Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

This animals dont reven have teeth to bite yet they are drraming about taking over asab.

Afaworki knows that is why his plan worked so well using the ignorant galla Abye.

This galla has no brains.
Do you know one of the architects to remove Haile Selaise was Eritrean named General Andom? He ensured that Selasie finally did rest in Piss.
@Sheikh Kulkuli I just don't understand why some Amharas have this delusion of expansionism when their very existence can be challenged. Always they like to claim other lands eg Assab, Djibouti, Berbera, Saylac etc when this is just an illusion
@Sheikh Kulkuli I just don't understand why some Amharas have this delusion of expansionism when their very existence can be challenged. Always they like to claim other lands eg Assab, Djibouti, Berbera, Saylac etc when this is just an illusion
You dont know amhara they are cadaan with black skin and empty brains.

They are KKK version of a dirty, ignorant and arrogant African.

They have been brainwashed so badly that they think they have priviledge over others.Their hate for Tigrayans fascinates me.Because for the 30 years of TPLF in power they were second in command and they were left alone to develop their lands.Yet their hate for them is they think they were the only sole rights to plundering and stealing the resources of other ethnicities and nationalities in Ethiopia.

Axmaaro are animals and like crocodiles.I am happy Afaworki destroyed both them and Woyanes.
@Sheikh Kulkuli with the release of TPLF mastermind Sebhat Nega I guess maybe it's no longer a conspiracy theory to say that Abiy made a secret deal with Tigray by throwing Amhara and Eritrea under the bus
Tbh I dont know what deal took place but probably Abye was goven ultimatum by the US.

Abye finally released he cant survive without the western powers backing.

All I want to see is amhara humiliated and humbled.There is currently war going on in Welkiyat between TDF vs Amhara Fano / Eritrea.
Tbh I dont know what deal took place but probably Abye was goven ultimatum by the US.

Abye finally released he cant survive without the western powers backing.

All I want to see is amhara humiliated and humbled.There is currently war going on in Welkiyat between TDF vs Amhara Fano / Eritrea.

Does Eritrea also want to weaken both Amhara and Tigray?

Lol funny stuff warya. That'd led to war too because they'd claim Oromo lands, some land that Tigray claims, probably some Afar lands too.
Obbo qotti I am just a messenger.Dont shoot me.

Amhara are pissed of with Abye for releasing TDF prisoners and Oromo Prisoners like Jawar.
What do you think?
Unless you are an undercover naftanya. :mjohreally: