Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

Due to Meles border wars with them. They were cool when they toppled Mengistu together.
Its only Afaworki that has beef with Tigrayans.
Eritreans are cool with Tigrayans for two reasons.
1.Is during the war all of Ethiopia participated infact it was the Ethiopian parliament that took the decision to go into conflict.So it was an Ethiopian Vs Eritrea of which Amhara and Oromos fully supported.

2.The Eritreans have forgotten about the 20 year war all their memories is about how the dictator Afaworki stole their dreams and hopes and turned Eritrea into a concentration camp with no future in the horizon.So an Eritrean who escapes to Tigray has a better life.

Prime Minister

Somali Promotion Agent
Due to Meles border wars with them. They were cool when they toppled Mengistu together.
It's the Eritreans that have a cold attitude towards Tigrays from Ethiopia they had a common enemy which was Haile Selassie and the Derg but other than that they did not get along due to Eritreans creating a new national identity and calling themselves Kebessa tribe. That was because of Haile Selassie reincorporating Eritrea as a province instead of a autonomous region after the Italians left and forcing Amhara culture and language on them.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Its only Afaworki that has beef with Tigrayans.
Eritreans are cool with Tigrayans for two reasons.
1.Is during the war all of Ethiopia participated infact it was the Ethiopian parliament that took the decision to go into conflict.So it was an Ethiopian Vs Eritrea of which Amhara and Oromos fully supported.

2.The Eritreans have forgotten about the 20 year war all their memories is about how the dictator Afaworki stole their dreams and hopes and turned Eritrea into a concentration camp with no future in the horizon.So an Eritrean who escapes to Tigray has a better life.
It's the Eritreans that have a cold attitude towards Tigrays from Ethiopia they had a common enemy which was Haile Selassie and the Derg but other than that they did not get along due to Eritreans creating a new national identity and calling themselves Kebessa tribe. That was because of Haile Selassie reincorporating Eritrea as a province instead of a autonomous region after the Italians left and forcing Amhara culture and language on them.

Are they the same people ethnic/qabil wise?


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Eritreans don't consider themselves related to the Tigrays in Ethiopia they have great animosity towards them peace with Eritrea was never on thet able for them.
Eritrean is a collective term similar to Ethiopian. Tigrinya (Orthodox Tigrayans), Tigre (Muslim) and Jeberti (Muslim Tigrayans) constitute about 90% of population in Eritrea.

By joining Eritrea, the Tigray region gets immunity from Amhara/Oromo expansionism or extermination, plus a sea access. As @Django said they should have jumped the ship when they could. Now it is a tall order to escape hungry Amharas.

Tigrayans should put their differences aside and ask Egypt to support them. But, Afwerki and Gebremichael are two peas in a pot and would rather exterminate each others.
:pachah1: @Django no one here understands these Amhara raw meat eaters boowe. Translate
Boowe I just try to use my somali and arabic words to decepher through it.
But I guess this guy is talking about how people settle in Ethiopia.The last part he claims probably that amhara stole most of the langaabs in amhara region so that they can become landheere.

:russ: like they Amhara are like Raxaweyn.


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Boowe I just try to use my somali and arabic words to decepher through it.
But I guess this guy is talking about how people settle in Ethiopia.The last part he claims probably that amhara stole most of the langaabs in amhara region so that they can become landheere.

:russ: like they Amhara are like Raxaweyn.
What is your assessment of Oromos? Are they cucks against Amharas? I wonder if these two will ever go against each other like Tigrays vs Amharas right now.


Engineer of Qandala
So the government is fighting both the Tigray ppl and the TPLF?
Why is the government collectively punishing the Tigray ppl for . They’re obviously not going to forgive or forget once this is over . In fact since they’re being targeted they’re more likely going to support the tplf .
What is your assessment of Oromos? Are they cucks against Amharas? I wonder if these two will ever go against each other like Tigrays vs Amharas right now.
Oromos are useless they are hot air.If Tigrayans lose they will give up.

Amhara doesnt need to use his gun on oromos.Oromos will just split into house and field negroes.

Guys I finally caught up with Omar del sor.


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
I wonder if anything concrete will come out of the informal UN Security Council meeting. It looks like the Tigray leadership is trying to get the IC involved and highlight the Ethiopian offensive and Eritrean participation. There are some voices in Europe trying to bring up to attention the Eritrean military involvement in the conflict.

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