Clearly we are cursed Nation. But when did this curse start?

What was the most crucial turning point?

  • A) SNM treason the starting point of curse

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • B)USC butchering civilians cuz of clannism

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • C)famine killing thousands of people in Baidoaland

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D) none of them. I will tell u.....

    Votes: 19 45.2%

  • Total voters
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SNM and USC were simply protecting their people from a brutal maniac dictator called Siad Barre who was the one that destroyed Somalia.

May Allah bless the the fallen soldiers of the mujaahid SNM and USC that tried to protect their people. Ameen!


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa

Siyaad directly contradicted the Holy Quran in Surat Nisa by passing a law that Women should receive equal inheritance to Men.

I consider the clerics who spoke out against Siyaad and were later brutally executed to be among the shaheed, Jannat-ul-Firdaus for them inshallah.

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
When Siyaad Barre AUN came directly against Islamic ruling and implemented Marxist/Communist system. When he proposed free mixing of the sexes, banned Hijaab, and lastly killing of the Ulama. And the fact that most Somalis said nothing against the tyrant is why we deserve collective punishment that we endure today.

Sadly, the present people want to re visit the old ways.

Until Somalis get on their collective knees and beg and ask Allah SWT for forgiveness for their transgressions, there shall be no ease
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Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
But what if Siyad Barre made Tawbah and became excellent Ameer and excellent Mujaahid?:wow:

If he did that, none of us here would be in the west Mudane. :manny:

I would be chilling with a big booty Xalimo in Batalaale beach and you would be doing the same in Liido. :samwelcome:
USC failing to establish a working government with SNM and butchering many innocent civilians and the assassination of AbdiRashid Ali Shermake. Those two turning points ruined Somalia for good.
The '77 war was a big mistake and it hurt the economy and when the Siad Barre administration poured too much into Xamar instead of other places and concentrating too much money in one place we are still affected by it today.

When Siad Barre overthrew the Somali Youth League(most sub clans were represented).
Funny thing is that he had kinsmen in the SYL too :icon lol: :icon lol:


Always Venture, Always Win
Only 3 choices where 2 of it attacks Hawiye USC and Isaaq SNM, one wonders why no darood choice aren't included such as ssdf who started the first uprising before USC or SNM, and also siade barre atrocities wasn't included.

@SomaliWadaniSoldier why do you love/protect daroods so much, even so far as attacking your own (self claimed) clan Hawiye???

But what if Siyad Barre made Tawbah and became excellent Ameer and excellent Mujaahid?:wow:
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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
MSB cursed this country! He shouldve been more tough! He was too weak against thr troublemakers. He shouldve killed Aidid in prison!
When Barre was overthrown, all militia groups who continued the path of destruction should've come to the negotiating table to make amends. Somalis are Xoloo, we didn't even reconcile afterwords. USC was slaughtering folks left and right(and managed to destroy their city in the process), SSDF and later other Darood militias were all over the place. They're either fighting each other or vs USC. Even my ppl commited some atrocities against Dir. We also managed to level Hargeisa during the civil war.

Sxb no clan-subclan were angels, we all contributed to the destruction of the country.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
The '77 war was a big mistake and it hurt the economy and when the Siad Barre administration poured too much into Xamar instead of other places and concentrating too much money in one place we are still affected by it today.

Funny thing is that he had kinsmen in the SYL too :icon lol: :icon lol:

Yeah Jaalle Siad Barre and his team invested into the capital Xamar largely. If the all the other regions were invested in back then. The results would had been different.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
MSB cursed this country! He shouldve been more tough! He was too weak against thr troublemakers. He shouldve killed Aidid in prison!

MSB cherished Somalinimo. :wow: But I agree he should had executed Aidid in prison. When he was in there for like 7 yrs.
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