Man that weapon stash is huge, it seems Endf are not just vacating the place every time the tigrayan get closer.
TDF have been in govt for 30 years they know the sytem and gow to exploit it.Man that weapon stash is huge, it seems Endf are not just vacating the place every time the tigrayan get closer.
I wa little bit skeptical about the TDF in the beginning but those guys can go all the way up to Addis , they have the capacity, Abiy must be really shifting on his pants.
Abye is the most idiotic PM ever to have led Ethiopia.
He is gping to lose because he bet on the wrong horse.
He tried to appease amhara to keep his power and in that even sacrificed oromo cause.
Amhara are the ones that broke the back of the monarchy and borught down Haile Selasie.They not only betrayed the old man but also turned against each other and held demonstrations against the monarchy.
Abye inder estimated somalis and under utilised them by pitting them against their neighbours and amongst themselves.
If I was Abye I would have sacked Mustafa Cagjar made a pact with ONLF and used them to galvanise support and rule the country with iron fist.
Abye even picked afar against Somalis thinking they would be more useful them somalis.
The only group that can stop TDF is somalis.when I say somalis is by sacking Mustafa and not just merely sending ill equiped liyu somali police to the front lines.
Abye needs to win the hearts and minds of somalis.He needs to dump amhara they are greedy and un appreciative people.
Abye needs to bring in Somalis, gambelas, Afars to his side and free oromo political prisoners.
He needs to start treating somalis with respect and at par with amharas and he needs to trust somalis to cling on to power.
If Abye doesnt change his strategy right now he will lose and will be either hanged by TDF or face ICC criminal court.
Abye is the most idiotic PM ever to have led Ethiopia.
He is gping to lose because he bet on the wrong horse.
He tried to appease amhara to keep his power and in that even sacrificed oromo cause.
Amhara are the ones that broke the back of the monarchy and borught down Haile Selasie.They not only betrayed the old man but also turned against each other and held demonstrations against the monarchy.
Abye inder estimated somalis and under utilised them by pitting them against their neighbours and amongst themselves.
If I was Abye I would have sacked Mustafa Cagjar made a pact with ONLF and used them to galvanise support and rule the country with iron fist.
Abye even picked afar against Somalis thinking they would be more useful them somalis.
The only group that can stop TDF is somalis.when I say somalis is by sacking Mustafa and not just merely sending ill equiped liyu somali police to the front lines.
Abye needs to win the hearts and minds of somalis.He needs to dump amhara they are greedy and un appreciative people.
Abye needs to bring in Somalis, gambelas, Afars to his side and free oromo political prisoners.
He needs to start treating somalis with respect and at par with amharas and he needs to trust somalis to cling on to power.
If Abye doesnt change his strategy right now he will lose and will be either hanged by TDF or face ICC criminal court.
What kind of juju language is this
Oromos in ENDF refuse to fight against TDF.
@Abba Sadacha your uncle is caught not even using one bullet to defend Abye.
Oromos in ENDF refuse to fight against TDF.
@Abba Sadacha your uncle is caught not even using one bullet to defend Abye.
Astonished by how 69iq they arePoor abiy is now calling on all civilians to take up arms and fight against TDF, the same adversary that rooted the well equipped ENDF and EDF combined, a pure desperate act showing that the regime's days are numbered
imagine if we bordered iran or russia. they would have swallowed somalia a century ago. lixdan iyo sideed make lixdan iyo sagaal look like master tacticians.Astonished by how 69iq they are
Use TDF as TPLF has no influnce or power of what's happening in the ground the Tigaru are lead by veteran general Gebretensae the defacto leader of Tigray@Sheikh Kulkuli @Abba Sadacha
The war has entered a new phase
KumsaDiriba announcing alliance with TPLF. However no unity of effort or unity of command
They are now discussing political alliance between TPLF and OLA as well as other rebel groups
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UK is already talking about ENDF/Eritrea using rape as a weapon. Samantha Powers and Sudan were rejected by Abiy a few days ago. USA/UK/EU are probably looking for regime change. Now the big question is will the west give lethal assistance to the rebels
In other news TPLF are discussing a referendum
Older TPLF elites are probably against secession but Tigray hero Gabratsaadiq appears to be a secessionist
OLA & TDF seem to have made an alliance.Use TDF as TPLF has no influnce or power of what's happening in the ground the Tigaru are lead by veteran general Gebretensae the defacto leader of Tigray
What are the possibilities of somali region getting out of this? Or at least a coup happening in that region.OLA & TDF seem to have made an alliance.
Another Somali xoolo daaqaya mocking the fleeing ENDF from the dessie town to vacate the entire wollo region for the TDF to capture, he is calling on the government to reorganize the troops as theyre in a complete disarray at the moment.
The amharas are running for them selves and he is willing to remain in wollo and die for amhara expansionist agenda what a shame, these useless braindead ximaars need to end up in the TDF hands if they dont run whenever Ethiopian troops runaway from the fronts.