It's a political struggle not a war even if it was a war why would we "flee " to Somalia lool that Doesn't make sense we don't even border Somalia
Not 'tigray' I don't fear them due to their small numbers but the oromos will flee here is no question as their not the best at battles and will camp out in safety in Somalia if the war escalates towards oromia, there is no doubt in my mind, they already infesting us, if u give them unstable ethiopia, they will swallow somalia. No offence but oromos are not much different to eelays not the best at battles and also do walking around like oromos in somalia. We got the hordes here but their quite peaceful at least and oromo in most instance is also
Sxb yemenis/oromos are in Somalia, ppl will go where-ever there is safety first, they might not want to live there but safety comes first and they will apply thru UN humanitarian aid see 'human rights' lol for a spot overseas. But the oromo are so large it's nothing like yemenis-tigray- their manageable and only a 'few will come to Somalia' it wont big horde, maybe they will flee to sudan is the case for their bulk of ppl.
I want us just to make sure Oromo do not come not due to hate but their just to large for us to accomodate, like israelis will not tolerae all palestinians return for fear of disturbing the 'order'.