Who are you trying to lie to?He never killed no Somalis,it was all a propaganda,Somalis were killed by Abdi Iley with direct orders from TPLF.
Amara don’t have power lol your just settlers who kill tegaru and gala on their own soilOne advice: never ever underestimate the power of amharas. it is not based on one leader but they are powerful as a society with big influence in every sector. In my view no government will last long by sidelining the amhara or the oromo. Only a fool would try that path as TPLF did and reap the bitter fruit in full force as TPLF is now experiencing. Accommodate and compromise is the way forward.
Ok make sure you dont forget to buy your one way ticket to Madagascar.Amharas have minimal /zero powerfederally ,and even their regional leaders are Very weak ,they get fired anytime by Abiy.. We will round them up and deport them to Yemen soon..For Somalis Mustafe is doing good. ,,We can keep him.
Seems like the guy who was interviewed didnt have any clue on when they will wrap up this aimless operation, first he says 5-7 days then when asked again - he says 15 daysRead carefully what I said. I said I will update my prediction as the data comes in. That’s what sane people do. Emotional people like many here only tell us their wishes without considering facts on the ground, I said first 3 days knowing very well the capacity of the northern command but after new information came that TPLF attacked it during sleep and looted weapons I had to adjust my prediction. Otherwise it would be stupid not to consider hard facts. So I said 2 weeks (max 3). Now we are nearing the 2 weeks and also the army is nearing Mekele. So my prediction is realistic. Today new information came that TPLF has destroyed 4 bridges and a road to Mekele to slow down the advancement of the army. I may consider this data in my prediction of course but I have to wait more data to understand the real impact of this act.
I may be off by 1 or 2 weeks but that will be way better than of all here talking their wishful thinking and saying this war will go for years or Ethiopia will be disintegrated blah blah nonsense.
Btw, the defense minister today agreed with me and said he expects to end the operation in the coming 10-15 days. That is realistic in my view.
A gift of God he is cursed.You are right, PM Abiy is a gift of God to the region. He is a good person and any sane person will not wish evil to him. He should lead the country at least the next 10 years or more! Unlike most politicians he a vision, a grand vision for the region in many sectors including economy, technology, ICT etc. Let's all give him a chance and support our PM!
A gift of God he is cursed.
A pente who is despised by both Amhara and Oromo.
A former TPLF water boy.
why isn't this being displayed to the general publicThis war in Ethiopia is the biggest and most ruthless battle in the horn of Africa since the last two decades.
1000s are dying per hour.
This war in Ethiopia is the biggest and most ruthless battle in the horn of Africa since the last two decades.
1000s are dying per hour.
Weakest? Abba sadacha who are you kidding?
The body count of oromos since Abye took over exceeds any other etnic group.
Oromo leaders are in jail.
You cant say shit in Addis abab or Amharas will lynch your galla ass.
I dont know what you are smoking but that shit is strong.