Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

Mekelle is about to fall

RIP tplf 1992-2020


It was a good run
TPLF is not about to fall because it says Tigray people liberation front.
It started in 1970s and thanks to Siad Barre who provided them with trainning and support and Eritrean liberation front, it peeked in the late 80s.
Were it not for Siad Baree and Eritrea they would never have captured Addis Ababa.

But look what when they captured Addis Ababa they forgot to express gratitude to their friends but extended friendship and love to Amhara.
They have every opportunity to leave Ethiopia under article 39 of the Ethiopian constituion but they decided to be parasites on Ethiopia building Tigray while at the expense of Ethiopia.

They are one of the most vile human beings in the horn of Africa.
That is why Allah is humiliating them.
Just visit their FB and Twitter accounts and see how grown ups have turned into savage mode.
Words like " exterminate", " parasites"
Are common words that go hand in hand with tigrayan.

It’s so funny, werent they upset with oromos having this same energy for them? I saw a post where they overthrew some tplf statue in Amhara region and they were celebrating, but these same ppl were crying over oromos overthrowing Menelik statue.

A few weeks back I was beginning to think these ppl were softies being targeted too much but now I realized they were just scared of the self destructive Oromo horde and were putting on a puppy dog face for sympathy. Tigray citizens aren’t as scary so they’re able to show their true colors now
Just visit their FB and Twitter accounts and see how grown ups have turned into savage mode.
Words like " exterminate", " parasites"
Are common words that go hand in hand with tigrayan.
first step is to dehumanise em so that they dont feel like they are killing people
It’s so funny, werent they upset with oromos having this same energy for them? I saw a post where they overthrew some tplf statue in Amhara region and they were celebrating, but these same ppl were crying over oromos overthrowing Menelik statue.

A few weeks back I was beginning to think these ppl were softies being targeted too much but now I realized they were just scared of the self destructive Oromo horde and were putting on a puppy dog face for sympathy. Tigray citizens aren’t as scary so they’re able to show their true colors now

Look at how grown up amharas talk in public speeches then xabashi want to claim something different here.


Engineer of Qandala
:westbrookwtf:72 hours? Abiy and his delays getting more suspect, is this mercy or just ENDF having problems catching TPLF leaders.

Can't believe that they are that stupid
When they are used to killing ogaden civilians and oromos and they are not brought to account by IC.They start beleiving they are above the law and can go away with killing their own xabashi.

Abye is accumulating war crimes in the comming 10 years he will have enough dossier and evidence piled against him to put him in cuffs.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
The Tigrays should have declared independence and made peace with thier Eritrean neighbors. In the end, they were just power hungry langaab fools who thought they could rule thier more landheere neighbors who despised them forever.

:manny: karma is a

Prime Minister

Somali Promotion Agent
The Tigrays should have declared independence and made peace with thier Eritrean neighbors. In the end, they were just power hungry langaab fools who thought they could rule thier more landheere neighbors who despised them forever.

:manny: karma is a *****
Eritreans don't consider themselves related to the Tigrays in Ethiopia they have great animosity towards them peace with Eritrea was never on thet able for them.

