but saying that's his or any leaders job. Abiy is An Amhara elitist wolf in Oromo sheep's clothing. But no doubt, eventually he will lose. Then he can go rule Gondar.
Akam jirta😀 why are your oromo watching their people massacred and arrested every single day by abiys regime, are oromo divided politically or just youre lazy and coward to fight for your cause
Wachis even if you were given Abyes position you would still empower amhara and probably you date amhara chicks and might end up marrying amhara woman to gain status in Ethiopia.

I would not want that power, are you kidding me? Ethiopia is a miserable, nation created by the european elites to extract resources from there and to have an ally in the region.
I would marry a Muslim lady, of any ethnicity, whether she is somali or amhara or afar or tigrayan or gurage or even mexican or cuban; if we were compatible. what's wrong with that?
Ethnicity is something none of us have control over, Allaah chose our parents, not us.
You are too hateful brother, calm down and take a breath and relax. All Amhara's ain't your enemies, they're aren't all bad.
Akam jirta😀 why are your oromo watching their people massacred and arrested every single day by abiys regime, are oromo divided politically or just youre lazy and coward to fight for your cause

We have many problems unfortunately, kind of like our somali cousins. You have to understand a few things:

*Abiy and his party, were serving the interests of tigrayan elites until the oromo protests, to maintain their power and loot, then they switched loyalties to amhara elites, to do the same: maintain their power and their loot.
*OLA will eventually, in the long term, make Oromia ungovernable for them, which in turn, will make them react in harsher ways, unfortunately. But that takes time. Oromo's have no allies except for themselves, and the westerners prefer a minority group like tplf because they would be their puppets & serve the west blindly in exchange for power, weapons, etc; but the majority groups like oromo do not need to serve the west, all they need is unity among themselves, coordinated leadership, etc. not to mention that, they see muslim oromo as the majority, and would not like to see their ''christian ally'' ethiopia be governed by muslim oromo who may call for a referendum.

